I'm aware that you don't need to evade > weapon swap to do an aerial launcher. as I stated in my initial reply to your post with move details. What's new (to me) will depend on the conditions behind how a ground dash heavy is performed in the air.
I remember seeing a video on nico where the launcher used is sword heavy hold (stab into uppercut) that still allowed for aerial launcher. I believe there was a weapon swap for that one. I couldn't find it so I will go home to try to reproduce it on the demo. That's what i meant by counter launcher not being a pre-requisite. Alternatively, it can be interpreted as you have one standard launcher per airborne instance, so you need to launch with anything that's not jump+triangle.
Launcher after counter launcher appears to be intentional, but the maneuver behind aerial ground moves is definitely not. It is very noticeable because it's obviously a ground only move, and in a couple of instances, he follows with a pod beam finisher, and the animation for 2b was noticeably delayed compared to when the beam was fired.
I will refrain from posting theorycraft is that is a problem. I didn't mean to imply what I said as facts, merely that it's worth looking into. My apologies.