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Nike cuts ties with superstar boxer Manny Pacquiao following LGBT scandal

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I just don't get how a guy like Manny come out and says something so over the top. Even if you felt that way, you have to know there's gonna be blowback and you have sponsorship deals.

people who take blows to the head for a living have impulse problems

it's almost universal, the conditional part of decision making goes away


Was getting caught part of your plan?

The good thing is that it propelled the conversation about LGBT rights in the Philippines. Most people there will more than likely side with Pacquiao but it at least shows them that the world is moving forward and there are consequences on your bigotry. Some of the more prominent LGBT entertainers (and there are a few powerful ones) have been using their positions quite effectively.

It's also interesting to watch my family react to it. All of them are big fans of him but they also think he is an idiot and definitely have diminished their opinions of him.

If he wins a senate seat, I won't mind it if the larger LGBT community (who has very lucrative tourism dollars) boycotts the Philippines because of it. Hell, I'll probably join them too.


I wonder if you would say the same thing if it was a man kissing a woman without her permission and the woman went apeshit about it. Would the reaction be pathetic then?
Probably not, but I was talking about that gif.

Pecking someone on the face when they get up in another fighter's face is a pretty common trope at those weigh-in/face-off/whateverthefuckthosethingsare.

So I guess I'd have to wait until i see a man and woman weighing in and having a press event before they spar in a martial arts competition to really answer that question. Context is really important to me, and it should be to you, too.


Tons of boxers come from rough backgrounds with equally rough opinions that shouldn't be worth a dime but are treated like the multimillion dollar purses they fight for. He's not the only one to do something so blatantly stupid after a big win. Most these dudes need to learn to shut the fuck up where it doesn't concern boxing.

Really though, post boxing life can be a complete crap shoot for some of these guys that came from nothing. Some of them just go right back to square one or worse despite their run of fame. There's a huge argument for the treatment of boxers as they have virtually no net of support like most other athletes do to keep them going and stop people from leeching off their success, be it during retirement or during their careers.

Which is why Bernard Hopkins encourages any boxer who works under him, to get themselves not only educated financially, but to make sure they have good representation.

Red Hood

Damn, time goes by so fast. I remember everyone being on Manny's dick and now the world seems to unanimously hate him. Can't say it's unexpected. I mean, surely he should have known saying something this controversial could very well mean ending his sponsors.


Which is why Bernard Hopkins encourages any boxer who works under him, to get themselves not only educated financially, but to make sure they have good representation.

Who takes advice from an alien though amirite?

Post boxing careers are a real sad state of affairs though, I don't know anyone who would argue otherwise even now.
I wonder if you would say the same thing if it was a man kissing a woman without her permission and the woman went apeshit about it. Would the reaction be pathetic then?

Different reactions for different situations. I could understand if it was able to be established that he simply didn't appreciate this unwanted advance, but it's far more likely that he gay panic'd.


Good. Fuck him.
They wouldn't have done this in 2009, though.

This makes me happy.
Yeah, all the people praising Nike make me chuckle. Where was this commitment to inclusion from Nike all the other times he's said bigoted shit like this? Oh right, he wasn't washed up yet.


As an LGBT person I agree with this. Heterosexual people should not be forced to be okay with kissing the same gender themselves. Just as anyone shouldn't be forced to kiss anyone. That doesn't mean that they don't or can't support LGBT rights.

there are a spectrum of reactions from 'being okay' with it to 'lashing out violently' given the context


there are a spectrum of reactions from 'being okay' with it to 'lashing out violently' given the context
It's a professional fight weigh-in though. People lash out like that all the time. Usually it's just to build hype after the staredown photo op.


Considering his upbringing it makes sense. Does it make it any less ignorant? No. But what did people think he thought?

People grow out of their upbringings all the time. It's part of maturing and becoming an adult, especially someone who's traveled the world many times over and met tens of thousands of people as part of his fame. He's a bigot and he got there on his own. Don't try and handwave it away because of his upbringing.


You know it's amazing. Not that long ago, and I mean really like in 10 - 15 years time, companies like NIke would have severed relationships with celebrities/athletes/whoever if they came out and said they were gay. A rare example of social change happening very rapidly.

That's great!
there are a spectrum of reactions from 'being okay' with it to 'lashing out violently' given the context

If a guy went up and gave a girl a kiss without her consent, I think it'd be understandable if she reacted by wanting to slap or hit the guy. Similar situation here.


You know it's amazing. Not that long ago, and I mean really like in 10 - 15 years time, companies like NIke would have severed relationships with celebrities/athletes/whoever if they came out and said they were gay. A rare example of social change happening very rapidly.

That's great!

eh i don't think so. not that athletes have been in a hurry to come out the closet. but that'd be an awful PR look anytime in the last 20 years
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