If I ever needed proof that Famitsu is a jokeAnd Famitsu gives NG3 9/9/9/9 (the highest score in the series ?)
If I ever needed proof that Famitsu is a jokeAnd Famitsu gives NG3 9/9/9/9 (the highest score in the series ?)
Sucks that we won't get the tonfas. And the Kusari-gama. It was a terrible weapon, but so cool to use against human enemies.
Still, rather have this be in the game already
Still, rather have this be in the game already
I'm going to have to itagakilaugh.gif if these free dlc weapons are for multiplayer only.
If I ever needed proof that Famitsu is a joke
I'm pretty sure that other weapon that is not a katana, is exclusive for the multiplayer, the main game is all about the katana.
It was free DLC that gave you new weapons to play the base game with, if you wanna get specific with their comparisons.
Was he? Most of what made Black were Itagaki's ideas. Hayashi was probably there to carry out Itagaki's wishes and probably didn't have much of a say in what gets in or what is left out.
Then, Hayashi had full control and freedom with Sigma without Itagaki having anything to do with it, and he decided to fuck up the perfect balance in Black along with the introduction of shitty playable Rachel missions.
Without Itagaki being apart of Black we probably would have had those Rachel missions in Black too.
Nice opening post, AAK, but some of your section heading translations look like they came straight out of a ENG-JPN dictionary. Fixing these will make your opening post look more authentic:
Gameplay should be ゲームプレイ
Characters would be more typically something 登場人物
Media should be 動画
Reviews should be レビュー
As for extra characters and whatnot, say what you want about Rachel, but Ayane was absolutely fantastic in NGS2.
That quote tells me nothing that says what Hayashi did or didn't do. Stop trying to discredit him. Hayashi was the proect lead of NGB, deal with it.
This is known. I think it's because she had a completely unique moveset. Rachel and Momiji both used weapons comparable to Hayabusa, so it was immediately apparent how lacking they were in comparison.
Are we reading a different thread? lol
DLC weapons are stupid. I'm just glad I get the claws (hopefully in the campaign).
no, it rebalanced the game in some ways, added new enemies, new difficulty mode, new moves. the lunar staff was just one small part of it.
How did you come to this conclusion? This is just speculation. Itagaki has mentioned which team ninja staff did what in the past. He's usually very frank about it. It's not like itagaki talks to take credit for everything. From him we know it was Matsui who came up with Ryus fluid animationsHe's speaking on behalf of his company man. The question even then asked what was new in NGB, not what Itagaki specifically did. That's his style of answering questions anyway speaking from a first person.
And again, I'm not saying NGB was Hayashi personal effort, it's just refuting the claim by nearly half of the people in this thread that he's some incompetant reject that can't design an action game in any conceivable way..
He's speaking on behalf of his company man. The question even then asked what was new in NGB, not what Itagaki specifically did. That's his style of answering questions anyway speaking from a first person. And again, I'm not saying NGB was Hayashi personal effort, it's just refuting the claim by nearly half of the people in this thread that he's some incompetant reject that can't design an action game in any conceivable way.
Momiji had the awesome airborne obliteration techniques... that novelty was more than enough to have a lot of fun in her mission. But yeah it's true, nothing compared to Ayane.
Wow, no shit? You see I never played NG before so this is all news to me.
*rolls eyes*
Jesus you guys, I'm just showing how free DLC that gives you weapons isn't a new thing for these 3d NG games. That's it.
-Frame drops check
It would have been nice without, but going by this logic so many other great games which drop frames manage to get a pass, why scrutinize this one?
-Slow mo bullshit check
It's just a canned animation, no different from obliteration techniques from previous games from a gameplay perspective
-Random SOBs that take control away from the player check
Yeah I agree this is a negative, but let's not pretend randomness wasn't in previous iterations of the game
-Reduced weapon variety check
I agree this sucks
-Reduced replayability check
Competitive Multiplayer provides 10x more replayability than anything from a single player perspective
-Fucking QTEs check
They're not integral parts to the game, they're used in the same vain as Bayonetta, just to traverse from one location to the other
When your criteria is to "design an action game in any conceivable way" then yeah sure, he can design an action game. But then again, so can Ninja Theory. But can he design a Ninja Gaiden game?
Obviously he can't, since he doesn't even seem to understand what makes a Ninja Gaiden game.
How did you come to this conclusion? This is just speculation. Itagaki has mentioned which team ninja staff did what in the past. He's usually very frank about it. It's not like itagaki talks to take credit for everything. From him we know it was Matsui who came up with Ryus fluid animations
ok cool, so you can't handle being corrected at all
-Frame drops check
-Slow mo bullshit check
-Random SOBs that take control away from the player check
-Reduced weapon variety check
-Reduced replayability check
-Fucking QTEs check
When your criteria is to "design an action game in any conceivable way" then yeah sure, he can design an action game. But then again, so can Ninja Theory. But can he design a Ninja Gaiden game? Obviously he can't, since he doesn't even seem to understand what makes a Ninja Gaiden game.
I will play this Ninja Gaiden 3, and I will beat it.
I like Ryu as a character and I like slicing shit up.
There is, but it changes into different moves when you change swords.My memory is a little hazy, there's also no flying swallow in this one right?
I would edit that. Scans are banned.
Could you elaborate more on this? My code has 3 difficulty settings, Hero, Normal and Hard. How do you unlock those extra difficulties? Besides, Hard is already bordering the bullshit for how much hard it is I can't think of how they can make it even harder than that. Hopefully not by adding more enemies as that would result in super-slowmotion action.
Nice opening post, AAK, but some of your section heading translations look like they came straight out of a ENG-JPN dictionary. Fixing these will make your opening post look more authentic:
Gameplay should be ゲームプレイ
Characters would be more typically something 登場人物
Media should be 動画
Reviews should be レビュー
why scrutinize this one?
TDS = ?
More human enemies sounds good, if they are aggressive and dangerous as in NG2.
Wow, ok, now i need to know what's up with this game.Another Review:
Famitsu: 9/9/9/9
Previous games:
NGS+: 8 / 8 / 8 / 8
NGS2: 9 / 9 / 9 / 8
NG2: 9 / 9 / 8 / 8
NGS: 9 / 8 / 8 / 8
Couldn't find the reviews for the ones preceeding these.
, come on son!True Dragon Sword
Wow, ok, now i need to know what's up with this game.
One thing that's up is famitsu scores are irrelevant.
That's probably true, but they must have, at least tried, to justify that score.
In the mean time, everything else i read about it is hilariously bad (at least compared to the previous games).
All these negative comments from people who've played the game on this board seem worrying. Thanks for your highly constructive gameplay impressions.
All these negative comments from people who've played the game on this board seem worrying. Thanks for your highly constructive gameplay impressions.
Yeah, refreshing, isn't it? There is a vocal minority of gamers who can't bear the thought of their beloved franchises changing. I would understand the negativity if they had actually played the game, but that isn't the case. Let's wait and see; it might actually (gasp) turn out to be a good game. And possibly be worthy of the NG name.
Er-you didn't need to use any of the other weapons in the other two Ninja Gaiden, dude. The Dragon Sword was the answer to 99.9% of encounters, including bosses, in the game. Search your heart, you know it to be true.
Losing the Lunar sucks, but frankly it won't be missed in general gameplay.