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Nintendo Dev Teams -

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Nintendo R&D1 - Wario Ware Inc, Mega Microgames Team
- Director Hirofumi Matsuoka and his team (which many at Nintendo are jealous of) are definitely working on one of the two new Wario Ware games announed. Either the DS version or the GBA one.

Nintendo R&D1 - Metroid: Zero Mission Team
- Either Yoshio Sakamoto is working on a new game (most likely for GBA) or he and his team are directing the other Wario Ware game because R&D1 only has like 2 big GBA teams and there are already 2 different Wario Ware games confirmed.

Nintendo R&D2/EAD - The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures Team
- This team was originally part of Nintendo R&D2 and were the team responsible for Kirby Tilt N Tumble GBC and the never released Kirby Tilt N Tumble 2 / Roll-O-Rama. Miyamoto became interested in the GC-GBA connectivity and when the R&D2 team started using the Zelda franchise, Miyamoto and several EAD boys stepped in on the project. Since then, the team is likely now working in Miyamoto's sector of the building. Eitherway, producer Eiji Aonuma already confirmed the team is working on a DS version of the game. Will it just be a remix or full blow sequel? We will see. I think it will be a remix though.

Nintendo EAD - Animal Crossing Team
- This team has been experimenting for a long time according to Producer Takashi Tezuka on the sequel. Meanwhile, they have been porting the same game over and over. Will the sequel be released on GameCube or Revolution?

Nintendo EAD - Mario Kart: Double Dash Team
- This team wrapped up production last year. I doubt the team began a Revolution game already, most likely Miyamoto used most of these guys on those DS projects. Many of which will become games of course.

Nintendo EAD - Pikmin 2 Team
- Given the timing? I don't think another GameCube game is in the cards here. DS or Revolution.

Nintendo EAD - Stage Debut Team
- First off all these goofs who claim the game is not a game just a demo? Of course its a game, infact it's a sequel. Anyway, while the game should be dead, that camera trademark and logo Nintendo filed a few months ago sort of gives life signs that this game may be released in Japan early next year.

Nintendo EAD - The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Team
- Blades will bleed this time. Hurray for 2005.

Nintendo EAD Tokyo - The Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat Team
- New team composed mainly of the Super Mario Sunshine team with new veteran recruits. Game production will end supposedly in November.


Thanks for the information. Most of the E3 titles weren't from the developers above, unless I missed something.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
For some reason that list reaffirmed for me that Nintendo's output this generation is not that great.

Yep it sucks. There are also 3 small internal teams i forgot to mention, just because i think those crappy teams were dissolved into other teams.


Shikamaru Ninja said:
Yep it sucks. There are also 3 small internal teams i forgot to mention, just because i think those crappy teams were dissolved into other teams.

What about Intelligent Systems, NST, NDCube, Retro, etc?

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
What about Intelligent Systems, NST, NDCube, Retro, etc?

HAL too. I was just sort of concentrating on the most internal aspect of Nintendo development.

Intelligent Systems: Fire Emblem GBA 3, Fire Emblem GC, Paper Mario 2. A lot of stuff there.

NST: Last I heard. Their next couple of games will be DS and GBA. Metroid Prime Hunters is one of the two/three games in development.

NdCube: Nintendo not too impressed with them lately. Nintendo is letting NdCube work for small time third party publishers in the meanwhile.

HAL: Dunno wtf they been doing this generation. They didn't even make the last Kirby GBA game alone. Had to hire 2 other companies to help them develop it.

Retro: MP2 this year. Then who knows what.


Intelligent Systems rocks. If it weren't for them, Nintendo would nearly be down to Sega levels of suck this generation.


snapty00 said:
Intelligent Systems rocks. If it weren't for them, Nintendo would nearly be down to Sega levels of suck this generation.

That's abit overreacting though. But I agree that IS rock :D


Shikamaru Ninja said:
Yep it sucks. There are also 3 small internal teams i forgot to mention, just because i think those crappy teams were dissolved into other teams.

Huh? Nintedo's combined GBA and GC efforts probably makes them the best publisher/developer this gen.
snapty00 said:
Intelligent Systems rocks. If it weren't for them, Nintendo would nearly be down to Sega levels of suck this generation.
Since we all know Sega has made games on par with Wind Waker, Pikmin 2, Animal Crossing, Double Dash, Sunshine and Wario Ware. Uhhhhh. I'm a huge Sega fan, but come on...


evilromero said:
Since we all know Sega has made games on par with Wind Waker, Pikmin 2, Animal Crossing, Double Dash, Sunshine and Wario Ware. Uhhhhh. I'm a huge Sega fan, but come on...

I agree that EAD still make solid games. And their best are yet to come in 2005! Yes the big Z.


SantaCruZer said:
Yes the big Z.


He's getting his own game!?


If Nintendo delivers another AC before this generation is over, I will forego buying another company's console forever. But I know it's not going to happen. :(


So Mr Ninja, would you say EAD's focusing more on DS than they traditionally have on handhelds? Are R&D2's Mario Advance team handling Super Mario 64x4 or New Super Mario Bros? Who's making Nintendogs you think?


MadOdorMachine said:
It's just speculation, but given their track record, I think NST is working on Golden Eye for NDS.

On top of Metroid Prime: Hunters? Two of them? NST? Good god, I'd fear for both if this had any chance of being true.


No additional functions
Memles said:
On top of Metroid Prime: Hunters? Two of them? NST? Good god, I'd fear for both if this had any chance of being true.

The only reason I say that is because Nintendo is working w/EA on it. NST has ported N64 games in the past (RR64 and Zelda:OoT for GCN) so it seems likely to me that they would be the ones working on it. Plus, MP:Hunters and GoldenEye are both fps so there's a good chance they could use the same engine for both games. If that's the case, consolidating those resources and having them both developed in the same studio would save time and money. I think having NST work on it would be a good thing because they have experience in porting and the hardware. If you're worried about them messing the games up, I wouldn't. The gameplay's already there and they did a fine job w/RR64 and Zelda. Plus Retro's helping them.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Nintendo needs more teams.
If they can get Hunters running at a silky smooth framerate than the game will be the system's killer app. I hope they can put to rest the N64's horrible framerate.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Shiggy said:
According to NoA HAL works on mario Party 6, they also develop the European Animal Crossing.

According to NOA, HAL worked on MP5, which they didn't. Maybe they're right on MP6, the Mic could be the reason for the switch, but when they get the previous game wrong, it's hard to take their information seriously.


Vagabond said:
For some reason that list reaffirmed for me that Nintendo's output this generation is not that great.

To me, they've always been in the worst position, because they've had to support 2 systems, and soon to be 3, compared to the competitions 1. Whenever one system gets big name games, the other one suffers. THey seriously need to get more staff, because as it is, the first party games that are supposed to sell systems aren't released often enough.


lordmrw said:
To me, they've always been in the worst position, because they've had to support 2 systems, and soon to be 3, compared to the competitions 1. Whenever one system gets big name games, the other one suffers. THey seriously need to get more staff, because as it is, the first party games that are supposed to sell systems aren't released often enough.

Sony is pretty much 2 now, but what about the 3rd parties that have to support 4 systems currently, and get ready for 5 more.
No, it's pretty much a guarantee that it's HAL who's developing Mario Party 6. HAL created the microphone and technology for Hey You, Pikachu! (N64) and money is on that table that HAL has done the same for GameCube.


Gold Member
lordmrw said:
To me, they've always been in the worst position, because they've had to support 2 systems, and soon to be 3, compared to the competitions 1. Whenever one system gets big name games, the other one suffers. THey seriously need to get more staff, because as it is, the first party games that are supposed to sell systems aren't released often enough.

Actually at the moment Nintendo has to split its resources between 4 platforms:

Nintendo DS

and within the next year, they'll need to start on a new platform, totalling in 5 platforms:

"GBA 2"

and no, that is not Nintendo DS. So how much can they do with 5 platforms simultaneously? Which one will be left empty handed? Who will win? Who will loose? Oooh, the suspence!


ironichaos said:
No, it's pretty much a guarantee that it's HAL who's developing Mario Party 6. HAL created the microphone and technology for Hey You, Pikachu! (N64) and money is on that table that HAL has done the same for GameCube.

Didn't R&D2(4?) the technology?


ironichaos said:
No, it's pretty much a guarantee that it's HAL who's developing Mario Party 6. HAL created the microphone and technology for Hey You, Pikachu! (N64) and money is on that table that HAL has done the same for GameCube.
I don't know anything for sure, but it seems to me, it would be 'easier' and more logical if Hudson was doing the development like always, with HAL just helping on the microphone parts, advising, etc.


I've never heard of HAL developing the N64 microphone... they certainly didn't develop Hey You Pikachu (that was Ambrella, who was part of the Marigul Management collective and also developed Pokemon Channel).

Hudson Soft's confirmed to be developing Mario Party Advance, and I've got a feelin g they're also on Mario Party 6.
Intelligent Systems seems to be the only dev team at Nintendo that kept ALL of the Nintendo magic of earlier years. Every game they touch has this good old Nintendo feeling to it. Paper Mario 2 being the latest offender. The game just screams old-school Nintendo.
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