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Nintendo 64 will flop big time! (or how fanboy bickering hasn't changed in six years)


The Usenet Article.

It is kindof sad to see all of you clueless Nintendo fanatics getting
excited over a doomed machine. Wake up and smell the reality, bucause
Nintendo64 is going to flop bad here in the US...........

1.The System costs too much. $250, that is $50 more than the competition.
Plus, Sega and Sony would probably have better deals ready by the time
Nintendo64 ships(either $149 systems or $199 systems with pack-ins) .

2.The sticker shock. The cheapest game, Mario64, for Nitendo64 will cost
$70. 12~16MB 3rd party games will easily exceed $100. A dad who just came
to a toystore to buy his little kid a Nintendo64 for birthday would be
shocked to find out that he would have to pay $320+ tax to get a N64 with
one game, which is too much to swallow. On the other hand, the dad
would find a Sega or Sony machine with a pack-in for $199 sitting right
next to Nntendo64......... 18+ years old crowd will reject Nintendo64
because it is a kiddie system.

3.More add on to buy later. Nintendo expects you pay $150 for 64DD on top
of $250 Nintendo64.......... That is $470 for a complete Nintendo64/64DD+
Mario64 pakage....... Too much.

4. 3rd patry developers hate carts to death. We all know that. That means
no 3rd party games for Nintendo64. And no system has ever survived
without extensive 3rd party support. Sqaure dumped Nintendo. Enix is
doing Dragon Quest VII for the Saturn. Namco licks Sony's toes. Capcom
still has nightmares about overstocked Super Famicom/SNES SF2 carts. The
list of 3rd party developers disgusted with Nintendo goes on and

5. Only 20 games will be available for Nintendo64 in 1996. That is
patheric. Can you read J.A.G.U.A.R.???????????

So, Nintendo64 had all the components required to make a flop; high system
and game costs, no 3rd party support, only 20 games, and its 64bit games
are not much better than Sega's jaw dropping 32bit games(but still much
better than those maxxed out patheric PSX games.)

Nintendo64 will flop big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Matlock said:
1.The System costs too much. $250, that is $50 more than the competition.
Plus, Sega and Sony would probably have better deals ready by the time
Nintendo64 ships(either $149 systems or $199 systems with pack-ins) .

What crack was this guy smoking? IIRC, the PS launched at $300 (which was $100 less than Saturn's launch price). While it did drop to $200 in May of '96, $250 was the lowest launch price of that gen.

Still, compared to some of his other points, this one comes off as one of the more reasonable statements. :p


and its 64bit games
are not much better than Sega's jaw dropping 32bit games(but still much
better than those maxxed out patheric PSX games.

Wow. A disgruntled Sega fanboy. This guy must have killed himself after hearing Sega would make games for Nintendo and Sony.


Launch day $200 for me. I keep hearing from everyone that it was more...but right here in mainstream Dayton Ohio I paid $200 launch day.

...that out of the way...

This isn't as bad as that one old old post on the net about how Jaguar was gonna kick ass. HA HA HA...anyways. I hope I've never come off that fanboyish. I'm a Nintendo nut, but I try to be realistic, I know they have a bad image and that's like their biggest problem, and I admit when they make mistakes. However, I am very optimistic for the future...but I still try to be realistic...


Oh god... The funny thing is that I remember this thread. And I remember how friggin' PISSED I was at this little jackhole. But I've probably said plenty of things that I didn't mean/wouldn't mean now on usenet. I call it "the folly of youth."

Launch day $200 for me. I keep hearing from everyone that it was more...but right here in mainstream Dayton Ohio I paid $200 launch day.

I am constantly surprised by how many people don't remember how much the N64 cost at launch, even people who bought one. Nintendo promoted the hell out of the N64 only costing $250 when the competition cost 300, then lowered the launch price to $200 just a few weeks before the launch. It's MSRP was $199.99, if you paid any more, you were screwed. Nintendo's first party games were mostly $59.99, 3rd parties were $69.99, at least in the early days.


I think you might be right... I do recall recent speculation about next-gen consoles, and how Nintendo may finally have to launch at a +$200 price point.


dog$ said:
It's true, DQ7 migrated from 64DD to Saturn to PS1 finally... that was likely part of the reason for it's eternal delays. It even looks like a cheap Saturn game honestly.


(more a nerd than a geek)
If I remember correctly, Nintendo said that the N64 would be "under $250"... which we all assumed to be $249.99... then when the actual price was announced several months before release, it was $199.99...

Which is, of course, under $250.


Yeah it was $199. Though it IS true that in the first year, some games did go up to $100... I think. I'm in Canada, so the prices would be higher, but I remember Hexen, War Gods, and Doom 64 all being above $100 Canadian (Doom 64 was freaking $126+).

Funny, these days I've seen War Gods for $1.99... and that's Canadian!


And even i am moderately surprised
lol - you Americans think you have it bad?

N64 249 GBP = $373
Mario 64.99 = $97
Turok 79.99 = $120

Europe gets OWNED on prices.


DCharlie said:
lol - you Americans think you have it bad?

N64 249 GBP = $373
Mario 64.99 = $97
Turok 79.99 = $120

Europe gets OWNED on prices.

No kidding... especially on the N64. Geez, 1GBP is worth more than $1USD and yet your quantity amount is bigger... yikes.
funny. I wasn't even that big a N64 fan til the end of its lifespan. Big SNES, gb fan. N64 ... wasn't til I bought the console for MM and a few select titles. Wham. Love.

Anyhow, Matlock nailed it. Nintendo gets too much hate.


And even i am moderately surprised
it annoys the shit out of me...

In reality
1 GBP = circa $1.50

yet with tech, we get a
1 GBP = $1 equivalent.



Haha, what an odd coincidence. I meant to post a link to the parent, but wound up posting the link to a post that a GAF member posted. :p


$100 carts? I don't remember any carts being more than $70. Most were $55 to $60. Which ones (in the U.S.) were really expensive?
$100 carts? I don't remember any carts being more than $70. Most were $55 to $60. Which ones (in the U.S.) were really expensive?

There were no $100 carts in the U.S. The highest price was on a few 3rd party carts (Doom 64 comes to mind) which were $79.99.

If I remember correctly, Nintendo said that the N64 would be "under $250"... which we all assumed to be $249.99... then when the actual price was announced several months before release, it was $199.99...

Nintendo did intend to launch at $250. The price drop to $199 only happened around August, not long before the September launch date. Trust me, I know this. The N64 launch was the high part of my sad, early teenage years.


I bought Superman 64 for $80 Canadian. Came to $90 after taxes.

Needless to say, heads rolled after that.


Jack Flack always escapes!
I remember first party games being $50 for the N64, but 3rd party ones were $60-70 for the first year, then they dropped. At the time, it was normal to see $70-80 for 16 bit games, so there wasn't any panic over it. Heck, Virtua Racing and Phantasy Star IV for the Genesis had an MSRP of $100 each!

Nintendo did intend to launch at $250. The price drop to $199 only happened around August, not long before the September launch date. Trust me, I know this. The N64 launch was the high part of my sad, early teenage years.
That is how I remember it too.
so that makes you wonder about the price of games these days. XBOX games prices plummet really fast (see RSC2.. gotham.. any of their-non platinum titles) ... crazy game sales.

With graphics better then ever, this gen, I'd say gamers are winners. I don't get all the bitching about game prices. Especially if you look back. Next thing you know... $5 games.


oh wait.


TheGreenGiant said:
so that makes you wonder about the price of games these days. XBOX games prices plummet really fast (see RSC2.. gotham.. any of their-non platinum titles) ... crazy game sales.

With graphics better then ever, this gen, I'd say gamers are winners. I don't get all the bitching about game prices. Especially if you look back. Next thing you know... $5 games.


oh wait.

Industry as a whole is the big loser, because all these price cuts make people think games worth nothing to produce.

About this usenet poster, we all know that for 20 years, Nintendo is supposed to be dead/uncool/3rd party/etc
I'll tell you what the funniest shit posted on a forum is thus far. It would be the old Gaming Age gaming forum just before the releases of GameCube and Xbox in late 2001. Nintendo fans were arrogantly spewing wild claims out of their fanboy asses that the Cube was going to roll over the XBox tis generation. That as soon as Halo stopped selling,it would be all over for the console. Man I wish I had archived old Gaming Age posts,those posts would be some of the funniest and biggest dish of baked crow crow around.:b

Funky Papa

The Xbox hate was insanely high those days, I've never seen Nintendo fans so arrogant since I began to post on internet forums.

Now things are quite balanced, but man, those were fun times. I remember being just a lurker because I was too afraid to say that "i like teh halo" (flamebaits ahoy)


Matlock said:
and its 64bit games
are not much better than Sega's jaw dropping 32bit games(but still much
better than those maxxed out patheric PSX games.)

I remember that bullshit about the early games maxing out the PSX...even some EB employees tried to tell people that shit, at the one I shopped at around that time.
Yeah,its weird how things turned out thus far. I sorta figured Micosoft would be a better competitor than what was being said at that time in the forum. I also didn't think Nintendo would loose more marketshare though. The only one that has stayed oncourse to what many predicted would be Sony...hardly a tough prediction to throw out there though. Those guys are like a well oiled machine.


The guy is right but he over exaggerated. N64 sold alot because of its name coming off the SNES and giving it the biggest launch.

Ranger X

This guy was exagerating but he was pretty near the truth...
Don't you remember that this is the gen that Nintendo lose it's leadership. -- It was bad.

User 406

Deadmeat was Nobody's Perfect. "PSX is maxxed out" and Lockheed-Martin cocksuckery were his recurring schtick in the latter half of the 90's.


Well, that helps explain it a little better...Heh. I guess it's not just the idiotic posts, but the idiots themselves that recycle.
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