Day 6 spoilers:
Doppelganger boss is back with claws, scythe and void ninpo and we are stuck with shitty dragon sword only.
If this isn't trolling I don't know what is.
And he is a cakewalk, like seriously, seriously easy. And to think fighting two of him were the best parts of NG1.
I just finished. I'm not going to go into a rant about all the aspects of it, as most of you know them and mentioned them already. I will just say this. This is a soul-less game. I never use that word to describe games, but it's far too appropriate here. Because most things wrong with the game is simply a lack of what we got in the first games. Weapons, enemies, exploration, etc. It's been stripped down to the barest of minimums while still maintaining functionality. And that's the highest praise I can give it. It's functional. It works. But no one should play a game for that reason alone. It's just so empty. There is nothing to this game if you played any respected action game besides it, not just the other NG games. It's not any kind of disaster. It's just...nothing. If this didn't have the Ninja Gaiden name tag, it'd already be lost to other interesting current titles. That's probably what will happen soon. And it should happen, because no title deserves to be more forgotten than this one.
For those that played it, is Sigma 2 worth picking up? Or should I just stick with my vanilla NGII?
I just finished. I'm not going to go into a rant about all the aspects of it, as most of you know them and mentioned them already. I will just say this. This is a soul-less game. I never use that word to describe games, but it's far too appropriate here. Because most things wrong with the game is simply a lack of what we got in the first games. Weapons, enemies, exploration, etc. It's been stripped down to the barest of minimums while still maintaining functionality. And that's the highest praise I can give it. It's functional. It works. But no one should play a game for that reason alone. It's just so empty. There is nothing to this game if you played any respected action game besides it, not just the other NG games. It's not any kind of disaster. It's just...nothing. If this didn't have the Ninja Gaiden name tag, it'd already be lost to other interesting current titles. That's probably what will happen soon. And it should happen, because no title deserves to be more forgotten than this one.
Major day 7 spoilers:
They didn't just fuck up the combat and gameplay mechanics, but even go as far as fucking up the story, which is horrendous in this game. I never bothered with the storylines in the NG series, but it's unbelievable how bad the one in NG3 is. They didn't even try making a proper story in the previous games and yet ended up with one much better than NG3 (which was the main focus of the game).I couldn't stop laughing at the part where Ryu kills the red alchemist which ends up being Canna's cloned father. Especially the way Canna yells at Ryu and calls him a murderer is so cringeworthy.
Oh, and I also hate the new Ryu. He went from a complete cold badass to some socially awkward "Japanese Dark Hero".
I do not believe they will be able to recover and reach their former glory after Ninja Gaiden 3. RIP Ninja Gaiden series.
∀ Narayan;36310909 said:I swear... the ideas this guy has... 100% BRAIN POISON.
∀ Narayan;36310909 said:Dear Tecmo Koei,
Please fire Yosuke Hayashi.
Thanks in advance.
I swear... the ideas this guy has... 100% BRAIN POISON.
Hopefully they'll make some chances after he ends up ruining DoA5 which I believe he will. I can't actually believe he managed to make a decent remake of NG1. I bet he was too afraid of going too wild and make major changes to the game when Itagaki was around.
∀ Narayan;36311130 said:I'm certain Itagaki had everything to do with Ninja Gaiden Black being one of the greatest video games ever made, regardless of whatever position Hayashi was in at the time.
I just finished. I'm not going to go into a rant about all the aspects of it, as most of you know them and mentioned them already. I will just say this. This is a soul-less game. I never use that word to describe games, but it's far too appropriate here. Because most things wrong with the game is simply a lack of what we got in the first games. Weapons, enemies, exploration, etc. It's been stripped down to the barest of minimums while still maintaining functionality. And that's the highest praise I can give it. It's functional. It works. But no one should play a game for that reason alone. It's just so empty. There is nothing to this game if you played any respected action game besides it, not just the other NG games. It's not any kind of disaster. It's just...nothing. If this didn't have the Ninja Gaiden name tag, it'd already be lost to other interesting current titles. That's probably what will happen soon. And it should happen, because no title deserves to be more forgotten than this one.
Oh and I found a video of the part I was talking about. As I said, major end game spoilers in the video!
48:10 and onwards.
I was thinking about Ninja Gaiden Sigma when I wrote that. Hayashi was the lead designer of the game and it ended up being a good remake in my opinion. Maybe I give him too much credit for that, since it's a remake of Itagaki's work and as I said, he probably didn't have the guts to change too much things when Itagaki was a part of Team Ninja at that time (even if he wasn't involved with Sigma).
Hayashi said:"We knew that we'd be asked about the past, and about Team Ninja going forward, and what that's going to mean," Hayashi explained. "We know that in making a new Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden we're going to be compared to our past titles. We're prepared to be judged by our work. We want people to take an honest look at the work that we do."
Oh and I found a video of the part I was talking about. As I said, major end game spoilers in the video!
48:10 and onwards.
This thread is making me rebuy NGB.
I don't understand why the entire internet is hating on this game.
Yes it sucks for fans because they stripped it.
But I played through it, and it was fun. If you actually play this game without trying to nitpick you will enjoy it.
The graphics are good, the sound is good, the gameplay is fun, the environment are varied and the game keeps throwing new interesting things at you every minute. Also the story is somewhat interesting, you're not expecting ME3 storytelling here, but for an action game, it was better than the DMC4 story or the past ninja gaidens.
The trials are also very fun and leveling up is interesting. Plus, they are going to add free weapons and extra free trials.
I guess the only positive thing about all these negative reviews is maybe team ninja will realize they messed up as far as the fans are concerned, and make more of the DLC free.
Jeez. I can't even begin imagining what the thread for DmC will look like.
I don't understand why the entire internet is hating on this game.
Yes it sucks for fans because they stripped it.
But I played through it, and it was fun. If you actually play this game without trying to nitpick you will enjoy it.
The graphics are good, the sound is good, the gameplay is fun, the environment are varied and the game keeps throwing new interesting things at you every minute. Also the story is somewhat interesting, you're not expecting ME3 storytelling here, but for an action game, it was better than the DMC4 story or the past ninja gaidens.
The trials are also very fun and leveling up is interesting. Plus, they are going to add free weapons and extra free trials.
I guess the only positive thing about all these negative reviews is maybe team ninja will realize they messed up as far as the fans are concerned, and make more of the DLC free.
Jeez. I can't even begin imagining what the thread for DmC will look like.
yeah, i'm pretty bored with this game...maybe I'll finish it when there's a game drought or something.
also, I picked up NG2 360, which is suddenly much more fun than before haha. I have to start over on Warrior, but i'll do a dragon sword run for that whopping 5G achievement. glad there's cloud saving on Xbox now.
Unresponsive controls in an action game is not nitpicking. Being a Ninja Gaiden fan has nothing to do with it. I am quite looking forward to the new direction of DmC, but if it ships with broken controls I will be upset.
There is a trick to get all weapon achievement on one go.
But I guess you must beat it first so you can start new game + with everything you need for said trick. Google or youtube it.
And last boss sure is fun at 10 fps!
The graphics are good, the sound is good, the gameplay is fun, the environment are varied and the game keeps throwing new interesting things at you every minute. Also the story is somewhat interesting,
Ninja Gaiden 3: "Feels like 30fps" It really does!
yeah, watching the replays or something. I've played this before...the last boss is easy on normal mode if you save up all of your health items, including life of the gods and Lives of the Thousand you about a million health refills and a larger bar each time. On the downside, you have to go through the game with the starting life bar, but it's pretty damn easy on warrior-- especially with a lv.3 dragon sword starting in ch.3. Not looking forward to mentor and mnm, but I am going to give them a shot.
What i'm wondering is how people glitched the game to get 99999999999 karma in a 0:24 minute play time. the leaderboards are messed up because of that.
DmC: Is 30fps
Also, thank you, last two pages of this thread for saving me from buying this game.
There is a trick to get all weapon achievement on one go.
For those that played it, is Sigma 2 worth picking up? Or should I just stick with my vanilla NGII?
This thread is making me rebuy NGB.
What i'm wondering is how people glitched the game to get 99999999999 karma in a 0:24 minute play time. the leaderboards are messed up because of that.
Sigma 2 is... strange. On paper, it should be superior to NG2 vanilla. It gets rid of the bosses that really just didn't work on NG2, cuts down on the projectile spam that is often complained about, and adds more content.
Instead, Sigma 2 just creates more problems than it fixes. It cuts down on projectile spam to the point where every enemy encounter suffers for it with lowered amount of enemies that have a ton of health on higher difficulties (to the point where some grunt ninjas take 3 izuna drops to kill). It gets to the point where entire portions of chapters are just empty. The new bosses are usually terrible "giant statue" bosses that have the same boring move-set. And only one out of the two new characters are actually fun to play as. It adds a new heavy weapon, but also takes out the Windmill Shuriken, which was actually pretty useful in NG2 Vanilla. And it also adds a very useless gun weapon. It adds some pretty fun co-op, but completely gets rid of New game + for some reason.
For the short version, Sigma 2 creates more problems than it fixes. Some of the improvements are good, but you might as well just stick with NG2 Vanilla.
Hell, this thread is making me want to dig up my old copy of NGB and just replay that.
yeah, i'm pretty bored with this game...maybe I'll finish it when there's a game drought or something.
also, I picked up NG2 360, which is suddenly much more fun than before haha. I have to start over on Warrior, but i'll do a dragon sword run for that whopping 5G achievement. glad there's cloud saving on Xbox now.
also, the white version of the Mumra costume might be my favorite NG costume:
(looks great in game)
There are karma farming points where you can go back and forth and make the same enemies spawn over and over again. I don't know if they took them out with the patch, but I played the game post patch and there's still an infinite respawn point in chapter 2.
Jeez. I can't even begin imagining what the thread for DmC will look like.
The team working on DOA5 is different than the one that worked on Ninja Gaiden 3. Plus the Alpha Demo is more promising than the NG3 demo ThoughtsofSpeaking gave his impressions of many months ago now.I almost bought it on name alone. Clicked on a GameSpot video review and saw a 5.5 and thought it was a user score affected by assholes.
The shock and dissappointment when I realized the truth.
I fear for DoA now. Really makes you appreciate the talents of the Team Ninja personnel we had with the first NG games. Itagaki is greatly missed.
Also the story is somewhat interesting, you're not expecting ME3 storytelling here, but for an action game, it was better than the DMC4 story or the past ninja gaidens.