1-D_FTW said:I've seen a couple articles since 3DS was announced (that I thought were going to be sensationalist) and optometrists were basically saying the opposite: issues with 3D are caused by weak eyes. If anything you'll strengthen your eyes according to these guys.
Crisis averted then. The thought of my eyes being ruined was the last thing really holding me back.
UK Gaffers - I pre-ordered yesterday at Sainsbury's for £199.99, with £5 free Nectar points. Probably the best in-store, day one deal.
I will absolutely get Pilotwings Resort, but i'm torn between Nintendogs + cats and SSFIV. Reviewers seem to love the former (well Famitsu lol), and some people think the 3D in the latter isn't great. Consensus on what my second game should be?