Lol shaw
Shaw is a moron. Wait, why do the Blues have a PP? The ref had his arm up on the other end.
Shaw is a moron. Wait, why do the Blues have a PP? The ref had his arm up on the other end.
These offside reviews lol
On the one hand, you want to see the right calls made. On the other, the delays the introduced into the game kind of suck. It's especially annoying when they review an offside from several minutes before the goal after the fact. Thankfully, this one wasn't one of those.
Shaw needs to chill the fuck down
He got speared..?
Shaw needs to chill the fuck down
He can with chilled avocado smoothies
He can with chilled avocado smoothies
God just give me a game 5 win in St. Louis, these hawks are still scary I want this over ASAP.
eat shit!and/or avocados
The blitzball nightmare ain't over 'til it's over, brudda
Nah we hide out till the Blues are in the WCF.Enjoy the Stars, blues. Maybe now blues-gaf will show up.
i'm gonna file this under "things that look appealing but taste disgusting"
shaw has such an emo haircut
Ducks-age, if you want a good 15 minute dinner - have a go of this.
Use zucchini pasta and it's automatically a healthy option.
So delicious, quick and easy to make.