The newest bullshit is a $250 million "contribution" for raising property value around the cities proposed site, which they are developing with or without an arena, but the flames ownership has the gall to say it's a positive they are bringing to the table. The whole thing is disgusting, I don't even live in Canada and I would tell these fuckers to get bent too, king saying "were going to refer to Bettmans expertise is laughable. This whole thing is posturing on the election in a couple months so whatever, it's more to get the voters attention and maybe shift the vote to a more favorable candidate, good luck!
And RE: Burkie, I mean that's his damn job, if he said anything contrary he wouldn't have his job. They are right, an arena is probably needed in the next 5 years or so, currently it's better than where the NHL and Bettmans expertise set the islanders up at, cars in the lower bowl and seats with literal no views ¯_(ツ
_/¯ this league desperately needs new management, Bettman is the longest running commish by a lot now, wish they'd move on, but his incremental "growth" is enough to keep his position planted. I'm sure someone twenty years his senior could muster a much better effort.