Why am I finding out that Paul Kariya was in a promo for the Ducks in the playoffs from a Japanese news website of all places?
Lol it's an Associated Press article
Why am I finding out that Paul Kariya was in a promo for the Ducks in the playoffs from a Japanese news website of all places?
Why am I finding out that Paul Kariya was in a promo for the Ducks in the playoffs from a Japanese news website of all places?
Why am I finding out that Paul Kariya was in a promo for the Ducks in the playoffs from a Japanese news website of all places?
isnt his father Japanese?
I was at my grandmother's and she doesn't have internetIf you read this thread you would have found out here!
His dad is a real person, not an anime.
Kariya is kind of Japanese.
NHL-GAF boot campJoking about Kesler vs Johansen salt aside, aren't you the guy who tried to run off a Predators fan who was new to hockey because he didn't know Corey Crawford's name in the heat of an exciting victory? I notice that the poster never came back since then, too, even though his team is going through some exciting wins.
What a dick.
Babby, always going with the anti establishment.
"Why Not Us"https://www.theplayerstribune.com/bobby-ryan-senators-playoffs-why-not-us/
Babby, always going with the anti establishment.
How has no one been banned in here yet?
How has no one been banned in here yet?
How has no one been banned in here yet?
Because neither Calgary nor Vancouver participated in the playoffs
How has no one been banned in here yet?
Fake newsAhem.
Are we bringing back After Hours?
Fake news
The Golden Age of NHL-GafAre we bringing back After Hours?
The Golden Age of NHL-Gaf
What's after hours ?
What's after hours ?
Doooooooooo eeeeeeeeetI've got some unused banners sitting around, and other questionable material.
Cake Boss, do you stand behind your fan base's cheesy photoshop skills after accusing Pens fans of being cheesy?
Fuck the Pens
Why is your avatar wearing a Pens jersey
Fuck the Pens
That's what my last exgfs have saidJust knowing Pikma is the real curse
Make me, you commie!Why is your avatar wearing a Pens jersey
That's what my last exgfs have said
Make me, you commie!
You think I've ever cheered for the Kings?Do you only cheer for teams with shit airports?
You think I've ever cheered for the Kings?
Are you discriminating me? What's next? I seem like the kind of person that'd rob you because I don't look white enough?You seem like the kind of person that'd cheer for the Kings.
And the Devils.
And the Stars. (Okay, DFW isn't THAT bad)
Probably Rangers, too.
Are you discriminating me? What's next? I seem like the kind of person that'd rob you because I don't look white enough?
I told you to build that wall soonerAll I'm saying is that things were a lot better before we started letting Pikma into our country
I told you to build that wall sooner
You should pay for it!
Alright, that's it, I'm changing to a Ducks avatar
Alright, that's it, I'm changing to a Ducks avatar
Yes, do itAlright, that's it, I'm changing to a Ducks avatar