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Nintendo Announces 2005 Lineup for DS/GC/GBA



Nintendo tries to sneak in a Zelda mention for a first half of 2005 statement. The bothersome part is that it says "in development" and not "coming later this year".


etiolate said:

Nintendo tries to sneak in a Zelda mention for a first half of 2005 statement. The bothersome part is that it says "in development" and not "coming later this year".

it's definitley coming in 2005 if it is that you are worried for.


Mashing said:
Oh yea, I expect it then of course. Missing the holiday season would be stupid (then again Nintendo has launched Zelda twice this generation in the spring so I wouldn't put it past them to do it again). My point is that I don't mind a delay at all if it means the finished product will be just that much better. I want ATLEAST 8 dungeons.
I'm not too concerned about dungeons. Here are some things that I would like Nintendo to take note of:

1.) The overworld. I hope it's huge and seamless (e.g., few breaks for loading times).
2.) Despite this huge overworld, I hope there's a way to get to most locations quickly...but maybe not cheap warps. Maybe have that damn big bird come pick you up but have it where you can control the bird yourself.
3.) In this large overworld, I hope there are things to do in most of the areas -- even just cutting grass if it comes down to that.
4.) No invisible walls! Super Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker had them. None here, please. I remember, for example, hating the fact that I couldn't backflip off the top of Link's "house" in Wind Waker. :p In Ocarina of Time, you could backflip off of almost ANYTHING.
5.) More weird, unintentional secrets. I think secrets absolutely essential to beating the game should be more obvious, while others should be not obvious whatsoever, similar to burning bushes in the original Zelda for NES.


i'm glad -- and faintly surprised -- that gba wario ware's coming. although i wonder why it's taking so long.

My theory is that the GBA one is a much lower priority than the DS one, and they don't want to cannibalize sales by releasing them too close to one another.

...and they don't want to release more than Mario 64 DS this year, presumably to encourage people to buy 3rd party software.

Why they couldn't release Warioware 2 GBA now is trickier... probably because it's tough to sell people on a new way to play (i.e. the DS) when you release an innovative GBA game like that.


krypt0nian said:

Here's a glimpse of what you'll be playing on Nintendo systems in the first part of 2005,
along with dozens of unannounced titles that are currently in development.

This better translate to Animal Crossing DS.


Definately, I really miss finding shit on accident like I did in LoZ... the secret found chime is probably my favorite "mini tune" in all of gaming. They really need to bring back burning bushes.


snapty00 said:
I'm not too concerned about dungeons. Here are some things that I would like Nintendo to take note of:

1.) The overworld. I hope it's huge and seamless (e.g., few breaks for loading times).
2.) Despite this huge overworld, I hope there's a way to get to most locations quickly...but maybe not cheap warps. Maybe have that damn big bird come pick you up but have it where you can control the bird yourself.
3.) In this large overworld, I hope there are things to do in most of the areas -- even just cutting grass if it comes down to that.
4.) No invisible walls! Super Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker had them. None here, please. I remember, for example, hating the fact that I couldn't backflip off the top of Link's "house" in Wind Waker. :p In Ocarina of Time, you could backflip off of almost ANYTHING.
5.) More weird, unintentional secrets. I think secrets absolutely essential to beating the game should be more obvious, while others should be not obvious whatsoever, similar to burning bushes in the original Zelda for NES.

1. No worries with load times. I don't think EAD is even aware of the term.
2. Epona... Hopefully a duck too.
3. Cutting grass makes or breaks Zelda titles. I'm sure there will be a lot to explore and a lot of WWesque grass to cut.
4. I don't recall any invisible walls in the Wind Waker. Can't backflip off of his house? I don't buy it.
5. Absolutely. More exploration would be a wonderful things.

I will add to your one valid complaint...
-A lot of items and the ability to use them all on just about anything like in Wind Waker. Also, make all of the items a neccesity at one point or another through the game.


This better translate to Animal Crossing DS.

It lists AC DS as "still in development", so that means you can expect it in the summer at the earliest.

The good news is that w/ Metriod DS's Q2 release, that might give Nintendo time to get their act together and have WiFi support live by then... None of the potential multiplayer games up to that point will be out (e.g. Mario Kart, Animal Crossing).


snapty00 said:
I'm not too concerned about dungeons. Here are some things that I would like Nintendo to take note of:

1.) The overworld. I hope it's huge and seamless (e.g., few breaks for loading times).
2.) Despite this huge overworld, I hope there's a way to get to most locations quickly...but maybe not cheap warps. Maybe have that damn big bird come pick you up but have it where you can control the bird yourself.
3.) In this large overworld, I hope there are things to do in most of the areas -- even just cutting grass if it comes down to that.
4.) No invisible walls! Super Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker had them. None here, please. I remember, for example, hating the fact that I couldn't backflip off the top of Link's "house" in Wind Waker. :p In Ocarina of Time, you could backflip off of almost ANYTHING.
5.) More weird, unintentional secrets. I think secrets absolutely essential to beating the game should be more obvious, while others should be not obvious whatsoever, similar to burning bushes in the original Zelda for NES.

1) Agree
2) well could work, but there need to be special points where you can go. It's not possible to go just everywhere in the begining of the game. New abilities make you unlock new areas. Plus the Horse is back.
3) cutting grass doesn't really intrest me, but yeah. I want stuff to do.
4) Agree
5) Agree


Need for Speed Underground™ 2 from Electronic Arts

I swear... they are only releasing this on the DS to give PSP fanboys something to gloat about.

At least the PSP version will look good compared to SOMETHING. :D


I don't know what to do if Zelda became a Revolution launch title... on one hand I'd be upset that it wasn't coming out until 2006 and on the other you could pretty much guarentee the Revolution would fly off the shelf with a launch title of that calibur.


1. No worries with load times. I don't think EAD is even aware of the term.
It's not really load times itself. It's the breaking of the world. Even Ocarina of Time on a cartridge had that a lot...it'd be nice if it were more seamless.

4. I don't recall any invisible walls in the Wind Waker. Can't backflip off of his house? I don't buy it.
Try it. It doesn't work. That was just an example, anyway. There are a bunch of little invisible walls like that which annoy me.

Here are a couple more things:
Try to find a way to keep me out of the menu screens...or at least make them optional. There are times when I wish I could switch items while running...you know, those times when you're not in the heat of battle or anything. You simply want to change your item to something else without messing with the menus.

The "Sidle" move was a good step in the right direction. Some other context-sensitive moves would be cool.

Don't assume I can't get to a place! I can't think of the places right off the top of my head, but I remember the collision detection being clunky in a few areas because -- I assume -- Nintendo thought that I couldn't (or just wouldn't) reach those areas. I remember in some parts of the game where Link's waist, legs, and feet would sink into an area...like on top of a building or on a mountain/rock.
I think that's a formatting error. I really doubt we'll see Zelda before November of this year, unless they're planning something crazy like a fall 2005 Revolution launch (doubtful).
olimario said:
-A lot of items and the ability to use them all on just about anything like in Wind Waker. Also, make all of the items a neccesity at one point or another through the game.


I love the fact that you could use your items on just about everything; that was great. However, I want them to streamline item use. Instead of say, having the boat's sail as an item, make it a context-sensitive action as part of the boat. Instead of having a grappling hook and a Hookshot, maybe you can have the grappling hook be upgraded to the hookshot.

Less extraneous items - but more uses, and more useful items. Of course, that would probably require more dungeon-y things too...

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
First of all, no one rushes a game to release in Q2. If it releases then, it's done. It's not like they're in some rush for some big buying period at that time of year.

Secondly, unless everyone at Nintendo has completely abandoned the GC in favour of the DS and Revolution, they have some games in development we don't know about. They have to, because if they don't, there's pretty much just Advance Wars (not even Nintendo developed) left until whenever the Revolution turns up, at least a year after these games. So we don't know what they could get out there for Xmas 2005 yet. Nothing's going to be as big as Zelda (unless Mario 128's still coming to the GC, which I highly doubt), but there can still be big games around that time. Which leaves Zelda free to release early.

Finally, don't expect fishing like we had in OoT ever again in Zelda. The reason it was so good was that Nintendo were developing a seperate fishing game which got canned, but rather than let it go to waste they just built it into Zelda. Doesn't sound like the sort of thing likely to happen again.


Mama Smurf said:
First of all, no one rushes a game to release in Q2. If it releases then, it's done. It's not like they're in some rush for some big buying period at that time of year.
Compared to Ocarina of Time, yes it is rushed. A game doesn't have to be "done" at some arbitrary date. They could continually refine the game to late 2005, adding things, nixing shitty things, and making existing things work better. I'm not confident that the game will really have the best (but reasonable) polish if it's released mid next year.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
You can't seriously be comparing OoT's and the next Zelda's release date, right? 'cos that would be stupid on...multiple levels. Firstly, that was the first 3D Zelda, a massive undertaking in itself just to see how the series would play in 3D. Secondly, they'd only just started making 3D games at all, so they were vastly inexperienced in that area. Thirdly, it was on the N64, a system infamous for it's development difficulties.

Compare this to the new Zelda. This is fourth 3D Zelda, so they know so much more about what they're doing from the get go. This is the second game on the system, not the first, so they already have an engine in place to work off (I assume you know it's a modified WW engine, no matter how different it looks on the surface). They also have experience from other 3D games of course. And then there's the fact that it's being made on the GC, a system known for it's ease of development.

It's not that quick anyway. You'll find a hell of a lot of people who consider MM the best of the 3D Zeldas, and that was developed in 18 months following OoT's release. If this new game comes out in June, a reasonable guess given the Q2 news, it will be 30 months after WW, a full years extra development over MM on an easier system to develop for.

But all that's beside the point. If it comes out in June, they've polished it. There can be no reason to rush for Q2. No one to counteract (unless Xenon sneaks out that early, yeah right), no big sales period...it'll be polished. Otherwise, you might as well give it another few months, and August or September launch seems to be just as good, if not better, than June, sales wise. You could say they might as well go on polishing it until November, but why not let them get it out there if they're satisfied with it and they can start on the Revolution Zelda. That's right, getting this one out of the door when it's done and not needlessly holding onto it will allow the next Zelda more development time. All works out in the end.


Man, I don't know how I missed this thread (oh wait, maybe I do), but that's some kickass news on WarioWare Twisted.
While I'm not a firm believer of the 2nd quarter release date of Zelda either, it must be noted that it's NOT a mistake. It's listed in 2 separate sections of NOA's press site as a Quarter 2 release date now. This is changed from what was there just 2 days ago. It's listed in their press release, and on the individual Zelda game page as a Q2 release (it used to say "TBD").
GhaleonEB said:
The real question is, what will sell more: The Whinnie the Pooh game, or Virtua Quest? I'm betting on Whinnie the Pooh.

why are you back in the thread? You want to get a cumshot in the eye? Ugghh ..unnnghhh.. AHHHhh.. too late. Sorry buddy. :stops masturbation:


That DS release schedule blows dude. Wario Ware DS in Feb? Yoshi in March? The actual Metroid Prime Hunters game in some random Q2 date? Guess I definitely wont be buying one at launch.
Craig Majaski said:
While I'm not a firm believer of the 2nd quarter release date of Zelda either, it must be noted that it's NOT a mistake.
Whoa, you're right. There it is on the front page. Q2 2005.


Unison said:
It lists AC DS as "still in development", so that means you can expect it in the summer at the earliest.

The good news is that w/ Metriod DS's Q2 release, that might give Nintendo time to get their act together and have WiFi support live by then... None of the potential multiplayer games up to that point will be out (e.g. Mario Kart, Animal Crossing).

I am cry.


Starfox being released in February is a nice surprise. Even if Zelda is Q2 ( though I'm thinking summer in Japan and late summer/early fall US) that is two and a half years in development. A year more than they gave Majora's Mask. N-haters will whinge at anything.


If Nintendo releases Zelda too early and if the game ends up being a carbon copy of the past Zelda games I hope reviewers diss it. I'm tired of these me-too sequels coming out from Nintendo.


Kobun Heat said:
Exactly. Somebody forgot to hit Enter. Come on guys. Way to read way too much into this.

I double-checked, and the original press release does read:
Q2: Geist from Nintendo and an all-new adventure of The Legend of Zelda® from Nintendo is in development.

furthermore, Craig Majaski is right on the Q2 2005 notice on the individual game page and the main game listing. All three (the press release included) read Launch Date: Q2 2005

by the way, the full title of the Winnie the Pooh game is Winnie the Pooh: Rumbly Tumbly Adventure :)

john tv

Here's hoping the GBA Fire Emblem is Fuuin no Tsurugi, rather than the recently-released Seima no Kouseki. I want the old one first!


I have a feeling Fire Emblem 2 will be Fire Emblem VIII and not Fire Emblem VI :mad

At least we're getting more FE goodness though. The GC FE should be a compilation disc of III-VI instead of IX.

shibbs said:
Didnt Nintendo say they were working on a Zelda for the DS?

Four Swords.


Bad Art ™
The proof


- New Zelda (using WW engine) will definatly not come out Q2 2005, that is when its gunna be revealed and Miyamoto will be letting the [gaming] public play it and be taking feedback. This new Zelda will be released Christmas 2005 at the earliest.

-I think 'Sidle' was a crap move, it was tedious and took too long to get to the desired position.

-Big Overworld expected, Half Land, Half Sea - making use of WW sailing engine.

-Hookshot & Grapple Hook need to be different items, Grapple Hooks for swinging, Hookshots for pulling.

-Expect every item from WW to be in new Zelda, they've already been programmed, why not use them again¿

-Fishing is a must, I expect the new Zelda to be like a merger of OOT and WW (engine wise)

-I won't be happy with less than 8 dungeons.

-More enemies, mini-bosses and bosses.



new Zelda will for sure not move to Revolution, so people should get over it. Hey it's even listed for Gamecube by Nintendo. At this point I think they know what platform it's on.


SantaCruZer said:
new Zelda will for sure not move to Revolution, so people should get over it. Hey it's even listed for Gamecube by Nintendo. At this point I think they know what platform it's on.

Well Dinosaur Planet and ED were both slated for the N64 when it was still possible for those games to come out.


AniHawk said:
Well Dinosaur Planet and ED were both slated for the N64 when it was still possible for those games to come out.

indeed, but the difference is that Zelda is the title most cube owners are looking forward too. If Nintendo moves it, alot of people will sell their cube :D

Also Zelda Majoras Mask made it out late to N64.


If Nintendo is actually telling the truth about Zelda 05 coming out for Gamecube, then it's a wise move.

Some would say that delaying Zelda 05 to Revolution and then having it there as a launch title would be the smarter move, but that's not usually how Zelda's selling power is used.

Often times Zelda comes towards the middle of a console's lifespan (Other than the original) because the franchise has the ability to boost console sales numbers significantly for a time if it's in a slump. If Zelda 05 is still released towards the end of Gamecube's lifespan, it could send the little console out with quite a bang, and I think that's exactly what Nintendo wants to accomplish by doing this.

Plus I can't see them scrapping the Wind Waker engine without getting at least two good games out of it.
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