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Nintendo breaks 8 year streak, could be getting ready for a Switch 2 announcment

Is the Switch 2 announcement coming this month?

  • Yes

    Votes: 84 60.4%
  • No

    Votes: 55 39.6%

  • Total voters


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
I am sure the leak has sped up their timeline if they wanted to wait longer. Nintendo has been very quiet lately. Do you believe a Switch 2 announcement is coming soon? I am getting a chubby thinking about it




Thinks Microaggressions are Real
I am sure the leak has sped up their timeline if they wanted to wait longer
I can almost 100% guarantee it has not. The logistics of manufacturing, shipping, and delivering units to stores and people can't just be 'sped up' because someone leaked a few inconsequential details about the product. Not to mention the games and other software that have a timeline that is carefully mapped to the production of the console.


Neo Member
No way they're announcing it before the holidays when they want to sell existing units
Exactly. That why I believe that January 2025 we could get the Switch 2 reveal. But I could be wrong though. October is the last month of the year for a Switch 2 reveal so whatever Nintendo is doing and planning they better make it quick.
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I am sure the leak has sped up their timeline if they wanted to wait longer. Nintendo has been very quiet lately. Do you believe a Switch 2 announcement is coming soon? I am getting a chubby thinking about it



What ‘leak’?

The vague rumors that don’t leave us much to work with?

We’re yet to see the final design. Or the controllers. Or any screenshot from any in development title. Or any word on the storage expansion


I can almost 100% guarantee it has not. The logistics of manufacturing, shipping, and delivering units to stores and people can't just be 'sped up' because someone leaked a few inconsequential details about the product. Not to mention the games and other software that have a timeline that is carefully mapped to the production of the console.
I think the OP is referring to speeding up the timeline of the announcement itself, not manufacturing and release.
I am sure the leak has sped up their timeline if they wanted to wait longer. Nintendo has been very quiet lately. Do you believe a Switch 2 announcement is coming soon? I am getting a chubby thinking about it


I would love to get a Switch 2 announcement as I need to get one to replace my dead gen 1 Switch (the hackable version). However, the timeline does not line up. If they announce it now in October and the release is in March, they essentially have completely derailed the Switch 1 holiday sales. October announcement makes sense if Switch 2 is releasing holiday 2024.

Codes 208

As much as I really want them to, I doubt it. They won’t cannibalize their holidays sales.

I suspect a march reveal and a late summer/early fall release

If the chinese leaks are true and the switch 2 has already started mass production, that just tells me we wont have to wait too long after the reveal for the release
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Nintendo has a history of pre-spring hardware releases.
The 3DS released world wide by March 2010. The New 3DS released Feb 2015 following a Jan 14, 2015 release announcement.

3DS was announced at E3 2009 but don’t know if that included the release date.
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Neo Member
As much as I want it to happen, I don’t see the announcement taking place till Nov. at the earliest. Early next year more likely (I know…).

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Pretty sure they haven’t, assuming you mean between October to December this year.

They’ve said they’ll reveal something within their FY, but that still leaves Q1 of 2025 open as well. At the very latest 31 March 2025.

True, it could be later than October. I should have said, if they are following a similar pattern to the Switch 1 reveal it will happen this month, but obviously no guarantees. I think it benefits them to get the discussion going now, assuming Switch 2 is ready for a Q1/Q2 release. January seems a bit late.
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Nintendo love money; like, in a sexual way. They are unlikely to torpedo sales of their current console, especially with buying-spree season so close. Especially since the next version is supposed to be a considerable performance jump, so it would instantly render the existing one obsolete.


It's coming out in early Spring next year, they need to talk about it before Christmas. They won't be able to stop leaks once mass manufacturing happens.

Also why does your title mention an 8 year streak? Is it the lack of a September Direct?
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CS Lurker

I believe the first trailer is coming this month, but I don't think Nintendo cares at all about the leaked prototype. If their plan before the leak was to release the first Switch 2 trailer only next year, they will stick to it.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
No way they're announcing it before the holidays when they want to sell existing units

But that's exactly what Nintendo did with the current Switch.

Official announcement: October 20, 2016
Official release date: March 3, 2017


Honestly all I want from Nintendo at this point is:

  • Better hardware for docked play (according to rumors between PS4 and PS4 Pro, which sounds great to me)
  • Full backwards compatibility with the Switch 1, physically as well as digitally (ideally boosting Switch 1 games on the new hardware like Sony and Microsoft do)
  • A unified storefront that will span multiple generations (ideally starting from Switch 1)
  • Metroid Prime 2 and 3 Remaster before releasing 4

That's literally it. That's the easiest €400 they can get out of me for what is nowadays considered to be pretty much the bare minimum.


If it boosts switch games I'm day one.
I really hope they continue switch games on switch 2 and having s boots would be awesome... I mean it sucked that physical games on Wii could not be played on Wii u and Wii u games could not be played in switch...

I know it was different media back then but is there any legit rumours saying that they will continue cartridges?


I skipped Switch because they never gave us a Pro model, so I'm interested to know if there will be BC (preferably with a boost). I'll get it for the catch up alone.


Gold Member
I know it was different media back then but is there any legit rumours saying that they will continue cartridges?
Oh, for sure. Or rather to turn it the other way around, I haven’t seen a single rumor mentioning a new format. It’s always cartridges.

Last I heard it was rumored to be a DS to 3DS solution, where the new, Switch 2, cartridges will have some kind of protrusion so that they don’t fit in the old system while also allowing the new system to accept the old cartridges. Which would make sense.


I really hope they continue switch games on switch 2 and having s boots would be awesome... I mean it sucked that physical games on Wii could not be played on Wii u and Wii u games could not be played in switch...

I know it was different media back then but is there any legit rumours saying that they will continue cartridges?

All I know about that is gay the cartridge slot itself is very cheap. So even if switch 2 didn't use cartridges at all, they could include the switch 1 cartridge slot if they want to.


I really hope they continue switch games on switch 2 and having s boots would be awesome... I mean it sucked that physical games on Wii could not be played on Wii u and Wii u games could not be played in switch...

I know it was different media back then but is there any legit rumours saying that they will continue cartridges?
You could play physical Wii games on the Wii U no?

Nintendo pretty much always does BC where it made sense.
october announcement and November release window 2024

March 2025 announcement and June - July release 2025 window
That's way too short. Nintendo and third parties will need time to market the hardware and software.
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