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Nike cuts ties with superstar boxer Manny Pacquiao following LGBT scandal

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I don't think he cares all that much about the blowback. He is getting plenty of support back in SE Asia.

Philippines has a large catholic population and he's a favorite son so it wouldn't surprise me if he was a receiving a lot of support from his home country. But I doubt he's getting much support from other SE Asian countries such as Viet Nam, Thailand, or Cambodia where Buddhism is the most dominant religion.


eh i don't think so. not that athletes have been in a hurry to come out the closet. but that'd be an awful PR look anytime in the last 20 years

Advertisers were pulling out left and right when Ellen came out. While it's true in many instances they would never openly admit that was the reason but some companies did not even want someone who was suspected of being gay anywhere near their product because of pressure from fundamentalist groups.


Different reactions for different situations. I could understand if it was able to be established that he simply didn't appreciate this unwanted advance, but it's far more likely that he gay panic'd.

Then again. Let's say this happens to a woman in a subway. Some dude just approaches her and kisses her in the lips, even if just a peck. Woman goes apeshit, maybe she even punches the man in the face.

How do you think people around here would react? Plenty of "you go girl!" "Hope that guy goes to jail!".

We have horrible double standards. As proof we go around telling men that "it's not that big of a deal". "He should just deal with it". "It happens all the time in that sport."

Not cool. Sexual harassment is sexual harassment.

Soul Beat


And why is this my first time seeing it?
Did people really expect a different opinion of the guy?

I'm Filipino and my filipino family and friends have been blowing up on Facebook. That's why you should never idolize a celebrity.
Except Kanye West


Philippines has a large catholic population and he's a favorite son so it wouldn't surprise me if he was a receiving a lot of support from his home country. But I doubt he's getting much support from other SE Asian countries such as Viet Nam, Thailand, or Cambodia where Buddhism is the most dominant religion.
Well, he seems to be getting a lot of support in Indonesia, which is SE Asia's largest nation.


Then again. Let's say this happens to a woman in a subway. Some dude just approaches her and kisses her in the lips, even if just a peck. Woman goes apeshit, maybe she even punches the man in the face.

How do you think people around here would react? Plenty of "you go girl!" "Hope that guy goes to jail!".

We have horrible double standards. As proof we go around telling men that "it's not that big of a deal". "He should just deal with it". "It happens all the time in that sport."

Not cool. Sexual harassment is sexual harassment.

Okay but this was at a fight weigh in and not in a subway


it's far more likely that he gay panic'd.

bullshit, its far more likely that in a hostile situation he tried to kiss him so he got punched. God, people just want to claim intolerance for everything. What Manny said was absolute bullshit and intolerance and he deserves however much money he loses from it, but whoever that guy is just reacted to a hostile situation.
I'm glad I live in a world where people saying crap like this actually face repercussions.

10 years ago when I was still in high school, nearly everyone would have been cheering this asshole for what he said. It's amazing how quickly things have changed (for the better) on this.
Well, he seems to be getting a lot of support in Indonesia, which is SE Asia's largest nation.

That's interesting. According to wiki Indonesia is 87% Muslim. I hope they're just a loud minority, as religious folks tend to be at times. But unless some polls came out that showed a lot of SE Asia supported Pac's comments, I'll remain skeptical.


bullshit, its far more likely that in a hostile situation he tried to kiss him so he got punched. God, people just want to claim intolerance for everything. What Manny said was absolute bullshit and intolerance and he deserves however much money he loses from it, but whoever that guy is just reacted to a hostile situation.

Exactly. It's terrible that we are making excuses about the place the harassment took place, as if it somehow made things less worse.


what an idiot. he is at the end of his career and sponsorships are the only thing that will keep money coming in. i'm guessing he will be broke like 5-10 years after he retires.

Whatever he's made should go pretty far in the Filipinos, no?


Isn't he running for senate in the Philippines? I wonder if that would affect his hopes for the election...

Either way, this remark surely did not go well with the rest of the world.


There's something funny about Nike taking the moral high road given their working conditions and who they employ...

Nonetheless, good riddance to bad rubbish. Fuck that guy.
Then again. Let's say this happens to a woman in a subway. Some dude just approaches her and kisses her in the lips, even if just a peck. Woman goes apeshit, maybe she even punches the man in the face.

How do you think people around here would react? Plenty of "you go girl!" "Hope that guy goes to jail!".

We have horrible double standards. As proof we go around telling men that "it's not that big of a deal". "He should just deal with it". "It happens all the time in that sport."

Not cool. Sexual harassment is sexual harassment.

I don't know if you're missing the point or dodging it. The guy wasn't angry because of an unwanted sexual advance, he was angry because it was a guy who did it. That's the point - the reaction is borne of homophobia, whereas a woman being kissed by a stranger and becoming upset is a reaction to some creepy person on the subway kissing her.


I don't know if you're missing the point or dodging it. The guy wasn't angry because of an unwanted sexual advance, he was angry because it was a guy who did it. That's the point - the reaction is borne of homophobia, whereas a woman being kissed by a stranger and becoming upset is a reaction to some creepy person on the subway kissing her.

Can you read his mind?

It's not important at all if he was angry because a guy did it. He was sexually assaulted. There is no way around it. And the fact that certain people here are dismissing it is incredible. It seems some people just want to be "progressive" about certain topics, but not others.

As I said, double standards. He was harassed. He reacted to it. If it was a woman or a member of the LGBT community, you would be up in arms claiming for the head of the responsible, but since he is a man... Well, no big deal, "he's just an homophobe".


Can you read his mind?

It's not important at all if he was angry because a guy did it. He was sexually assaulted. There is no way around it. And the fact that certain people here are dismissing it is incredible. It seems some people just want to be "progressive" about certain topics, but not others.

As I said, double standards. He was harassed. He reacted to it. If it was a woman or a member of the LGBT community, you would be up in arms claiming for the head of the responsible, but since he is a man... Well, no big deal, "he's just an homophobe".

As a gay male I dont think his reaction was homophobic. That man had every reason to be pissed.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I don't know if you're missing the point or dodging it. The guy wasn't angry because of an unwanted sexual advance, he was angry because it was a guy who did it. That's the point - the reaction is borne of homophobia, whereas a woman being kissed by a stranger and becoming upset is a reaction to some creepy person on the subway kissing her.

How do you know this, exactly?


Anyone outraged or surprised is being silly and ignorant..

The dudes thinking is clearly due to his upbringing, culture and religion. Something that he couldn't avoid.

Its fair enough that Nike has dropped him. Nike, as a huge international company, should always lead by example.

You know how its frustratingly hard to stop your grandparents or even parents being racist? Its likely the same way with Manny except he has a huge amount of people telling him "You are correct sir!"
Seems like just bookeeping on Nike's part. Pacquiao's bankability has taken a massive hit the past few years what with losing decisively to Mayweather and getting KTFO by Marquez, not to mention losing on a decision to Bradley. How much could he posibbly have been worth stateside?
Seems like just bookeeping on Nike's part. Pacquiao's bankability has taken a massive hit the past few years what with losing decisively to Mayweather and getting KTFO by Marquez, not to mention losing on a decision to Bradley. How much could he posibbly have been worth stateside?
4 million Filipino Americans, and Manny gear is like a requirement ;)
How do you this, exactly?

It's speculative, but it has perfectly good basis. The boxer could very well have been upset that he was kissed by anyone, but specifically making it a "homosexual" encounter is often done as an attack on someone's masculinity. It's like, the gay panic thing.

Could I be wrong? Sure, but it's still a reality in make societies. It's kind of like how a woman can grind on a guy and it's fine, but that same guy may react violently if a guy grinds on him. This does not entail that they will be okay with being grinded upon by a woman.

Anyone outraged or surprised is being silly and ignorant..

The dudes thinking is clearly due to his upbringing, culture and religion. Something that he couldn't avoid.

Its fair enough that Nike has dropped him. Nike, as a huge international company, should always lead by example.

You know how its frustratingly hard to stop your grandparents or even parents being racist? Its likely the same way with Manny except he has a huge amount of people telling him "You are correct sir!"

Surprised perhaps, but outraged? No, people are fine to be. His hate may be fed through ego stroking and upbringing, but that doesn't make it acceptable, it's just understandable.
Hasn't he been involved in multiple adultery scandals? Funny that he quoted Leviticus 20:13, but glossed over this little passage right before it in the very same book:

Leviticus 20:10 said:
If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.

I guess he should pray for himself first.


Hasn't he been involved in multiple adultery scandals? Funny that he quoted Leviticus 20:13, but glossed over this little passage right before it in the very same book:

I guess he should pray for himself first.

Outdated religious values and double-standards go hand in hand so it only makes sense that he is hypocritical.


I actually didn't have a problem with what he said first, seeing as he English isn't his first language and he apologised... but after that Instagram post that's caption is literally about killing gay people - I hope that guy's career is over.

Also, that Instagram post deserves its own thread :p
I never understood why they do this face-to-face thing.

A lot of the battle mental. If you make the other person flinch or get a nervous reaction out of them, it has catastrophic effects on their ability to fight. Working out, having a game plan and being conditioned and in shape is one thing, but guys who fight at these levels go beyond of what normal people are capable off, and so the mental becomes really important.

If you want to see this in action, check out Thompson v. Aleksander Emelianenko (Fedors brother) ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PqUKgXusoY

What you can see is that Thompson tries to intimidate Emelianenko, but Aleksander is not phased at all. It gives creedence to the saying "small dogs bark the loudest".
Fedor himself is also very stoic and doesn't try to intimidate his opponents as he feels it is just a shorthand for being insecure.

For people like McGreggor, Muhammed Ali, and many others, it is an effective tactic. They get inside their opponents head, frustrate them and cloud their judgment, and those milliseconds is enough to lose you the fight.
But not everyone who trash talks or engage in these staredowns have the same motives. Some are just trolling, others are just trying to make publicity, but it IS an effective tool!


Philippines has a large catholic population and he's a favorite son so it wouldn't surprise me if he was a receiving a lot of support from his home country. But I doubt he's getting much support from other SE Asian countries such as Viet Nam, Thailand, or Cambodia where Buddhism is the most dominant religion.

Just to be clear: the Filipinos are pretty divided on this. I know a lot who are now standing up against Manny Pacquiao, including a well-known LGBT showbiz personality who dedicated 5 minutes of his 20-minute talk show to denouncing Manny.

Unsurprisingly, Manny has a lot of supporters. More surprisingly (but disappointingly), you have a lot of Filipinos saying they don't care about the issue and hate the fact that this issue has been overshadowing news that China has deployed missiles in contested islands near the Philippines.

Isn't he running for senate in the Philippines? I wonder if that would affect his hopes for the election...

Either way, this remark surely did not go well with the rest of the world.

Analysts say his campaign might not be affected, but politicians are using this opportunity to take him down further by planning to fileDQ cases based on his absences in the congress (during his 3-year term, he only reported four times.)

Strangely enough, I remember having a talk with people who work in the media who claim that outside of boxing, Manny really isn't that popular in the Philippines. A local film about him tanked big time, and many other products tied to him pretty much disappointed in sales. Not sure if the latter is legitimate, but the former is true. He's pretty much a revered icon because of boxing, but he isn't much so otherwise (and outside of politics). I wonder if what would happen to him if he stopped boxing altogether. Filipinos tend to forget quickly, just look at Martial Law and who is most likely to win the VP race.
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