Crash Station
Just beat the first boss. I'm not a huge Ghibli fan, but they really knocked it out of the park. Game is friggin beautiful.
Pretty sure it's a linear, 1 ending JRPG. If they have multiple endings it's probably down to completing certain sidequests or this a linear game with only 1 ending or you have multiple ending depending of your action?
Or... you could be happy the game saw a localization at all and stop port begging.
I didn't think so. Sorry if that is how you feel. I just don't like people calling me out for port begging when I am honestly just making conversation. I don't need some ridiculous ban for something I am not even doing. I don't need to comment on it anymore it's all fine as far as I am concerned.
So, yeah, today ended in dismal failure. I went back to the Target after work, and was helped by a different person, who said that they did have Ni No Kuni in stock, but they only had 2 copies, and they sold out. The chick earlier in the day just didn't bother to check the back, where the guy said he saw them earlier.
So, I resolve to go to Gamestop on the way home, but I missed the stop, so I couldn't go there (didn't want to buy from Gamestop anyway, but I would have, just to get this game). Me and my wife walked to the Target near my house, and, yup, they only got two copies of the game, and were sold out.
I ended up placing the order with Amazon just now, and should get the game by Friday. :/
I'm so annoyed right now. Lame, lame way to end my day.
Barely into it because Ive taken so much time being baked and soaking in the world, but jesus christ. If you grew up in the prime Squaresoft era of the 90's, then this is your cup of tea laced with every sprinkle of pure awesome. fuck nostalgia. this is the real deal all over again.
I have a bit of a dilemma....I am about to finish Persona 3 FES (major backlog), and also White Knight Chronicles. I was looking to the start Persona 4 Golden on Vita or WK2, but I was thinking about picking this up instead. What would everyone recommend?
And who the hell is port begging? And who the hell would I be begging to in a fucking GAF thread lofl? As if anybody here is going to get this game to Steam. Absolutely obnoxious. I didn't beg one damn time for anything. I said this game deserves to be on other systems and responded to somebody else.
I have a bit of a dilemma....I am about to finish Persona 3 FES (major backlog), and also White Knight Chronicles. I was looking to the start Persona 4 Golden on Vita or WK2, but I was thinking about picking this up instead. What would everyone recommend?
Btw Kevin finally finished his review9/10
I can post this here right? :O
EDIT: a bit spoileristic review
There are 340 pages, plus something called the trick page which is a really interesting two page image with a different art style from almost everything else that looks to have something hidden in it. I'm guessing that it will make more sense with some in game content. Total, the book weighs in at 1.4 GB of pngs about 500 MB of which is actually the index pages, which are bloody huge (9600x5400).
I am loving the game so far. The battle system is very satisfying. I particularly like the cancel mechanic. It makes for some great poke strategy while you wait to defend big attacks.
Localization is pretty great too. I expected the story to be the least interesting aspect of the game given other level 5 games that I have played but this one is pretty good.
I didn't plan on playing as long as I have today but 7 hours in and I am still going strong.
I didn't think so. Sorry if that is how you feel. I just don't like people calling me out for port begging when I am honestly just making conversation. I don't need some ridiculous ban for something I am not even doing. I don't need to comment on it anymore it's all fine as far as I am concerned. When the price drops I might even pick this up as it seems so many seem to enjoy the heck out of it. I didn't hate the demo or anything. It's just after so much time on Steam it gets confusing as to what you are bothered by and what you are okay with. Take Steam out and I still felt the same way 3 years ago about my phat PS3 RIP.
You can buy PSN cards on Amazon, worked for me45 minutes of trying to give them my money, nope, can't put money in my wallet
Ah i see ty for the update, so i have to wait for the whole 2 things to download D:Finally installed
16gb file just disappeared after installing, then second file made the game whole.
Hey guys, I'm kinda stuck. I just got into the first dungeon. So I'm roaming around - side note: screw the spawn system. There's no reason enemies should respawn after you turn a corner. Anyway, I light up the first set of torches, now I'm at the second set and don't know what to do. I light up all three but the door doesn't open? Am I supposed to light them up really quick or something?the one where you need to find the King Meowjesty
now I'm at the second set and don't know what to do. I light up all three but the door doesn't open? Am I supposed to light them up really quick or something?
Or... you could be happy the game saw a localization at all and stop port begging.
Light up the second one first, then the third, then the first in this order. It kinda sucks that doing this causes lost of MP but it kinda reminds me of old JRPG's that did that, which I like.
if u're talking about the puzzle i saw in a preview video
you must light the one above a ledge 2nd, then jump off the ledge and light the last one
You can buy PSN cards on Amazon, worked for me![]()
It was the maintenance. Its always breaking some shitThere's nothing wrong with my credit card.. psn just wants to give me errors. Urgh
fucking hell. spent the last 40 minutes trying to buy this on the online store.
at first I notice I don't have enough space, so I delete everything I could find. Yet I only have 22/55 free. wtf? find some really REALLY old game installs I didn't even know existed, now I have 45/55, great, should be enough.
I go to the store, try to buy, card is outdated. how do I update my card? the fuck? I say I dont want to use that card and it just boots me out. another 5 minutes of looking around every menu I can find. Fix the info. Great. go to buy. Error. Error. Cannot add funds. Error 2. Error.
fuck you sony.
This is all before the painfully slow 2 day download and install, only because my disc drive doesn't even work so I can't buy the game from a store.
There's nothing wrong with my credit card.. psn just wants to give me errors. Urgh
Hey guys, I'm kinda stuck. I just got into the first dungeon. So I'm roaming around - side note: screw the spawn system. There's no reason enemies should respawn after you turn a corner. Anyway, I light up the first set of torches, now I'm at the second set and don't know what to do. I light up all three but the door doesn't open? Am I supposed to light them up really quick or something?the one where you need to find the King Meowjesty
Walked into a Gamestop today and the guy said he had a bunch of copies and could get me a collectors edition if I wanted.I said I might buy a vita and dude went into overdrive selling that thing .so much so I forgot about Ni no Kuni until I was halfway home.
Walked into a Gamestop today and the guy said he had a bunch of copies and could get me a collectors edition if I wanted.I said I might buy a vita and dude went into overdrive selling that thing .so much so I forgot about Ni no Kuni until I was halfway home.
I'm confused; is the steelbook edition GameStop exclusive?
Yes, it is. It's their preorder bonus.
Or... you could be happy the game saw a localization at all and stop port begging.
So I'm roaming around - side note: screw the spawn system. There's no reason enemies should respawn after you turn a corner.
There was one treasure chest I couldn't open because it had some magic on it. Am I able to open it soon or is that something I come back for much later?
Same here...this is where I stopped and decided to trek all the way out because there is no saves in there,really quick respawn and puzzles that make you waste the little mana pool you have at that point in the game,trying to figure out the puzzles.