I'm trying to catch an ice queen right now for one of those side quests. It's infuriating.
It took me a few times through the grotto to get one, thankfully you have a few sidequests that take you through there.
I'm trying to catch an ice queen right now for one of those side quests. It's infuriating.
I'm just kinda hanging out in here now trying to get one. I don't know what other sidequests I have. Maybe I'll just run through the grotto and see if anything comes up.It took me a few times through the grotto to get one, thankfully you have a few sidequests that take you through there.
So (endgame spoilers)what exactly is Pea? Stuff was implied, but never outright stated. Was she just Cassiopiea's good/past self becoming independent and looking for help, or could she be an imaginary entity like the council that she unconsciously created after going through such hardship?
So whats the skinny on the casino?
Where's the forth game?
How do I unlock the 2 rows of mystery prizes?
What the easiest game to exploit and the most profitable item to sell?
Finished the main game. 41 hours with every sidequest except the Derwin one in Peridia done. Also did a ton of other fooling around like gathering alchemy materials and getting almost all the invisible chests. Definitely excited for the post game and will go for the Platinum. Will probably post a big impressions post later, but needless to say I loved it. Definitely in my top 10 of the gen, and probably my second favorite RPG after Tales of Vesperia.
Eh I love both. Don't know if I could choose one over the other, but I'd probably give DQ8 the edge.
How do I get that? Is it a spell?
DQ8s battle system is even worse. The battles are among the slowest turnbased I ever played, so naturally that dragged down the score for me.
Catastrocerous or Demolicerous!?!?!? AGH SO HARD TO DECIDE. Also I just got a jumbo star to morph him right before I go fightI should wait to morph him shouldn't I?Shardar.![]()
Catastrocerous or Demolicerous!?!?!? AGH SO HARD TO DECIDE. Also I just got a jumbo star to morph him right before I go fightI should wait to morph him shouldn't I?Shardar.![]()
Wait what? I haven't seen any Dinos in this area. I'm in theI grabbed two Dinos before leaving that area... because I knew I would be just as conflicted as you. Now I don't have to choose! I just have to get Jumbos...
I actually was thinking about that... Hrm. If I can catch some later I guess I'll just rock Cata then.I went with Cata and don't regret it. However, Demo looks a bit better IMO. As far as stats go, Cata ends up with the highest base attack in the game but has lower defense and accuracy (and higher M defense I think). Also you can catch Demo in the final dungeon, if that means anything.
And you can probably wait to evolve him, though evolving him and getting a few levels would be the best choice.
I'm trying to catch an ice queen right now for one of those side quests. It's infuriating.
Wait what? I haven't seen any Dinos in this area.
Oh, I get it. I misunderstood. Yeah. It was painful.Ack sorry Dart, I didn't write that properly. I just meant in the area you find them initially. I tamed two there before moving on. It was painful.
I honestly don't like the way the Catastroceros looks, with it's "Rhino Beetle" horn, but it's still the one to go with. I think I like the purple and white of the previous form the most.
As far as the final boss goes, someone was saying that they were in their 70s and "overleveled" (Derrick01 I think) for the final fight (which they had not done yet), but really that's not too terribly high for the end. I don't know what the lowest level someone did the rank S arena was either, but that seems about right too.
Ack sorry Dart, I didn't write that properly. I just meant in the area you find them initially. I tamed two there before moving on. It was painful.
So, the manna fell and the denizens of the towns have been turn into zombies. They said something about not killing them, and blah blah etc. Does this mean that I cannot approach the battles in a normal manner? Do I need to put them to sleep or something to not ruin everything? D:
So, the manna fell and the denizens of the towns have been turn into zombies. They said something about not killing them, and blah blah etc. Does this mean that I cannot approach the battles in a normal manner? Do I need to put them to sleep or something to not ruin everything? D:
and these damn Toko's. I want to scream at them, but the exp makes me happy.
OH THANK GODLol no go to town on em
Can you catch some of em? Hahahha. Time to SLAUGHTER EVERYTHINGYou need to fight, lol. If you don't, you'll be missing Compendium entries that you can't get ever again.![]()
Can you catch some of em? Hahahha. Time to SLAUGHTER EVERYTHING
Also, a lot of them have really weird names. Do I have to see all the unique names, or can I just see the unique beasts themselves?No they aren't familiars.
Also, a lot of them have really weird names. Do I have to see all the unique names, or can I just see the unique beasts themselves?
I apologize to anyone who has this in their GameFly queue and hasn't received it. I've had it for almost two weeks and haven't touched it.
Been in the process of moving.![]()
Is there an AI tactic somewhere in between "Spam away mana in a single fight" and "watch you die a horrible death while auto-attacking"?
Just remove all skills from her familiars except healing ones.
I set her to "provide backup" or whatever and that seemed to help. ...a very little bit, but it still helped.sadly, no.
You will just have to watch Esther burn through your MP.
Should I be feeding my familiars their favorite foods or just pumping Attack and M.Attack?
I've been taking this game slow with School and Job hunting. But I finally had my first death. CastAway CoveI love that this game makes you work for those Boss Battle wins.Swaines Nightmare fucked me up lol. I only needed to hit em a few more times too.
Okay just gonna post this here so those still playing the game know what to expect. Will spoiler but they are gameplay spoiler regarding the final boss, not story (aka not saying who it is).
the final (and I mean FINAL) boss is really tough. I was OP for everything before it and still had a few close calls and the battle took quite a while as it has a TON of HP. I was level 65. If you aren't at least 60, but preferably higher, GO GRIND on Tokotokos. Also, be sure to purchase the final merit award in the last row, the one that costs 8. It increases Ollie's HP and MP by 100 each, so it's infinitely useful.
I seen someone in the thread earlier mention that you should be really high leveled for the final boss, and I want to echo that sentiment.
OK so spoilers for anyone who hasn't gotten to/through Hameline but wtf I'm so confused;
So I ... Went back in time? I donno if I missed the dialogue or what, but I beat the tank after I went into the sewer and ran into the girly boy sage, and then all of the sudden I'm talking to the emperor in the past?!
After I talked to the girly boy sage though, it spat me back out into the arena where I fought the pig tank, saying I needed to find him some Belief. I saved via the start menu and quit. Did that cause me to lose out on some cutscene or something?
If it is later explained then don't clue me in, I'll figure it out, I just want to make sure I didn't miss out on something...
really? I found the end boss extremely disappointing because you could evade all of his attacks simply by running behind him whenever he casts, as the majority of his attacks were single enemy based.
Then again I was also level 96 I when I fought him...
OK so spoilers for anyone who hasn't gotten to/through Hameline but wtf I'm so confused;
So I ... Went back in time? I donno if I missed the dialogue or what, but I beat the tank after I went into the sewer and ran into the girly boy sage, and then all of the sudden I'm talking to the emperor in the past?!
After I talked to the girly boy sage though, it spat me back out into the arena where I fought the pig tank, saying I needed to find him some Belief. I saved via the start menu and quit. Did that cause me to lose out on some cutscene or something?
If it is later explained then don't clue me in, I'll figure it out, I just want to make sure I didn't miss out on something...