question regarding the 2 DLC familliers
downloaded them from the shop but I all I have in my item bag are 2 cards for those creatures, where do I turn them in?
Trials Temple
question regarding the 2 DLC familliers
downloaded them from the shop but I all I have in my item bag are 2 cards for those creatures, where do I turn them in?
Trials Temple
Yeah don't even try to fight those guys. Even after getting my guys to 40 and my familiars in the 30s I'm still getting crushed. You have to hope to find one of those things on the map itself and then chase it down.
They look like beasts, but may as well be the Tombstone creatures. They move and attack very slowly, and neither are really any good for damage. They seem only to be there to soak up damage, and that's all.
As for Swaine, you would have to manually control him to get the best use of Yoo-Hoo, or simply remove every trick from your Bonehead but that, and have him "give it your all".
Wait, how do you find one on the map?
I think your question got ignored, but yes, I can confirm that both language options are available in the EU.Now that I've decided to get a PS3 I'm looking forward to this game. Can anyone with the EU version confirm that japanese dialogs are available? I'd rather not play in english if possible.
Almost lost the fight with thebecause Drippy interrupted with a cut-scene that cancelled out the healing spell I was in the process of casting. Maddening. Anyways, about 5 hours in and I'm enjoying this a lot so far, but the combat system seems so unnecessarily convoluted. Would prefer it if developers chose real-time or turn based and stuck to one, rather than produce a bastardised mish-mash that isn't as good as either.Gladiataur in the Forest of Plenty
I think your question got ignored, but yes, I can confirm that both language options are available in the EU.
What exactly do you mean by traditional? The game has a ridiculous amount of anti-frustration features born by modern design, so I don't know what you could be referring to. As for the dungeons, I'll take the ones here any day over, say, Rogue Galaxy or other Level-5 RPGs. And I can't see how the VA is offensive, and funny you mention the JP ones when one of the main complaints of JP players was weak VA work.
Grinding to progress the game should never be a part of any rpg anymore. Grinding is not anti-frustration. Also, you're comparing shitty Level-5 dungeons to other shitty Level-5 dungeons. These guys don't do good dungeons. They feel incredibly archaic and not modernised at all. It's just corridors stuck together. Sometimes you get an option: go left or right. Left leads to a dead end with a chest, right progresses game. Repeat this for about half an hour and you have your dungeon. There's nothing inventive about them and they feel like a slog to tread through.
I hate the English voice-overs (except for Drippy, he's damn cool), so I switched to Japanese ones so I don't notice how bad they are because it's in a language I can't understand.
But I don't want to focus too much on the bad, when most of the game is very solid. The music especially is gorgeous and beter than anything I've heard come out of a Playstation in a long time. The overworld is a much missed aspect of these games and I love the one in Ni No Kuni. Also the towns seem like a lot of fun and are just gorgeous to look at, as is the rest of the game. Everything works, but it's just held back by a few important flaws.
Grinding to progress the game should never be a part of any rpg anymore. Grinding is not anti-frustration. Also, you're comparing shitty Level-5 dungeons to other shitty Level-5 dungeons. These guys don't do good dungeons. They feel incredibly archaic and not modernised at all. It's just corridors stuck together. Sometimes you get an option: go left or right. Left leads to a dead end with a chest, right progresses game. Repeat this for about half an hour and you have your dungeon. There's nothing inventive about them and they feel like a slog to tread through.
I hate the English voice-overs (except for Drippy, he's damn cool), so I switched to Japanese ones so I don't notice how bad they are because it's in a language I can't understand.
But I don't want to focus too much on the bad, when most of the game is very solid. The music especially is gorgeous and beter than anything I've heard come out of a Playstation in a long time. The overworld is a much missed aspect of these games and I love the one in Ni No Kuni. Also the towns seem like a lot of fun and are just gorgeous to look at, as is the rest of the game. Everything works, but it's just held back by a few important flaws.
The dungeons aren't particularly interesting in terms of layout, but they're purty. (._. ) I loved Tombstone Trail and Vault of Tears especially. Honestly, even the well dungeon at the start had me at attention. The sad thing for me is actually how short the dungeons actually are. Vault of Tears in particular was just over way too quickly.
The dungeons aren't particularly interesting in terms of layout, but they're purty. (._. ) I loved Tombstone Trail and Vault of Tears especially. Honestly, even the well dungeon at the start had me at attention. The sad thing for me is actually how short the dungeons actually are. Vault of Tears in particular was just over way too quickly.
I know I'm a bad person but I like short dungeonsGet me in and get me out. I feel like fighting enemies as I walk through a dungeon is more of a grind/time-waster than fighting enemies on a world maps. Maybe its the feeling of being closed in an area or maybe its repressed memories from specific early FF games with those horrible encounter rates.
Anyone got any tips for beating the?pig tank
I got Oliver at lvl 27, Esther at lvl 26, and Swaine at lvl 24. I get it down to about half and that's it.
Anyone got any tips for beating the?pig tank
I got Oliver at lvl 27, Esther at lvl 26, and Swaine at lvl 24. I get it down to about half and that's it.
Glad I got Griffy but I feel like I'm cheating by using it. Feels like easy mode... Griffy is VERY powerful. It's stats totally dwarf anything else I have in the same level range. But it has a low level cap so probably will be pretty useless near end game.
What are some good familiars to keep through the entire game, if any?
Lightning based attacks.
I threw Mitey at it and told him to kill.Make use of all-out defense, each block of a machine gun shot counts as a nice so when he uses that move, it counts as about 10 nices, he was consistently dropping 2 super charge orbs which I had Oliver use for his mega-fireball
The little penguin is the strongest familiar I got with a lightning attack but it's just so damn slow, the tank constantly runs over it lol
When using Mitey,did you just have it attack or did you use MP-based moves? Also, I noticed the two super charged orbs it drops, just couldn't get to them fast enough. :-(
The little penguin is the strongest familiar I got with a lightning attack but it's just so damn slow, the tank constantly runs over it lol
When using Mitey,did you just have it attack or did you use MP-based moves? Also, I noticed the two super charged orbs it drops, just couldn't get to them fast enough. :-(
Up until the last boss anyway; which you may or may not want to gain 10+ levels for.
The little penguin is the strongest familiar I got with a lightning attack but it's just so damn slow, the tank constantly runs over it lol
When using Mitey,did you just have it attack or did you use MP-based moves? Also, I noticed the two super charged orbs it drops, just couldn't get to them fast enough. :-(
Don't walk, jump.
.The automata Familiars outside of Hamelin should help. The small purple one and Tin-Man (both required by that Familiar scientist dude) both get Storm moves, I think.
I let Mitey do normal physical attacks for mediocre damage while I was waiting for the gold orbs. His defense let him hold up well. I was overleveled at this part like I have been for most of the game so of course your mileage may vary.
Happen to remember the level at all? I think I got Mitey at lvl 21 or 22.
Thanks for the tips, all.
I think I had him at about lvl 20ish but he was already evolved to his highest evolution (dynamite)
Wow. I only have him at his second evolution right now. Got some grinding to do lol
I think I had him at about lvl 20ish but he was already evolved to his highest evolution (dynamite)
You can spoil this but what level is his final evolution? Mine's 31, give or take a level (can't remember for sure).
the one from gamefaqs, it works pretty well.What's your strategy?
Do you need to buy all the lower tier prizes before the A and S tier prizes open up?
You are within a level or 2, I want to say 32-33 is when it is time
Edit: Also, I think most will agree with me, that you will want to take the red evolution over the blue.
I know there's a difference in moves, but is there also a difference in stats? Seems like red would be attack centric while blue is defense?
I just won like 249,000 chips in the Casino from that weird game with Wizards and Bishops and shit. And then the bitch kicked me out of the match! Fucking sore loser!
How do you unlock the top two ranks of rewards, though? Do they unlock at a certain point in the game?
I think you have to beat the game.
seriously? lame. Is the after game content that compelling or something?