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Ninja Gaiden 3 |OT| Ninja Dog Revengeance


Yeah I did enjoy fighting them. The only enemy I did not enjoy fighting in NG2 was that awful worm mid-boss in the tunnel in the jungle (which was obviously not finished by any stretch of the imagination - complete with horribly textured cave walls).

Stupid fish boss with face in the subway tunnel was even worse. And the stupid water dragon boss after was terrible as well. Come to think of it most bosses in NG2 were just terribly designed with unblock able or avoidable attacks.

But dismemberment was just so satisfying. Especially on those rocket ninjas after you slice them up and they crawl and you do even more crazy dismemberment.



I don't mean to but in your conversation. It's just a pet peeve of mine when people attach their arguments to faceless 3rd parties like this as a way to legitimize them.

Either give specifics or don't say things like this.

Iconoclast. We discussed it via PM a long time ago.

What game can't you say this about though? Whenever there is a margin of error luck will be a factor

I'd call NGB one. I don't have the skills to actually pull it off, but I'm fairly good at analyzing combat systems. As far as I can tell, play it right, nothing can touch you no matter what. Not so with NG2, for the reasons I explained above.

Edit: I'd also hesitantly say Bayonetta is one as well, but I'm not as familiar with that combat system. But with the perfect control that it lends you, I can't imagine there being anything that can hit you if you play right.

Non-action gaming, I'd point to Super Meat Boy.

If a player can minimize those factors then there is control. It's not one or the other here.

I never said it was. But there are games that allow you to eliminate the element of chance completely.


So? I never argued that it's impossible to do that stuff. I'm just saying that the game is, to some debatable extent, out of control from the player. It doesn't mean that they can't get lucky and not get hit in their run, it's just not up to them.

If a player can minimize those factors then there is control. It's not one or the other here.
Okay, as much as I hate to admit it
Teaming up with Theodore/Regent of the Mask
was pretty fucking badass. That was a genuine "oh shit" moment.


Loves Robotech S1
I don't even know what to say. I finished chapter 3 and I just don't want to play anymore. I literally have no desire to waste any more time on this. It's utterly wretched. I held on to the belief that even with all the meat stripped away it would still be a passable action game with fun ninja gaiden gameplay at it's core, but it doesn't even achieve that. Everything just feels incredibly sloppy. Playing on hard I'm dying a bunch, but I don't feel like I'm learning anything from my deaths. I'm really just half-heartedly sliding around the levels mashing square and stuff just sort of happens. Even if I'm focusing on the action trying not to die, it doesn't feel any different. There is no thought required, so sense of strategy or crowd control. You just slide and mash. I wanted to keep an open mind going in to this and even got pretty excited for a while, hoping that I'd at least have fun with the game despite everything...but from the moment that boot up QTE started and onwards I just felt nothing but disappointment and apathy. In NG2, for all it's flaws, I still felt excitement whenever a swarm of ninja came flying around each corner and anticipation for the bloodbath that would follow. In NG3 every time a new wave leaps in I just feel an increasing desire to jump for the power button.

For the first time ever I agree with IGN's score and I think this game deserves a merciless shellacking by the press. It may be technically competent enough to be called average, but to the genre's target audience it's an insult. Every 7 or 8 this game gets is just further reinforcing that their changes and decisions were the right ones and assures we're in for more of this tripe in the future. Please for the love of god do not buy this game and reward utter mediocrity. If you absolutely must play, get it used or wait for the inevitable bomba. A Sigma version might be able to salvage some aspects, but honestly it's just rotten to the core. They should just make a new game from scratch and forget this ever happened.

tl;dr: =(


Okay, as much as I hate to admit it
Teaming up with Theodore/Regent of the Mask
was pretty fucking badass. That was a genuine "oh shit" moment.

You know you're up too late when you're so out of it you read a random spoiler for a game you don't want spoiled. Oh yeah and BTW this game isn't all that bad, all the complaints are understandable, I really miss collecting things and acquiring cash, upgrades etc. However, I'm still having a lot of fun with it.


Loves Robotech S1
You know you're up too late when you're so out of it you read a random spoiler for a game you don't want spoiled. Oh yeah and BTW this game isn't all that bad, all the complaints are understandable, I really miss collecting things and acquiring cash, upgrades etc. However, I'm still having a lot of fun with it.

I wanted to say it's not all bad, but I just couldn't. When literally everything about the game is significantly worse than what came before...worse, when those are changes made deliberately because they thought the game would be somehow better for it, I can't abide. Even giving Tecmo a "well, it's alright" is giving them way too much credit.

Grinding essence and upgrading weapons I generally couldn't care less about (I rarely used any weapon other than the DS in the old games until they were fully upgraded anyway), but the game is completely braindead, crippled compared to it's predecessors in every measurable way. I desperately tried to find some redeeming qualities or a modicum of enjoyment somewhere in the first 3 chapters, I really did, but I always just found myself wishing I was playing NGB/S or NG2 instead.

Four Wude

Unconfirmed Member
You're......very optimistic about this game. It feels like you're selling something to be honest.

Game looks horrible and not a Ninja Gaiden game i'd play sadly.

To each his own. I'm not trying to sell anything, just conveying my opinions. I know where everyone is coming from when it comes to NG, NG:B, and NG2. Yes, the game may not seem as deep as the older games, but on Hard at least there is a sense of strategy involved, you can't just mash your way through everything. Mastering the camera has always been one of the main skills in a NG game and so far I haven't had any major issues trying to control the camera in a direction I want. Homing attack usually solves that problem in conjunction with the analog.

The game does have some promising aspects and outside of some poor ideas (kunai climbing), there's no way this game deserves a 3. You could argue a 6-8 based on the pedigree of the franchise but it's by no means a broken or unplayable game. 3/10 usually equates to that. Some of these comments regarding input lag and poor camera don't make sense to me. It controls and feels just like a NG game should.

I'm having a lot of fun with the game and I definitely see myself doing a Master Ninja run, but I can understand why fans of the series hate the game due to the numerous removals.


Hope you guys don't mind me asking this here. With the release of this game, I've had an urge to play Ninja Gaiden again. Not this game, because everything I've seen of it really does not look like the game I want to play -_- Just makes me want to go back to the first modern NG.

Currently I only have an xbox 360, and Vita. I would consider getting the PS3 version of Sigma because it's mad cheap most places, but I don't have a PS3 at the moment. If I was to go pick up a version of NG1 to get, should I go with Ninja Gaiden Black for xbox original, or Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus for the Vita? Not sure how the Vita version stacked up, and I never played Sigma or Black. I only played NG when it first came out on the Xbox. Which one would be the better version to go with?


Gold Member
Hope you guys don't mind me asking this here. With the release of this game, I've had an urge to play Ninja Gaiden again. Not this game, because everything I've seen of it really does not look like the game I want to play -_- Just makes me want to go back to the first modern NG.

Currently I only have an xbox 360, and Vita. I would consider getting the PS3 version of Sigma because it's mad cheap most places, but I don't have a PS3 at the moment. If I was to go pick up a version of NG1 to get, should I go with Ninja Gaiden Black for xbox original, or Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus for the Vita? Not sure how the Vita version stacked up, and I never played Sigma or Black. I only played NG when it first came out on the Xbox. Which one would be the better version to go with?

Ninja Gaiden Black. It's by far the best version of the game.
Iconoclast. We discussed it via PM a long time ago.

To clarify, there's still an element of luck to just about everything - the goal of high level play is to keep increasing your skill and knowledge of the game to reduce luck to a bare minimum. For example, HFD isn't going to fully chain both loops of Dodonpachi Daioujou every time he plays it, Daigo isn't going to hit every 1-frame link in Street Fighter, and nobody is going to get through every battle in NG2 unscathed every time they attempt it. So in that sense, luck will always be a factor, but everything still has a counter, and the more you practice, the more your consistency will improve.

ANYWAY, I'm thinking NG3 is decent enough so far (I'm almost done with day 4 on Hard). Obviously it's not on the level of NGB or NG2, but for a dumbed down, simplified version of NG, it's not so bad. It's basically Ninja Gaiden Lite.
To clarify, there's still an element of luck to just about everything - the goal of high level play is to keep increasing your skill and knowledge of the game to reduce luck to a bare minimum. For example, HFD isn't going to fully chain both loops of Dodonpachi Daioujou every time he plays it, Daigo isn't going to hit every 1-frame link in Street Fighter, and nobody is going to get through every battle in NG2 unscathed every time they attempt it.
Execution errors aren't the same thing as luck built into the game mechanics.
Execution errors aren't the same thing as luck built into the game mechanics.

I'm not saying luck is built into the game, like in an RPG or something (ie. moves that have a 95% chance of hitting), but it's an external factor with the player's ability. Nobody's execution is absolutely perfect 100% of the time, so there will always be a hint of luck involved in 'perfect' runs through something.

edit: And I'm not saying that mistakes should ever be blamed on luck or random chance - the player is always the one at fault.


-Ryu Hayabusa is more bully then badass in this game. There's this theme about the morality in all his killing, but its dynamically opposed to the objective of the game(aka be an awesome ninja who kills dudes with style). One minute the game is trying to make you feel bad about killing a guy who surrendered and starting begging for his life(not really a spoiler, its very early in the game), the next they're giving you this eleborate QTE killing another guy like "YEAH WASN'T THAT AWESOME!?". You do a neat looking combo and you feel like the shit, then you see everybody crawling away begging for mercy, and you feel like shit. It's not you have much choice in the matter. There's no Renegade/Paragon stuff. You just keep killing and trying to have fun, and the game will occasionally wag it's finger at you for doing what the game tells you to do. Hell, the game REWARDS you for killing people when they're begging for mercy. It's bizarre

For some reason, this is the worst offender (toghether with framerate drops) for me. It's just insane. As much as I hate streamlining, at least it has a sense, but this one is schizophrenic, like two different teams were working on the game. People like to talk about the cognitive dissonance in Uncharted, where a seemingly nice guy kills dozens of goons, but this is a whole new level of stupidity. It's like the devs didn't want you to have fun.


To clarify, there's still an element of luck to just about everything - the goal of high level play is to keep increasing your skill and knowledge of the game to reduce luck to a bare minimum. For example, HFD isn't going to fully chain both loops of Dodonpachi Daioujou every time he plays it, Daigo isn't going to hit every 1-frame link in Street Fighter, and nobody is going to get through every battle in NG2 unscathed every time they attempt it. So in that sense, luck will always be a factor, but everything still has a counter, and the more you practice, the more your consistency will improve.

My point is not that every player IS going to go through unscathed like that, but that it's just not possible to avoid some stuff. Not because of skill or that the player missed an incredibly hard to hit frame, but are points where an animation is winding down and the player cannot move, yet has no invincibility frames. In this period, if an enemy decides to hit you with something, they are going to succeed and there is nothing you can do about it? I understand that with practice you can minimize the time that you are left in this vulnerable state, but are you arguing that there are points in which this happens?
I'm not saying luck is built into the game, like in an RPG or something (ie. moves that have a 95% chance of hitting), but it's an external factor with the player's ability. Nobody's execution is absolutely perfect 100% of the time, so there will always be a hint of luck involved in 'perfect' runs through something.

edit: And I'm not saying that mistakes should ever be blamed on luck or random chance - the player is always the one at fault.

Okay, so you are. Well, I still disagree because there I don't think there is any way to be in invincibility frames 100% of the time while not running, especially like the scenerio I described, and that seems to be a requirement to never get hit in the game. But you can write me off as simply not knowing the combat engine well enough then, as you probably have analyzed it more than I have. I'm currently playing now and I don't see any way to avoid stuff when that happens.


My bullet point review after completing the game and playing a bit of MP. If it echoes the sentiments of others' thoughts and reviews, so be it, just means the criticism is on point.

  • Story attempts to tug at emotions, fail miserably. Cutscenes are skippable, no bitching here.
  • Weapons cut and reduced to a single sword at this time.
  • No items. No health bonuses.
  • Zero branching paths, far more linear than NGII.
  • Despite linear levels and lack of original NG hub world, there's no level select option.
  • Environments are varied if sometimes bland with a washed out palette (Hayabusa village shows the STYLE regression)
  • The number of file save slots available has been cut to 4(or was it 3?) from 20.
  • Rocket spam returns from NGII, slightly less annoying.
  • Dismemberment is gone, ridiculous lacerations and piercings are in.
  • New Steel on Bone feature is just a bonus cinematic QTE attack that occurs at random.
  • Ultimate technique attacks can only be done when you kill a certain number and variety of enemies.
  • Ninpo has been radically cut down, a single meter builds and unleashes fire Ki, replenishes health.
  • Autoaim arrows reduce long-range combat to near-QTE status.
  • Bosses are mostly competent, save for particularly boring Day 3 miniboss.
  • Button mashing works for 80% of the game on NORMAL difficulty.
  • Enemy variety is minimal, maybe 8-12 different A.I. and skin variants, most humonoid.
  • Enemy A.I. far less aggressive (read: worse) than in NG or NGII.
  • Enemies are "bullet sponges" to compensate; they take a LOT more damage before falling than ever before.
  • Camera trapped behind closed door or wall several times during play.
  • Massive screen tearing, framerate drops and texture clipping in crappy
    Day 8 vehicle sequence
    . Looks UNFINISHED.
  • Little framerate issues elsewhere on NORMAL difficulty level (Xbox 360, installed on HDD).
  • Rather few co-op MP levels, could use a lot more variety.
  • No significant lag in MP noted.
  • Easier to lose track of generic MP character in MP, especially when fighting 6-8 other ninjas on screen.
  • Have yet to connect to Versus MP match yet, granted I only tried for five minutes.


On a rating scale of 1-5 stars here's how the series stacks up for me so far:

Ninja Gaiden ****
Ninja Gaiden Black *****
Ninja Gaiden Sigma ****
Ninja Gaiden II ***
Ninja Gaiden Sigma II ***
Ninja Gaiden III **

Similar games I've played recently:

Bayonetta *****
God of War ***
Heavenly Sword **
Mad World **
No More Heroes ***
Oneechanbara Vortex *

So for an idea of how far Team Ninja Dog has fallen, just absorb for a moment, if you will, the caliber of the games I consider two star outings. Note that two stars isn't even bad in the scheme of things, just mediocre and not worth replaying. But when you consider just how fucking good Ninja Gaiden Black is, it really puts things in perspective.

Ninja Gaiden Lite is a great description from my experience.


Holy shit this is disappointing. Was Itgaki really so on the ball that his departure lead to the implosion of the series?


He said that NG2 appearing on other platforms would be a loss of face of everyone involved. He was right, its been downhill ever since and Team Ninja did lose its face. Although Dead or Alive 5 looks pretty fucking great.

But Itagaki really is good. Ofcourse DoAX2 was some sort of... its a piece of shit. NG1 and even 2 however, they had some really complex and well thought out fighting engine going on. NGB probably still is the benchmark, it hasn't been bettered.

NG3 was the first NG game that Hayashi had to build from the ground up, and he failed miserably. He should go. With that guys vision and thoughts, we're not getting a good NG game in a hundred years.



I am currently sitting at work, feeling completely ripped off. I literally played the first 5 minutes. died. got up and turned off the ps3. I was bored 2 minutes into it. I gave this game 3 minutes too many. It is the worst game i have played in some time.

I can deal with all the mediocrity in this game, if i could tell what the hell was going on. The camera is horrible. zoom in, zoom out. zoom in, zoom out. ahhhhhh its annoying. make it stop.

QTE's fine. i love God of War! When the game literally started with a QTE, i knew we were in for some trouble.

The controls, my god the controls. i actually had no idea if i was doing anything or not. Am i in control? did i do that move? This is the games biggest travesty. YOU DONT KNOW WHEN YOUR IN CONTROL!!!!!! For a VIDEO GAME to convey that sense, there are no words.

NINJA THEORY. FUCK YOU! i was actually going to check out DMC, but no way now.
This is straight shit!


Why O Why doesnt Amazon offer a refund for this game instead.



I am currently sitting at work, feeling completely ripped off. I literally played the first 5 minutes. died. got up and turned off the ps3. I was bored 2 minutes into it. I gave this game 3 minutes too many. It is the worst game i have played in some time.

I can deal with all the mediocrity in this game, if i could tell what the hell was going on. The camera is horrible. zoom in, zoom out. zoom in, zoom out. ahhhhhh its annoying. make it stop.

QTE's fine. i love God of War! When the game literally started with a QTE, i knew we were in for some trouble.

The controls, my god the controls. i actually had no idea if i was doing anything or not. Am i in control? did i do that move? This is the games biggest travesty. YOU DONT KNOW WHEN YOUR IN CONTROL!!!!!! For a VIDEO GAME to convey that sense, there are no words.

NINJA THEORY. FUCK YOU! i was actually going to check out DMC, but no way now.
This is straight shit!


Why O Why doesnt Amazon offer a refund for this game instead.

Team NINJA made this game.
He said that NG2 appearing on other platforms would be a loss of face of everyone involved. He was right, its been downhill ever since and Team Ninja did lose its face. Although Dead or Alive 5 looks pretty fucking great.

But Itagaki really is good. Ofcourse DoAX2 was some sort of... its a piece of shit. NG1 and even 2 however, they had some really complex and well thought out fighting engine going on. NGB probably still is the benchmark, it hasn't been bettered.

NG3 was the first NG game that Hayashi had to build from the ground up, and he failed miserably. He should go. With that guys vision and thoughts, we're not getting a good NG game in a hundred years.

Sorry bro Ninja Gaiden 2 is a fucking broken ass product.
No I am not judging your keyboard warrior spirit however I recently played NG2 on the second difficulty and it constantly froze on chap 14 on xbox.

After checking on the Internet I found out that I have to clear the cache and stay offline (Decline the update) to finish the fucking game. Thank you Team Ninja...

NGB and Sigma and Sigma 2 are the only playable games.


He said that NG2 appearing on other platforms would be a loss of face of everyone involved. He was right, its been downhill ever since and Team Ninja did lose its face. Although Dead or Alive 5 looks pretty fucking great.

But Itagaki really is good. Ofcourse DoAX2 was some sort of... its a piece of shit. NG1 and even 2 however, they had some really complex and well thought out fighting engine going on. NGB probably still is the benchmark, it hasn't been bettered.

NG3 was the first NG game that Hayashi had to build from the ground up, and he failed miserably. He should go. With that guys vision and thoughts, we're not getting a good NG game in a hundred years.

Enlighten me how NG coming to PS3 affected the design and function of the game..
Ninja Theory hate bleeding into games they didn't even make :lol

Got my ps3 copy today and played a little bit. Having your combos interrupted constantly with finishing moves is pretty annoying. I guess the "feel" of steel on bone was more important than the feel of being in control.


am i the only who find this ng failure to be similar DMC2 ?
hopefully they can get it right with ng4 like how capcom did with dmc3

I am currently sitting at work, feeling completely ripped off. I literally played the first 5 minutes. died. got up and turned off the ps3. I was bored 2 minutes into it. I gave this game 3 minutes too many. It is the worst game i have played in some time.

I can deal with all the mediocrity in this game, if i could tell what the hell was going on. The camera is horrible. zoom in, zoom out. zoom in, zoom out. ahhhhhh its annoying. make it stop.

QTE's fine. i love God of War! When the game literally started with a QTE, i knew we were in for some trouble.

The controls, my god the controls. i actually had no idea if i was doing anything or not. Am i in control? did i do that move? This is the games biggest travesty. YOU DONT KNOW WHEN YOUR IN CONTROL!!!!!! For a VIDEO GAME to convey that sense, there are no words.

NINJA THEORY. FUCK YOU! i was actually going to check out DMC, but no way now.
This is straight shit!


Why O Why doesnt Amazon offer a refund for this game instead.

Send it back to amazon.
It doesn't feel like i'm in complete control... I can't explain it, it's like the game is in cruise control and all you have to do is hit square square square over and over again. The combos feel random :(

Maybe things will get better once I get the Izuna drop?

Incredibly disappointed they gimped the gore. I'm still somewhat baffled they removed it. The purple confetti/mist from sigma 2 was bad, but at least it was masked rather than removed. The decapitations , dismemberment and overall gore were always synonymous with the NG franchise, IMO. It's no different than how gore is synonymous with the Gears of War or God or War titles.

Sigh, no more hamburger head from the izuna drop I suppose?
am i the only who find this ng failure to be similar DMC2 ?
hopefully they can get it right with ng4 like how capcom did with dmc3

I think it may be a long time before we see another full fledged Ninja Gaiden. Anecdotal of course, but I just went to family video to return Resident Evil and not a single of the 10 or so Ninja Gaidens were rented out. I have never been able to go in there the day after a release and get a copy of anything before, let alone still have the entire shelf full of them. If that is any indication, this game may be bombing hard.
There. Hard mode completed. I am returning this game, and I will never play it again.

I'm just...I'm still stunned that this is really Ninja Gaiden 3. I don't know how much work from the current team went into NG1/B, and I don't care that much. But I like to imagine they played the same NGB I did, and realized what the appeal was. I just can't believe these supposedly smart, talented people worked 2+ years to create the supposed next stage in action games, to evolve on the "outdatedness" of NG2 and Bayonetta. And THIS was the result. A dumbed-down bastardization masquerading as a Ninja Gaiden sequel. 2+ years of development, and the best idea they could up with to add to the series was, "QTEs". The signs were there in NG(S)2, but I never, in my wildest nightmares, would have imagined Ninja Gaiden 3 would ever be this bad.

This is a shame. To the fans, the casual observers, and especially the people who made it. There really no other word for it.

Ninja Gaiden 3 is a goddamn shame.
There. Hard mode completed. I am returning this game, and I will never play it again.

I'm just...I'm still stunned that this is really Ninja Gaiden 3. I don't know how much work from the current team went into NG1/B, and I don't care that much. But I like to imagine they played the same NGB I did, and realized what the appeal was. I just can't believe these supposedly smart, talented people worked 2+ years to create the supposed next stage in action games, to evolve on the "outdatedness" of NG2 and Bayonetta. And THIS was the result. A dumbed-down bastardization masquerading as a Ninja Gaiden sequel. 2+ years of development, and the best idea they could up with to add to the series was, "QTEs". The signs were there in NG(S)2, but I never, in my wildest nightmares, would have imagined Ninja Gaiden 3 would ever be this bad.

This is a shame. To the fans, the casual observers, and especially the people who made it. There really no other word for it.

Ninja Gaiden 3 is a goddamn shame.

Any clue how long it took you to finish?


They must be really getting a lot of calls/mails...I called tecmo because my CE didn't include online code and my DOA5 code didn't work as well, and they gave me those codes without even verifying my purchase at all.
There. Hard mode completed. I am returning this game, and I will never play it again.

I'm just...I'm still stunned that this is really Ninja Gaiden 3. I don't know how much work from the current team went into NG1/B, and I don't care that much. But I like to imagine they played the same NGB I did, and realized what the appeal was. I just can't believe these supposedly smart, talented people worked 2+ years to create the supposed next stage in action games, to evolve on the "outdatedness" of NG2 and Bayonetta. And THIS was the result. A dumbed-down bastardization masquerading as a Ninja Gaiden sequel. 2+ years of development, and the best idea they could up with to add to the series was, "QTEs". The signs were there in NG(S)2, but I never, in my wildest nightmares, would have imagined Ninja Gaiden 3 would ever be this bad.

This is a shame. To the fans, the casual observers, and especially the people who made it. There really no other word for it.

Ninja Gaiden 3 is a goddamn shame.

I think this was a huge mark against the game from the get go. It's almost like Hayashi was trying to be the "shit talker" that Itagaki was, instead it turns out that he just couldn't match Itagaki's technical prowess. It's a damn shame, as it feels like an pretty rocking game is buried underneath a mound of problems.

I beat Day 3 last night and while I'm still having a good time, I don't really see myself playing through the campaign again. How's the online mode been for everyone?



Hello, This is Tomonobu Itagaki from Valhalla.
I've been reading all the positive comments in this thread.
I assume that a Ninja Dog that walks in my shadow had to make something from the ground up this time around.
Any clue how long it took you to finish?

8-10 hours, I would guess. Every level takes about a hour or so, and there's 8 of the damn things. By the end, I was kinda just playing this state of bewilderment that this is really the whole game, and I kinda lost track of time.

Did they fuck up alternative costumes for this game too?
NG & NG2 had a lot of costumes to change for new game +.

Alternative costumes? You mean different colors for multiplayer DLC you can buy?
To clarify, there's still an element of luck to just about everything - the goal of high level play is to keep increasing your skill and knowledge of the game to reduce luck to a bare minimum. For example, HFD isn't going to fully chain both loops of Dodonpachi Daioujou every time he plays it, Daigo isn't going to hit every 1-frame link in Street Fighter, and nobody is going to get through every battle in NG2 unscathed every time they attempt it. So in that sense, luck will always be a factor, but everything still has a counter, and the more you practice, the more your consistency will improve.

ANYWAY, I'm thinking NG3 is decent enough so far (I'm almost done with day 4 on Hard). Obviously it's not on the level of NGB or NG2, but for a dumbed down, simplified version of NG, it's not so bad. It's basically Ninja Gaiden Lite.

I agree, but there are plenty of situations in NG2 that simply don't have an answer (or an answer you can't see because the screen is cluttered to hell.)
I don't understand how UTs work in this game. It seems to happen on its when I play. Can someone explain?

They charge up while fighting, but it's not totally clear how. There are things affecting UT and Ninpo charging behind the scenes and I'm trying to figure out how it works. It doesn't seem random, as I get both after kicking a lot of ass-- but there seem to be some moves that charge both meters more than others (though UT hits definitely charge ninpo the most so far.)

it better not be bone on steel that charges UT....THEN i'll start getting a little more salty about this game. Unless BOS is not actually random like it seems.


am i the only who find this ng failure to be similar DMC2 ?
hopefully they can get it right with ng4 like how capcom did with dmc3

I actually posted this awhile ago.
It's funny too, because I like the art in this one the most, but it's the worst entry....DMC2 total.

Four Wude

Unconfirmed Member
Just want to remind those who are interested, I'm going to be streaming the final Day on NG3 Hard mode tonight when I get out of work, around 8 PM CST. (About 4 hours from now)

The stream link will be www.twitch.tv/fourwudegaming

Thanks to everyone that tuned in yesterday and sorry I couldn't finish it up last night. See you guys in a few hours!
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