Whew thank god. I didn't even check the internet or TV all day because I felt that a season now would be a joke even if they somehow pulled it off, and now it looks like making a quickie deal today would have been a disaster.
Clearly the owners are to blame now, the NHLPA was all about negociating today and the league keep holding up on the same proposal not willing to move at all.
Nope, the NHL only invited the PA for more talks today because Linden asked for further discussion. Neither side made *any* further offer on the cap amount, and by all accounts they both realized that the non-cap issues were much more divisive than they thought. Arbitration, FA, etc were all major obstacles and I guess both sides could see there was no point in worrying about the cap figure.
This further couple of days of misplaced optimism and swirling rumours were a downer for fans and the ppl involved I guess. Did anyone else see the circle of rumours from THN to TSN to ESPN to USAToday and then back and forth and notice how similar it was to gaming rumours at like E3? Like when one site has a hot rumour and then it goes around changing just a tiny bit so that it looks like other sites are reporting the same thing independently when really it's just the same initial 'MS to buy Sega' report?
The whole thing was worth it though to see Brian Burke snap on Glen Healy tonight. :lol Healy was being his normal dumbass self parroting meaningless PA talking points and FINALLY Burke had had enough. Awesome the way he slapped down "Heels" like a pushy beggar and Healy couldn't say anything because, let's face it, he has like a grade 10 education and his nice pair of reading spectacles don't actually imbue him with the +5 wisdom he seems to think they do.