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Nintendo Direct for NA/EU coming tomorrow (3DS, Q1 2014 games)

I'm kind of tired of people telling me not to be excited about things. It's one of the most annoying things you can do. Would you go up to people in real life and point at them and tell them not to get excited about something? What are you the excitement police?

Not to mention there have been numerous psychological studies that show that anticipation has no bearing on the actual emotional outcome. More evidence points to expectations becoming self fulfilling prophecy. So if you expect disappointment, your likely to be disappointed no matter the outcome.
If someone told me they were excited to eat roast beef and we were all told there was chicken roasting in the oven, I would tell them not to get their hopes up.


Shit didn't realise there was a new direct. My body is hype. I imagine there is a Japanese direct too, or why would they do it so early?


I'm hoping for at least one unannounced title being shown for 2014 on the Wii U.

But I'll settle with 15 minutes of Mario information that we already know.


Here's my prediction: We're getting at least one of either MH4 or DQ7.
Between those two, I'd expect a MH4 announcement first. It's coming up on a year since MH3U released so the timing is right. If we get DQVII I feel like we won't know about it until after Bravely Default is out.
It seems the games I've enjoyed most on the 3DS are games we won't be getting anytime soon- Revelations, Castlevania: MoF, Luigi's Mansion 2. I'm just not excited about MonHun or Dragon Quest stuff.


I cannot fathom the reason why. Localisations have been announced in simultaneous directs before (Bravely Default, for example)
I get what you mean, Streets, localization announcements DO happen in worldwide Directs. But if it's an NA/EU only Direct, the chances of localization news increase exponentially IMO.

I think the only Wii U related thing in this Direct is new DKC footage with release date since it'll be on GT.TV on Friday. Oh, and eShop stuff of course. Shovel Knight and FAST woooo.
I get what you mean, Streets, localization announcements DO happen in worldwide Directs. But if it's an NA/EU only Direct, the chances of localization news increase exponentially IMO.

I think the only Wii U related thing in this Direct is new DKC footage with release date since it'll be on GT.TV on Friday. Oh, and eShop stuff of course. Shovel Knight and FAST woooo.

Fair enough. It looks like there's no Japanese Direct anyway. Picross E4 is coming out on 3DS next week here, though, so I'll find a way to cope.


This is the first Nintendo Direct since I got my Wii U.

Are they on the eShop right away? I'd rather watch it on my TV!


"Previously announced games" is the one oft-used Nintendo phrase that I really, really, really hate right now
sörine;89578722 said:
Between those two, I'd expect a MH4 announcement first. It's coming up on a year since MH3U released so the timing is right. If we get DQVII I feel like we won't know about it until after Bravely Default is out.

I definitely agree with your assessment. Nintendo would be the ones to localize DQ7, so they definitely wouldn't announce it until after Bravely Default.


All I want is a new awesome Metroid game...

Majoras Mask remake or Super Mario 64 remake like Ocarina would be neat also.


If someone told me they were excited to eat roast beef and we were all told there was chicken roasting in the oven, I would tell them not to get their hopes up.

The difference here is that you know what's cooking in the oven. And if someone was looking forward to roast beef and discovered there wasn't roast beef, there's nothing stopping them from going to the store and buying roast beef. But I don't know why they wouldn't like the roast chicken, because it's tastes great and it's healthier for you. They could always eat roast beef the next day is all I'm saying.


A crazy, not-really-expecting-it theory for ya; "Announced 3DS games for 2014's first quarter"...Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon HD on Wii U would -technically- be news related to an announced 3DS game, eeeh? No way I expect actual announcements like this with no Japanese Direct, but would be nice.


Unconfirmed Member
*On tomorrow's Nintendo Direct*

And to finish, please take a look at this:

*Plays footage of Picross e4, announcing that it will arrive by December*

No mention of localizing DQ VII, Fantasy Life, MH 4. No hints at Monolith Soft's 3DS game. No new Metroid. No mention of GBA and GC VC. No 3DS Miiverse announcement.

Just Picross.
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