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Nintendo Announces Back-To-School Deals, Offers Some of the Biggest Hits for sub-$20


Yeah, N3DS XL is normally $200 but now and then has been on sale for $175.

At $150, this N3DS Mario 3D Land bundle is the cheapest the smaller version has been, by far. Also the first time a faceplate I personally like is included (the Mario Maker one with the pixel art characters on yellow).

Are both the faceplates glossy finish or matte? Eventually I want to get some of the matte finish ones as well.

Can't speak to the new Mario one, but the Mario Maker one is matte.
Great pics, Dragon Punch. Impressions?

good build quality, feels great in the hand. the plates that come preinstalled, the mario ones, are glossy and generally unpleasing to look at. thankfully, the 8 bit style plates are matte. the 3d works really well, and the face buttons/shoulder buttons are fun to press. only complaint is the dpad, which feels mushier than the other models of 3ds - almost like a hybrid between the o3ds and ds lite dpads

Can't speak to the new Mario one, but the Mario Maker one is matte.

mario is gloss, 8 bit is matte



Screen looks to be the same as my XL. Much better than my 20th anniversary Pokemon n3ds, which I'm gonna give to my nephew


Tropical Freeze and Wind Waker are mine, got them through amazon. Hopefully there's a sale on the N3DS XL soon, want to get one for DQ7.


picked up the 3D land N3DS bundle at target this morning. almost ended up not getting it, the clerk told me they weren't allowed to sell them until the 28th for some reason, until i showed him nintendo's official site stating otherwise. apparently they only had 2 in stock


Got a N3DS bundle on my way home from work. At first it seemed like they were sold out, but I got the clerk to check their stock and they had some in the back. It seems pretty solid! As mentioned, the build quality is nice and the matte SMM faceplates are pretty classy... Although I'm personally going to pick up some Majora's Mask plates off Nintendo's website. Incidentally, anyone with a preference between glossy and matte should know the N3DS reddit has a list of all faceplates with their finish - fortunately it seems like the best designs are also in superior matte.

So far I would only complain that they still never fixed the screen scuffing issue - the top screen still presses uncomfortably against the raised plastic of the bottom screen. Fortunately I have some of those sticky rubber nubs lying around that seem to be working perfectly so it's a non-issue for me, but it's really shitty of Nintendo not to find some similar solution for their revision.


So far I've seen no evidence of IPS screen(s) on the Mario 3D Land N3DS.

I've checked 2 myself and both are dual TN. I have my IPS XL to compare. Basically if colors are shifting (i.e. orange turns to yellow) as you turn the system to the side) it's TN.

Now, it's a good TN and probably better than the original 3DS. But IPS is still better.
Yeah, $59.99 gets you a NSMBU + NSLU pack at retail these days.


So technically NSMBU got a price cut to $40 from $60 and NSLU got a price cut to $20 from $30. (Retail Price, not DLC Price)
I wish they'd sell the base NSMBU game at a lower price. I sold my retail copy a while ago (sold a lot of games when I was short on cash) but I downloaded NSLU.
It's why I'm buying one as a spare. Who knows when or if we'll ever see the N3DS in the states again?
My friend picked one up for me, so glad he managed to find one.

Leaving work in a bit to nab mine. Now I need to debate if I want to keep the entire package sealed or remove the cover plates for use.
I'm the same. As I'm going to have it shipped to the UK, I may just open it to make sure everything is there, but leave it unused for the future, as my current one is probably going to get damaged at some point.
Got my New 3DS Mario 3d edition today and I LOVE IT. I have always hated the XL. I have small girl hands it was always big and bulky. It was so heavy I couldn't play one handed comfortably. The regular N3DS is so much better in terms of size and comfort. And my 8 bit faceplate is really cute! I don't even miss the large screen size on the XL. Fuck the XL. Transferred my system to my N3DS and I'm now ready to depart with this lunky piece of shit.


I microwave steaks.
The screen lottery is really annoying. Here is what a dual IPS small N3ds looks like. You and I have very little chance of getting one like this, but we all pay the same prices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R2Uwyzn9Ok

"Nintendo 3ds screen bullshit" - shows the difference between TN & IPS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BLTFCTk-QU

Basically Nintendo wants the same amount of money for every 3ds, but doesn't give the same quality of hardware with each one. In comparison, afaik Sony does with the Vita (2 different types, but you know for sure which type you're getting, no lottery).

This whole thing is making me go insane. I wish there was a better way to tell outside of the box which one you're getting. Fortunately there is a way for the new mario bundles, depending on the first 5 numbers of the SN, you can determine whether or not it has IPS.



This whole thing is making me go insane. I wish there was a better way to tell outside of the box which one you're getting. Fortunately there is a way for the new mario bundles, depending on the first 5 numbers of the SN, you can determine whether or not it has IPS.

Very interesting. Well, I have seen several 7013 and 7018's and all are dual TN.

Would love one of those 7010 or 7011's with dual IPS, but good luck finding one. Typical Nintendo bullshit.

Having said that, they are very nice TN. And less black crush and slightly more battery life... Not saying IPS isn't better, but the TN isn't horrific.

Why don't any news sites cover this screen controversy? Especially Ninty fan sites, I guess because they like getting free stuff.
Is it possible to have an IPS screen on the bottom but a TN screen on top?

I never really looked before, I always assumed that all N3DS XLs had the IPS screen.
Very interesting. Well, I have seen several 7013 and 7018's and all are dual TN.

Would love one of those 7010 or 7011's with dual IPS, but good luck finding one. Typical Nintendo bullshit.

Having said that, they are very nice TN. And less black crush and slightly more battery life... Not saying IPS isn't better, but the TN isn't horrific.

Why don't any news sites cover this screen controversy? Especially Ninty fan sites, I guess because they like getting free stuff.

To add to this it seems that 7010 and 7011 were only sent to Canada and northeast US, like New York. I'm pretty sure they shipped from east coast to west coast as California only has 7015, 16 and 17 with a few 13s. I've checked probably 30 targets and walmarts.

On a separate note I think I'm going to have to return my TN mario land n3ds. I compared it to my n3ds xl that has the IPS screen and it just looks absolutely terrible. The screen also looks like it flickers while on 3D.


I went to Wal-Mart a few hours ago and picked up one of the bundles. It's a YW7012 and has dual IPS screens.
I went to Wal-Mart a few hours ago and picked up one of the bundles. It's a YW7012 and has dual IPS screens.

Oooh lucky. Yeah the 7012 has been reported to have at least 1 ips screen. I think it's the in between model because there are also some that are dual TN.

Which state was this if you don't mind me asking?


I microwave steaks.
Went to target, 14 so TN, went to walmart and the electronics guy insists the store did not get any in stock. Had to beg him to at least check, and nada. About to head to the other walmart and check. The ride never ends :/


I microwave steaks.
How do I know if it's IPS and why does it matter?

You can tell by turning the screen and seeing whether the screen washes out or maintains the colors.

I love the ips contrast ratio, I once bought a 3DS XL with dual TN and returned it immediatley because of how dissapointing the colors were :/

Wish I never lost my previous new 3ds xl.
You can tell by turning the screen and seeing whether the screen washes out or maintains the colors.

I love the ips contrast ratio, I once bought a 3DS XL with dual TN and returned it immediatley because of how dissapointing the colors were :/

Wish I never lost my previous new 3ds xl.

Colors on mine were weird until I turned auto brightness off. I just checked and mine is TN. Not sure why it's a big deal besides not having something someone else does.


Colors on mine were weird until I turned auto brightness off. I just checked and mine is TN. Not sure why it's a big deal besides not having something someone else does.

I do think the difference is a bit overblown. My XL has IPS top and TN bottom, and the TN actually looks really good, with vibrant colors the same as the IPS. The IPS has much better viewing angles (not a huge advantage on a handheld) deeper blacks and from what I can tell, somewhat less color bleed when there are high contrast areas scrolling or moving. The TN has less black crush (darker grays show up better) and slightly brighter, purer whites.

As I said earlier, the IPS is better overall. But the TN is not horrible, and in some small ways maybe even slightly preferable for some people.
I do think the difference is a bit overblown. My XL has IPS top and TN bottom, and the TN actually looks really good, with vibrant colors the same as the IPS. The IPS has much better viewing angles (not a huge advantage on a handheld) deeper blacks and from what I can tell, somewhat less color bleed when there are high contrast areas scrolling or moving. The TN has less black crush (darker grays show up better) and slightly brighter, purer whites.

As I said earlier, the IPS is better overall. But the TN is not horrible, and in some small ways maybe even slightly preferable for some people.

Right. It'd make sense if we we're talking about computer monitors. But we're not. We're talking about a handheld system is 2016. Handheld screens have pretty solid going as far back as the GBA SP. You have people crying over Nintendo treating customers poorly because of this and it's absolute hyperbole. If the TN screen was original GBA quality the outcry would be warranted but to go down the "Nintendo how could you betray your customers trust?!" rabbit hole? How ridiculous.


I microwave steaks.
Right. It'd make sense if we we're talking about computer monitors. But we're not. We're talking about a handheld system is 2016. Handheld screens have pretty solid going as far back as the GBA SP. You have people crying over Nintendo treating customers poorly because of this and it's absolute hyperbole. If the TN screen was original GBA quality the outcry would be warranted but to go down the "Nintendo how could you betray your customers trust?!" rabbit hole? How ridiculous.

It's pretty important to me, I can see how some people can just accept a TN screen but after living with IPS, I refuse to settle. As a consumer, I wish I could just pay an extra amount to assure I was getting an IPS screen, but instead we have to play this guessing game.


I have most of these games already, but I'm seriously thinking about picking up another copy of New Leaf. I've basically completely maxed out the possibilities in my original town with 500+ hours played, and I'd love to start fresh but obviously don't want to lose my save.

I figured Nintendo would have a brand new AC out by now but instead we got amiibo festival ;_;


It's pretty important to me, I can see how some people can just accept a TN screen but after living with IPS, I refuse to settle. As a consumer, I wish I could just pay an extra amount to assure I was getting an IPS screen, but instead we have to play this guessing game.

Welcome to Nintendoland.

I understand how you feel about the screens. We all have different tolerances for things. Given the choice, hell yeah, gimme one of those unicorn N3DS's with dual IPS. But this is Nintendo we're dealing with, so I accept that annoying bullshit will be part of the experience somehow, no matter what.
But I still love Nintendo games, and 3DS is my favorite handheld.


I microwave steaks.
Welcome to Nintendoland.

I understand how you feel about the screens. We all have different tolerances for things. Given the choice, hell yeah, gimme one of those unicorn N3DS's with dual IPS. But this is Nintendo we're dealing with, so I accept that annoying bullshit will be part of the experience somehow, no matter what.
But I still love Nintendo games, and 3DS is my favorite handheld.

I love my 3ds and the library i amassed as well, I just wish I could love it to it's fullest extent :(

will be eternally sad for losing my monhun dual ips 3ds xl, both for the perfect system and my streetpass data.


I love my 3ds and the library i amassed as well, I just wish I could love it to it's fullest extent :(

will be eternally sad for losing my monhun dual ips 3ds xl, both for the perfect system and my streetpass data.

Wow, that does suck. If I'd had a dual IPS system and lost it I'd be pretty sad too. I would've been afraid to even take that outside the house if I had one like that.

If we could pay a premium and know what screens we were getting... but Nintendo is Nintendo.

Why would Nintendo do this? IPS v TN is a huge difference

Who knows why Nintendo does a lot of things they do. They are a weird ass company and just keep getting weirder with their decisions. I still love their games to death though...

A serious speculation... maybe their screen suppliers can't always manufacture the amount of TN screens Nintendo ordered, so they throw in some (more costly) IPS screens when they are short. Thus, Nintendo has mostly TN's on hand, with a smaller number of IPS in some some batches. That would explain why most units seem to be TN, but a rare amount are IPS+TN or dual IPS.

Just think --- somewhere out there are people who have dual IPS and don't even play it much or even care about it. There's probably some little kid right now with a dual IPS N3DS dipping it in the bathtub to see if it still works when it's wet. LOL!
Got the New 3DS from Target on Friday. I was debating whether I should buy one or wait for a possible Black Friday sale/more useful pack in game but while I was doing that all the stores in Philly sold out. Thankfully I was able to get in store pick up from a Target in the burbs and now that I spent the day playing it I'm happy with my decision.

I'm not a fan of the glossy tuff guy Mario cover and I already had 3D Land so the pack in was pointless, but that Super Mario Maker plate is glorious. I also love the size of the thing after having the XL for the past three years. I got Majora's Mask a few months ago but held off on playing it because I was hoping I could get a N3DS and I'm glad I waited. The 3D is a lot better on this little guy! :)





Jesus, I have two Best Buy and one EB Games nearby with the 3D Land bundle, but I can't find the charger anywhere.

Such a stupid decision to ship a handheld without a fucking charger.


grrrr only a few Targets in my area have the 3DS new one in stock per the website,

except they actually don't, and when you ask them they're like

"aw man everyone's been asking about those! yah we sold out soon as they went on sale like... last tuesday??"

so yah, really hope they got more stock later... I would really like one one day.
Jesus, I have two Best Buy and one EB Games nearby with the 3D Land bundle, but I can't find the charger anywhere.

Such a stupid decision to ship a handheld without a fucking charger.

If you have a Daiso (it's like a Japanese 99 cent store chain) nearby you can buy a cable for like 2 dollars.


Are the screens confirmed to be better than the Pokemon bundle? I got a crappy screen on that bundle and thinking of rebuying this one.


Did anyone order the system while it was back ordered on Target? It seems like they delayed the shipping date range by a week. Is there a chance they just won't be restocking?
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