Gonna let the salt ooze out of me.
The Bruins are SO fucking boring.
Marchand is a huge piece of shit.
Rask isn't that good and is just the beneficiary of the Bruins collapsing 3-4 guys around him every fucking shift, which results in easy saves right to the logo. Can't remember one significant save the guy has made all series.
Fuck the Bruins. They can eat a bag of shit. Hope they get exposed in the finals if they hold on tonight.
Congrats to Mac, vatstep, Sanjuro. Your team just straight up out-played us in almost every aspect.
Fuck all the lifelong Pats and Sox fans.
Chara save man Malkin got robbed.
I don't think one guy is going to bother you that much.Also Blackhawks you better win, I don't want to have to deal with all the Kings "fans" during E3 next week.
Don't know how Malkin didn't put that in. Goddamn.
-it's time for a coaching change
-Fleury has likely/hopefully played his last game as a Penguin
-drop the old guys and focus on youth. Pens have enough veteran presence with guys from 2009's Cup run still on the team
Eat shit, Boston. Eat shit and choke on it.
Go Hawks.
All you Iggy haters can suck it. He's a better man than all if you combined,
I don't think one guy is going to bother you that much.
All you Iggy haters can suck it. He's a better man than all if you combined,
Iggy deserved better.
All you Iggy haters can suck it. He's a better man than all if you combined,
Non-Pens fans...you guys don't understand how this feels right now. 2 goals in 4 fucking games. It's like the air has been kicked out of your lungs, your balls have been kicked straight up, and you're just left to stare vacantly at nothing in particular. Stunned. This is the definition of fucking stunned.
Non-Pens fans...you guys don't understand how this feels right now. 2 goals in 4 fucking games. It's like the air has been kicked out of your lungs, your balls have been kicked straight up, and you're just left to stare vacantly at nothing in particular. Stunned. This is the definition of fucking stunned.
Non-Pens fans...you guys don't understand how this feels right now. 2 goals in 4 fucking games. It's like the air has been kicked out of your lungs, your balls have been kicked straight up, and you're just left to stare vacantly at nothing in particular. Stunned. This is the definition of fucking stunned.