I'm about to stream again in 5 minutes! I'm resuming from where I last left off. It's NG3 on Hard mode, just cleared Day 4, and about to start Day 5. I'll start once everyone's in the lobby so that I don't miss anybody who was on the previous stream!
Thanks for the support!
At least the DOA5 demo is all sorts of awesome.
Hm, just tried to fire up the game on 360....it won't load. From the dashboard I select the game, the screen goes black, and nothing. :\
Why is the main menu SIDEWAYS!? I just--I can't, I dont get it.
Ninja Gaiden 3 |OT| At least the DOA5 demo is all sorts of awesome.
Combat is too chaotic to really do anything else, especially thanks to a dynamic camera that frequently zooms in and out to try and provide a "cinematic" experience, and regularly allows unseen opponents to land cheap shots from off-screen. There's just no point trying to make sense of it. Merely attack until you receive some clue that Ryu's being hurt, dodge, and start over. That's the key to victory.
'Dynasty Warriors gameplay' I think we have a winner here. Hopefully with the Wii launch we can see a tad of improvement, maybe Ninja Gaiden 3.1.
The 3/10 is perfectly accurate. This shit makes NG2 on xbox look good
The 3/10 is perfectly accurate. This shit makes NG2 on xbox look good
edit: holy SHIT the framerate on this final boss encounter is flat-out embarrassing. You can't even dodge in time because of this shit.
are you guys having that easy of a time on hard mode? I've only died a couple times, but I feel like I have to put enough effort into staying alive to keep it interesting.
edit: also, i bet my left nut that the hate for the game will at least warm up to a qualified "it's pretty good for $30 or less." I agree with everyone's criticisms, but even in its crippled state, you could still do much, much worse than this. The 3/10 is gonna look very reactionary and stupid in retrospect.
Yeah, it's just like NG2, but minus 90% of the moves, and a new crappy UT system, and the new crappy ninpo, and shitty projectile game, and more QTEs, and even shittier boss fights and even WORSE pacing and bad auto-detect in combat, and no dismemberments
So yeah, they're basically the same game!![]()
Oh hey, another 3/10 review:
Probably not the last!
Someone had too many pixie stix tonight... I said the combat engine boils down to the same exact thing as NG2. Dash/Slash/Injure a guy/OT/repeat, which you do for all of NG2, no matter what weapon or ninpo you're using. Say whatever you want about the rest of the game, the combat is clearly based on NG2.
I'm not trying to argue about reviews, I'm actually trying to talk about the game without being a complete cock about it.
Trying to break it down like that in a vacuum of generic descriptions for combat really puts into perspective how this game got made. They probably thought "Shit, players can Izuna Drop in this game, it's truly NG. Now, remove everything else".
So yeah, its like a pretty shitty version of NG2. Uh, good job, NG3.
Sorry but it looks really fucking stupid that you're slicing and dicing the enemies up like crazy but the limbs don't fall off?
Why did they remove that from NG2?
I believe generally with all variants of the rocket ninja I would just switch to a weapon that lets you do an Izuna Drop from a flying swallow (claws I believe?). The spider mechs you can pretty much just use anything.
I already passed it. That's not my problem. I want to know who actually enjoys fighting these assholes.
The rocket ninjas are a pretty necessary and big part of the NG2 combat system. It forces you into constantly moving across the battlefield and creates very high priority targets. Although you can replace that sentence with any of the projectile enemies, the multi-rocket ninjas are the extreme example.
I don't think so. A lot of enemies have projectile weapons equipped anyway. I'd rather have the enemy I'm fighting try to shoot me down rather than the one standing on the sidelines where I have to go all the way over to pound his ass. Also, I don't know about you, but it doesn't seem to add anything for me. For one, I'm always moving regardless of whether there is a projectile capable enemy or not. The only exception is when there is a single enemy, but otherwise, who knows who could be offscreen. Otherwise, I run, hit an enemy, do a combo, then continue running. I don't think sideline pelters are necessary for that. The only thing it adds for me is aggravation whenever I'm hit with anything I can't possibly see coming.
But again, your not answering my question. Do you ENJOY fighting them? Because I fucking loved fighting Vigoorian berserkers. NGB spider ninjas as well. And the Cat Fiends. All dangerous enemies, but great fun to fight against. Who the fuck ENJOYS the sideline assholes?
Still in time to cancel the Wii U version lolololol
Holy shit this is disappointing. Was Itgaki really so on the ball that his departure lead to the implosion of the series?
Yeah I did enjoy fighting them. The only enemy I did not enjoy fighting in NG2 was that awful worm mid-boss in the tunnel in the jungle (which was obviously not finished by any stretch of the imagination - complete with horribly textured cave walls).
Edit: Not that it was hard or anything, just really dumb.
Ninja Gaiden 3 Black/Sigma will fix all this bullshit.
yes, the same team that screwed up the original game and screwed up the Sigma versions of the other games is gonna turn NG3 into the hardcore action game we all wanted. :lol
Okay. Just checking if people who liked this shit actually existed. One of my biggest pet peeves is when I'm trying to do one thing (in this case, have a fight with far more worthy enemies), assholes, not even powerful enemies, fuck you up while your busy. It's just such a shitty way to induce challenge into gameplay. Most enemies in NG2 are powerful enough to provide a challenge on their own. They do not need this cheap shit. But apparently, SOME people do like it, so atleast I know the developers weren't just shitting on me.
You have to be weary of using words like "cheap shit" because honestly the game has so little room for error at MN that if stuff was unreliable "cheap shit" the mode would literally be impossible. NG2 360 is a game of exploiting everything to your advantage to beat it. If you don't care for a challenge that is great, I am sure you were pissed when birds would fly at you when you jumped in the NES Ninja Gaidens too. When you can see videos of people doing "No Ninpo, No Item, Minimal" runs of NG2 on Master Ninja on youtube you have to ask yourself, is the game cheap or do I just suck?
The game is cheap. To what extent is debatable, but even high level players admit that there is just no avoiding some stuff. It's just that enough skill can minimize the BS to manageable levels, but a truly 100% skill based game would make EVERYTHING perfectly avoidable. But that's not what happens in NG2.
Zero damage run.
So? I never argued that it's impossible to do that stuff. I'm just saying that the game is, to some debatable extent, out of control from the player. It doesn't mean that they can't get lucky and not get hit in their run, it's just not up to them.
Sorry, but doing what this guy did and dissecting every single fight of the game until he was able to do a no damage run seems more reasonable to me then just saying it is "cheap shit". There is no doubt this guy could reliably beat NG2 on MN anytime of the day.
Even high level players admit that there is a luck portion of the game. .
You can minimize it, but you can't extinguish it.