I have beat Hamelin, so I dunno how much into the game I am. 55%? Someone else can say.
That said, a short list
+ Unbelievable Visuals; Production values off the charts. Studio Ghibli's animated bits are as great as you'd expect.
+ Fantastic Orchestrated Soundtrack
+ World Map is impressively detailed and packed with secrets; exploration is a gas
+ Familiars battle system is fast and engaging and awesomely customizable
+ Dungeons are not too big and not too small, feel just the right size so they don't overstay their welcome.*
+ Enemies on screen, so you can pick and choose the familiar-type you want to fight (Note: They chase after you really fast if they spot you, though.)
+ A fairly lighthearted yet engaging sense of humor
- Getting stuck around other familiars in battle so that you can't reach the person you selected to attack. GTFO.
- *Dungeons could stand to be considerably less linear, however.
- Story is bland in terms of its overall details and structure. Very unremarkable, but inoffensive overall. Note: This is my impression of it up until Hamelin.
- Sometimes you can spam Oliver's magic and avoid using familiars altogether in battles, probably a balance issue that should have been fixed (I avoid doing this but others don't have the self-control)
- MP overall is REALLY poorly balanced for Esther and Swaine; they run out too fast (Swaine is half done with his MP sometimes after one big attack). That said, it's hardly an issue once you get good at your strategy.