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Nintendo Announces 2005 Lineup for DS/GC/GBA


Tritroid said:
If Nintendo is actually telling the truth about Zelda 05 coming out for Gamecube, then it's a wise move.

Some would say that delaying Zelda 05 to Revolution and then having it there as a launch title would be the smarter move, but that's not usually how Zelda's selling power is used.

Often times Zelda comes towards the middle of a console's lifespan (Other than the original) because the franchise has the ability to boost console sales numbers significantly for a time if it's in a slump. If Zelda 05 is still released towards the end of Gamecube's lifespan, it could send the little console out with quite a bang, and I think that's exactly what Nintendo wants to accomplish by doing this.

Plus I can't see them scrapping the Wind Waker engine without getting at least two good games out of it.

yeah with the gamecube userbase it should do another 3 million + worldwide. If this zelda is the real deal I can 5 million worldwide.


Bad Art ™
Q2 2005 is soon it's time to start the HYPE TRAIN




Disappointed in the Spring DS lineup...Wario Ware and Yoshi? That's all they've got? Metroid doesn't really interest me, and was looking for either Advance Wars or Mario Kart, but it appears we will get neither. Whether or not I pick up a DS now is a real questions. My birthday is in mid-march, which coincides nicely with Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat...and Pokemon Dash.

Think I'll wait for a price drop, rather than get one around my b-day.


could Nintendo be spreading itself too thin trying to sustain 3 platforms?? I mean GBA is still huge and DS will likely be pretty big as well, but won't this spread out focus mean slightly less quality on each platform than what would be available if they only focused on 2???


Party Pooper
olimario said:
This is releasing WAY too late.
6 months after the original?
WAY too late

The game is f'in finished... translate the damnded menus and get it over here.

what are you... slow?

it's not like they're porting over all the same songs.

things like liscensing, and programming all new drum beats for all new songs DOES TAKE TIME.


snapty00 said:
I hate to say it, but I hope Zelda doesn't come out before November of 2005.

Pencil this thing in for Novemeber 2005.

Nintendo always has a big title in November and since it doesn't have something else big planned beside Zelda I think its a safe bet that it will just get "pushed" back to Nov. 2005. Releasing it before the holidays with nothing else big to sell at Christmas time would be an utterly stupid move. Plus if they release it during the holidays they will be able to HYPE the hell out of this game for months and people will go crazy for it at Christmas. Nobody really cares too much about video games in the middle of the summer.


open_mouth_ said:
could Nintendo be spreading itself too thin trying to sustain 3 platforms?? I mean GBA is still huge and DS will likely be pretty big as well, but won't this spread out focus mean slightly less quality on each platform than what would be available if they only focused on 2???

actually I am worried about that too. back in the N64 days nintendo managed less games, but the games that came out was of the highest quality.

I think Nintendo is spreading themselves thin with 3 active platforms. I don't want rushed Nintendo games.
NWO said:
Nintendo always has a big title in November and since it doesn't have something else big planned beside Zelda I think its a safe bet that it will just get "pushed" back to Nov. 2005.
They have nothing big *announced*, you mean. They've got plenty *planned*. They're just not telling you.


SantaCruZer said:
actually I am worried about that too. back in the N64 days nintendo managed less games, but the games that came out was of the highest quality.

I think Nintendo is spreading themselves thin with 3 active platforms. I don't want rushed Nintendo games.
With the DS coming that has me worried too. And DS' 1st party launch titles support that worry in a way. (Mario 64 being the main launch title)

We'll have to wait and see though what happens into DS' lifespan, and which of the three will begin to suffer. My money is on GBA, since it's pretty obvious that 3rd parties could almost practically carry that cash cow on their own.

So far though we haven't seen any rushed games, so it's all good.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
SantaCruZer said:
actually I am worried about that too. back in the N64 days nintendo managed less games, but the games that came out was of the highest quality.

I think Nintendo is spreading themselves thin with 3 active platforms. I don't want rushed Nintendo games.

For what its worth, I think that the quality of Nintendo's games has gone up dramatically in the past year (ever since MKDD!! - which I thought kicked MK64's ass) compared to what was released early in the GC's life cycle. Before MKDD the only GC games I felt were really well done were Zelda, Luigi's Mansion (sequel please!), and Smash Brothers Melee. I do think they are starting to take their time again. Pikmin 2 was delayed numerous times but when it finally came out it was great (too bad so many people ignored it).

Willco said:
Nintendo has a pretty weak lineup.

I'd really like to know whats weak about RE4, Zelda, StarFox, and Pokemon. Those are some of the biggest franchises in gaming.


Hollywood Square
krypt0nian said:
yes yes Nintendoomed.

I don't know if they're doomed or if they qualify for a "WELL THAT ABOUT WRAPS IT UP...", but there are maybe 3 or 4 games on all their platforms that I'm interested in and that's a sad, sad thing.


Hollywood Square
Resident Evil 4 isn't even a Nintendo exclusive anymore. No self-respecting person over the age of 13 plays Pokemon. Zelda is truly the only game I'm really psyched about and we don't even know if that's coming out this year for certain.

And StarFox looks fun, but it's not an industry leader or anything. GameCube ownership isn't really going to increase to the point where a StarFox game is going to rock the charts.

Kon Tiki

Willco said:
Resident Evil 4 isn't even a Nintendo exclusive anymore. No self-respecting person over the age of 13 plays Pokemon. Zelda is truly the only game I'm really psyched about and we don't even know if that's coming out this year for certain.

And StarFox looks fun, but it's not an industry leader or anything. GameCube ownership isn't really going to increase to the point where a StarFox game is going to rock the charts.

You better buy StarFox. Or else Fox will eat your fucking skull.


Hollywood Square
I've got a wait and see attitude towards StarFox. It was alright at E3, nothing special and I doubt much will change. I mean, I'm glad it's going back to its SNES and N64 roots, but I already played that game and I'm not sure if I want to play it again.

Although, I'm sure I'll get the opportunity when Nintendo re-releases StarFox 64 on the DS with some catchy Nintendo name like StarFox: Space Chaos or something.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Willco said:
Resident Evil 4 isn't even a Nintendo exclusive anymore. No self-respecting person over the age of 13 plays Pokemon. Zelda is truly the only game I'm really psyched about and we don't even know if that's coming out this year for certain.

And StarFox looks fun, but it's not an industry leader or anything. GameCube ownership isn't really going to increase to the point where a StarFox game is going to rock the charts.

Quite frankly, I'm becoming sick of your always pretending that your opinion = fact...be it in gaming threads, movie threads, or whatever. Not everyone shares your opinion. Just because something doesn't appeal to you doesn't mean it won't appeal to someone else. So you don't like the lineup? Who cares? That hardly "wraps things up" for Nintendo.

For all intents and purposes RE4 is still an exclusive. By the time the PS2 version comes out the GC version will have already done its job. It will be like what happened with the Xbox and Splinter Cell but there will be even more exclusivity this time around.

No self-respecting person would deny themselves a good experience just because it doesn't target their specific demographic.

There have only been 2 real StarFox's so the series is still fresh in that respect. StarFox doesn't carry the weight of a Mario or Zelda but its still one of Nintendo's more well known/respected franchises. StarFox 64 was one of the N64's better games. This one looks to be in good hands. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets 8s and 9s when it is released. A game doesn't have to rock the charts to be a good game and contribute to a lineup.


Willco said:
Resident Evil 4 isn't even a Nintendo exclusive anymore. No self-respecting person over the age of 13 plays Pokemon. Zelda is truly the only game I'm really psyched about and we don't even know if that's coming out this year for certain.

And StarFox looks fun, but it's not an industry leader or anything. GameCube ownership isn't really going to increase to the point where a StarFox game is going to rock the charts.

For what it's worth, RE4 is time exclusive exactly like GTA:SA so you'd be a fool if you have a gamecube and don't buy RE4 when it's out.

ElyrionX said:
The Gamecube list looks extremely weak.............

Surprised to hear that from you. Really. Your trolling never stops eh.


Bad Art ™
Halo 2 = last big game from MS on XBOX

GT4 = last big game from Sony on PS2

Zelda GC = last big game from Nintendo on GC



Hollywood Square
JC10001 said:
Quite frankly, I'm becoming sick of your always pretending that your opinion = fact...be it in gaming threads, movie threads, or whatever. Not everyone shares your opinion. Just because something doesn't appeal to you doesn't mean it won't appeal to someone else. So you don't like the lineup? Who cares? That hardly "wraps things up" for Nintendo.

I never said that "wraps things up" for Nintendo. Perhaps you should read. The lineup is weak. It's weak and that's all there is to it.

For all intents and purposes RE4 is still an exclusive. By the time the PS2 version comes out the GC version will have already done its job. It will be like what happened with the Xbox and Splinter Cell but there will be even more exclusivity this time around.

Except GameCube doesn't have near the installed mature user base that Xbox has. This might sell okay at best on GameCube, but I don't blame Capcom going to PS2.

No self-respecting person would deny themselves a good experience just because it doesn't target their specific demographic.

I'm not saying anyone would. Touchy, touchy.

There have only been 2 real StarFox's so the series is still fresh in that respect. StarFox doesn't carry the weight of a Mario or Zelda but its still one of Nintendo's more well known/respected franchises. StarFox 64 was one of the N64's better games. This one looks to be in good hands. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets 8s and 9s when it is released. A game doesn't have to rock the charts to be a good game and contribute to a lineup.

I was responding to your statement that StarFox is one of the "biggest" franchises in gaming, assuming you meant in popularity and sales. I don't think it's going to rock the charts. It wouldn't surprise me if it's a 8-rated game, either.

I don't know why you're being so sensitive, since I said that Nintendo did have about three or four good game and listed the ones I pretty much meant (save for Pokemon).

But that's all they've got and it's a weak lineup.


puck1337 said:
If Zelda is a Q2 release, I think that bodes well for a potential Q4 Revolution launch.


Yes! A worldwide, simultaneous, Christmas release with Santa delivering gift wrapped, autographed Revolutions to everybody!

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Willco said:
I never said that "wraps things up" for Nintendo. Perhaps you should read. The lineup is weak. It's weak and that's all there is to it.
Zelda and RE != a weak lineup and that's all there is to it.

Except GameCube doesn't have near the installed mature user base that Xbox has.
Actually the Gamecube's install base in NA when RE4 is released will be much bigger than the Xbox install base in NA when SC was released. Plus there's always Japan.

I'm not saying anyone would. Touchy, touchy.
But that's precisely what you were advocating with your remark that "No self-respecting person over the age of 13 would play Pokemon"....meaning no one over the age of 13 should play Pokemon because its for kids. Who gives a damn if its actually a good game right?

I was responding to your statement that StarFox is one of the "biggest" franchises in gaming, assuming you meant in popularity and sales.
Well I'd imagine that its popular enough (thanks in large part to SSBM) that if you went up to the average gamer and asked them if they knew who StarFox was the majority of them would. And I'd also wager that if you asked all of the people who played either game in the series what they thought of them the vast majority would provide a favorable assessment of the games. StarFox 64's sales were quite good. Heck, StarFox Adventures sold well too and that wasn't even a real StarFox game....and it was crap.


Hollywood Square
JC10001 said:
Zelda and RE != a weak lineup and that's all there is to it.

Yeah, it is a weak lineup. It's one thing to have one big first-party game when you have third-party support, but Nintendo has none

Actually the Gamecube's install base when RE4 is released will be much bigger than the Xbox install base when SC was released.

I like you completely ignored that I said mature installed user base. The Xbox and PS2 are the machines for the older gamers, college crowd, etc. Whine and make all the excuses you want, the GameCube caters to a younger demographic.

But that's precisely what you were advocating with your remark that "No self-respecting person over the age of 13 would play Pokemon"....meaning no one over the age of 13 should play Pokemon because its for kids. Who gives a damn if its actually a good game right?

I'm sure 7-year-olds think Shrek 2 is awesome. I don't. Why? BECAUSE I'M NOT SEVEN FUCKING YEARS OLD.

Well I'd imagine that its popular enough (thanks in large part to SSBM) that if you went up to the average gamer and asked them if they knew who StarFox was the majority of them would. And I'd also wager that if you asked all of the people who played either game in the series what they thought of them the vast majority would provide a favorable assessment of the games. StarFox 64's sales were quite good. Heck, StarFox Adventures sold well too and that wasn't even a real StarFox game....and it was crap.

I'd say StarFox is as popular as Jak and Dexter. I'm not saying that it's an unknown franchise, but I think you're stretching it in terms of its popularity.


I like you completely ignored that I said mature installed user base. The Xbox and PS2 are the machines for the older gamers, college crowd, etc. Whine and make all the excuses you want, the GameCube caters to a younger demographic.

I guess my friends are going to have to sell their Gamecubes, Mario Party, Donkey Konga and SC2, then. Whenever we throw a party, the Gamecube is the only machine that gets any playtime. Playing 4 player Mario Party while slightly inebriated -- I have yet to have more fun with a console.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Willco said:
Yeah, it is a weak lineup. It's one thing to have one big first-party game when you have third-party support, but Nintendo has none

Yep, there are exactly zero third-party games coming out. GC has no 3P support. :rolleyes

I like you completely ignored that I said mature installed user base. The Xbox and PS2 are the machines for the older gamers, college crowd, etc. Whine and make all the excuses you want, the GameCube caters to a younger demographic.
And I like how you completely ignored what I said about Japan. RE4 will manage a minimum of 500,000 copies in Japan, NA, and Europe each. That would put it in striking distance of toping SC.

I'm sure 7-year-olds think Shrek 2 is awesome. I don't. Why? BECAUSE I'M NOT SEVEN FUCKING YEARS OLD.
Ahh, but just because you don't like Shrek 2 doesn't mean its not a major release. Shrek 2 was the biggest movie this year IIRC. Same thing goes for Pokemon. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it won't sell like theres no tomorrow.

I'd say StarFox is as popular as Jak and Dexter. I'm not saying that it's an unknown franchise, but I think you're stretching it in terms of its popularity.
I'd say putting it up with J&D is about right. J&D is still a big franchise though. You don't think thats popular enough?


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I want Nintendo to make the New Zelda as well as they can, but by the time it's released, will the game beable to sell to its fullest potential. Think about it, Revolution will be coming out around mid year in Japan and probably shopping season in the USA. usually, people tend to focus on the new hardware and forget about whats already out. Personally, it would help Nintendo a lot more if they released this game as a launch title for Revolution. No offense to nintendo, but there is no way that Gamecube can catch upto Xbox in sales, considering that Halo 2 has had such a great start in sales.


Queen of Denmark
psycho_snake said:
I want Nintendo to make the New Zelda as well as they can, but by the time it's released, will the game beable to sell to its fullest potential. Think about it, Revolution will be coming out around mid year in Japan and probably shopping season in the USA. usually, people tend to focus on the new hardware and forget about whats already out. Personally, it would help Nintendo a lot more if they released this game as a launch title for Revolution. No offense to nintendo, but there is no way that Gamecube can catch upto Xbox in sales, considering that Halo 2 has had such a great start in sales.
If you mean to say that the Revolution is coming out in 2005, you're incorrect.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
psycho_snake said:
Think about it, Revolution will be coming out around mid year in Japan and probably shopping season in the USA.

No freaking way. All indications are pointing to a 2006 release date. I'd be surprised if the Revolution even makes an appearance at E3...despite Nintendo insisting that it would. If it really is as "revolutionary" as they claim it will be theres zero chance they will show it more than a year ahead of its release.


Unconfirmed Member
human5892 said:
How do you know this?
a)it is painfully obvious
b)nintendo had a question about it in an online survey
c)an expansion disc has already launched in another region
d)it would be stupid to be anything else
e)the nintendo rep told me as much, I didn't say anything yet, but now that its on a nintendo release list and the date matches what he said perfectly, I say its fair game
f) did I mention its painfully obvious

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Oh it'll be there...just in what form?

Just announcements? Demos? After all, demos don't have to show how the games are being controlled. Will we see the actual system and controller?

Who knows, though I certainly don't expect playable software. I wish Nintendo would wake up and realise no one gives a crap about what they do anymore (whether it's good or not). They didn't show Fludd initially in case it was copied. ...I mean come on! As far as I know the idea hasn't been used in any other game since, and frankly it was never going to be.

Nintendo are just too full of the idea that their new gameplay features are going to be the talk of the industry and implemented in every rival title under the sun before they can get their own game out. When in fact, as far as I'm aware, it hasn't happened since lock on targetting with OoT, 6 years ago.

So if Nintendo could realise this, they'd be able to show things like the Revolution control scheme a lot earlier, because guess what? MS and Sony ARE going to go with the traditional controls anyway.

Anyway, back to what I was originally talking about...I'm not sure what we'll see at E3. Assuming a mid 2006 launch is the earliest we're going to see for Revolution, that gives Nintendo PLENTY of time for showing the system away from E3 2005. Obviously E3 2006 would be the time to have playable software (you could do it earlier, but this is Nintendo), so I guess maybe demos at E3 2005. It depends if they want to bring back Spaceworld or something similar. If they do, they can have demos then and simply announcements at E3 2005. of course, it also depends on Sony's schedule, Nintendo will want to match that I imagine.

Ah I don't know, I'll go into it looking forward to the DS and GC software, and whatever Revolution stuff is announced will just be a bonus. It's not like I'm going to be left craving next-gen goodness with Xenon on show.


Hollywood Square
JC10001 said:
Yep, there are exactly zero third-party games coming out.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

And I like how you completely ignored what I said about Japan. RE4 will manage a minimum of 500,000 copies in Japan, NA, and Europe each. That would put it in striking distance of toping SC.

Wow! Japan! That's amazing! ... because I live in AMERICA. Who cares anyway? RE4 isn't an exclusive and I don't even know what we're bickering about since I'll probably get it anyway.

Ahh, but just because you don't like Shrek 2 doesn't mean its not a major release. Shrek 2 was the biggest movie this year IIRC. Same thing goes for Pokemon. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it won't sell like theres no tomorrow.

I never said Pokemon wouldn't sell. I'm sure it'll sell to all those pre-teens and hardcore Nintendo fans that claim they're so mature they can play Pokemon. Kids like shit. Kids buy shit too.

I'd say putting it up with J&D is about right. J&D is still a big franchise though. You don't think thats popular enough?

It's popular, but not Mario/Zelda/Resident Evil popular.

I'll get Zelda. Probably get Resident Evil and StarFox. And other than that, the GameCube has got nothin'. And RE4 isn't even exclusive!

Kon Tiki

WW Twisted? WTH is that?

Edit Nevermind. First time I seen it called that, also the first time is seenthe DS one called 'Touched!'.
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