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Nike cuts ties with superstar boxer Manny Pacquiao following LGBT scandal

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He could have just said, "I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman," and reactions would have been a lot less hostile.


Unconfirmed Member


Nike stuck by him the last time he said something homophobic. Can't say they didn't give him a chance.
Bravo Nike !!!

This asshole is toxic for Nike's business anyway, you don't want to be associated with some medieval times dork saying offensive nonsense.

I'm happy to live in a society that calls that kind of behavior. It's time to move on.


Good. But they should've dropped him a long time ago for getting his bigoted soul taken on global television


nel e nel

Must be weird to have the sycophant bubble around him burst and be exposed to the outside world. I wonder if he's actually sorry or more confused like "I've been saying homophobic shit for years and now this happens?"

Yeah, I was thinking why hadn't this happened sooner, because this most recent occurrence certainly wasn't the first.
You know, watching all the HBO docs about Freddie Roach/Pacquiao/etc, Pac always struck me as someone who had god-given talent, was super earnest about it, but was also straight up dumb as hell

He's done a ton of shit that really should've been massive scandals, but he is legit god status back home so that ain't gonna happen


Unconfirmed Member
Good. Now fuck off back under your rock Manny.

It always saddens me in this day and age when somebody in a position of power, who could do a bit of good with their words, just opens their mouth and lets their arse rumble like he did.


The only surprising thing here is that Nike didn't really care until now. He's always been anti-gay.


I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with it. Growing up in a poor province in the Philippines as an uber-devout Catholic probably has everything to do with it. I mean, come on, he was raised around folks who cast hexes on his opponents during his matches. Did you really expect him to have a modern liberal view on any social issues?



Manny Pacquiao posts, deletes Bible verse calling for gays 'to be put to death'
Manny Pacquiao posted a Bible verse on Instagram that called for gays “to be put to death” hours after the Filipino boxer was dropped by Nike on Wednesday.

The since-deleted post included a picture of his wife and excerpts from multiple Bible passages, including Leviticus 20:13: “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.”


Must be weird to have the sycophant bubble around him burst and be exposed to the outside world. I wonder if he's actually sorry or more confused like "I've been saying homophobic shit for years and now this happens?"

The majority of Filipinos are hardcore Catholics, who agreed with his statements. I guess they took interest in reporting his asinine quotes now.
it was something he said on the spur of the moment.

I never understood that concept.
Under which circumstances would someone say something they don't actually believe?
To me these excuses always boil down to "I'm sorry I said this publicly." or "I'm sorry I got in trouble for this."
He believes what he says and he isn't sorry for what he said.


get some go again
what an idiot. he is at the end of his career and sponsorships are the only thing that will keep money coming in. i'm guessing he will be broke like 5-10 years after he retires.


aka IMurRIVAL69
I just don't get how a guy like Manny come out and says something so over the top. Even if you felt that way, you have to know there's gonna be blowback and you have sponsorship deals.


I just don't get how a guy like Manny come out and says something so over the top. Even if you felt that way, you have to know there's gonna be blowback and you have sponsorship deals.

Tons of boxers come from rough backgrounds with equally rough opinions that shouldn't be worth a dime but are treated like the multimillion dollar purses they fight for. He's not the only one to do something so blatantly stupid after a big win. Most these dudes need to learn to shut the fuck up where it doesn't concern boxing.

Really though, post boxing life can be a complete crap shoot for some of these guys that came from nothing. Some of them just go right back to square one or worse despite their run of fame. There's a huge argument for the treatment of boxers as they have virtually no net of support like most other athletes do to keep them going and stop people from leeching off their success, be it during retirement or during their careers.
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