It's going to be one of "those" games.
They should be glad they didn't trade himI believe that is the first goal Drouin has ever scored in Tampa. All his other goals have been on the road.
Good Job Tampa.
I really don't know who should win this series
Yeah, I'm pretty sure punching a dude with a blocker is a penalty... refs just letting Islanders get away with anything because they're behind in the game...
I hate that game management is a real thing... referees should not be influencing the flow of a game.
FTFYI'm pretty sure that's all from the Islanders this series
So that cat from last night was found somewhere in the Tank. It has food and water and they're gonna make some kind of announcement about it later.
So I went out to the Lightning Watch Party today, just felt like cheering with a large group of fans. Next thing I know, some guy comes up to me and tells me he's got an extra ticket if I wanted it. These were the seats:
MY. LORD. I've never been that close before and it's crazy how much the speed of the game really sinks in from there. And man what a dominant effort too. Just constant puck possession and absolute control of the 2nd and 3rd period. Beautiful. Only complaint is with Charron(who is always awful) and McCauley. Absolutely embarrassing officiating. McCauley in particular stared RIGHT at a high stick and a cross check in our area and just stared off into space like a moron. Incredible that they can't get anyone better for the playoffs.
All in all though, holy CRAP what a day. Still can't believe I got a free ticket from a stranger, much less so close. Bring on game 3!
That draft suspence.
e: wrong thread