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NHL Playoffs |OT2| stay salty, my friends

Why not Kings vs Bruins final

Dat LA vs Boston back.......in hockey form

I would love this, but after watching the early game today, I think Chicago is just a better team. If we can play all of Game 2 like we played the third period, that'll get us closer, but even when we were outplaying the Hawks we didn't get any goals out of it. The one goal we did score in the game was a total fluke.

Hawks really shut us down in the neutral zone, and our passing was horrid. All the Kings could do all game was dump the puck to Chicago's end, hope a King could get to it, maybe get one shot off, then get back on D as Chicago regained control. All fucking game.
What planet are you from?

Oh wait, I forgot how young you are. Must have only recently graduated from watching Caillou episodes.

That's it, I'm rooting for the Pens.

Kidding, I would rather jump in front of a train.

I think Caillou was a bit after me. I remember my brother used to watch it, so it definitely was a few years after.

Could have sworn someone in NHL-GAF was younger than me and was 19. I forget who.


That's it, I'm rooting for the Pens.

Kidding, I would rather jump in front of a train.

I think Caillou was a bit after me. I remember my brother used to watch it, so it definitely was a few years after.

Could have sworn someone in NHL-GAF was younger than me and was 19. I forget who.

The Kings will be in better shape if they can make more precise passes while advancing the puck.

Going with a dump-and-chase strategy literally every time you have the puck is a recipe for low SOG.




Yep. I would personally take Malkin over Crosby, but given a chance for Crosby to play on my team? Hell fucking yes. I'd give him any salary he wants.
I didn't think anyone still thought malkin was better. Crosby whines yeah, but Malkin is dirty and can be really dumb at times. That said, rask looked like a boss shrugging him off
Is the Cooke hit up anywhere to see? Also what did Crosby do at the end for a penalty? Something with Chara? I know they were going at it earlier but my phone started to cut out and I was listening to the radio version of it so not sure what happened.

Bergeron gets love on CBC. And Crosby's the best natural talent in the game today. People latch onto players like that. On the other side of things, people also hate on players like that.

Anyway, good first game. Bruins weathered the storm, got a goal, held down the fort, and the Pens weren't able to capitalize on their chances to make it interesting. Really frustrating loss.

A couple of random thoughts:

-Cooke's hit should have just been a boarding call
-If Cooke got 5, I really don't see why Marchand didn't
-Healy talking about Fleury starting game 2 is just plain ridiculous. This loss wasn't on Vokoun at all.

This was my only fear after tonight, that they'll dump Vokoun way too quick and for no reason. Apparently Byslma said that Fleury isn't out of the picture when asked tonight and people took that to mean Fleury will be starting again... Sounds like nonsense but he seems to suck at knowing which goalie to start. :/
Just watched the three goals, none of those were Vokoun's fault except maybe the first one but it was still redirected. The last two was just fucking horrendous D.


i wouldn't mind a final between two original six teams
With 5 of the Original Six teams in the same conference going forward, getting two of those teams in the finals is going to be a statistical improbability in the future. Blackhawks can't make deep playoff runs every season.

Vokoun was fine tonight. Pittsburgh replaces him with Fleury at their own peril. (Although I would not complain.)

T.M. MacReady

Did the true greats like Gretzky, Chelios, Neely, etc. ever call out the refs after losing a physical game? Honestly, has that happened? Crosby whining after seems pretty pathetic for a player (and supposed leader) on his level. Is there precedent?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
We're one step closer to the nightmare Stanley Cup Final.

Out of Hawks-LA, does it really matter who wins/loses?

He gave up 3 goals and didn't score any. It's all his fault.

You have to admit though, watching Fleury start against Boston would be quite the sight to be behold. We can start an over/under pool on when he'll get pulled.


I don't want to make a new thread for this, so I'll say it here:

Holy fuck the acting in Gran Torino, outside of Clint Eastwood, was awful. Great movie, but I guess it must be difficult finding strong bilingual Asian actors?

T.M. MacReady

I don't want to make a new thread for this, so I'll say it here:

Holy fuck the acting in Gran Torino, outside of Clint Eastwood, was awful. Great movie, but I guess it must be difficult finding strong bilingual Asian actors?

What the fuck are you spooks doing here anyway?

What the fuck are all you fish heads looking at?

Let's go get some more of that good Gook food!

I love Eastwood to death. That movie is good, despite terrible acting by everyone not Eastwood. The casual racism is funny in a twisted way, mostly because its just normal life for Eastwood's character.
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