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Nintendo Direct: new presentation on April 1st





I remember when 1 of the stream (I think NoA ones) was delayed a bit compared to others.. kinda lol'ed

Oh yeah I remember that. As far as I remember, that stream was fairly on the European site (well at least more stable than the America's one) so I saw most of it uninterrupted.

Yeah it was horrible. NoA tweeting about it trying to solve it but they did nothing and it continued freezing till the end of the stream and I was just so pissed and dissapointed... I still didn't even know that Megaman was confirmed for Smash until I saw the reactions and news and it's when I recovered the hype, haha.
No. Nintendo clearly said there'd be no mobile/NX stuff (on the JP page).

They specifically ruled that out.

Ah okay. Thanks guys. Yeah I thought it might be too early for that. Nintendo probably wants to maximise their current platforms at this point as opposed to leaping ahead to shit they're not even going to execute until 2016 (referring to the NX there). It does make complete sense for them to focus on the current platforms they have out right now. They probably ruled out NX/mobile to temper everyone's expectations and align focus on to what they care about right now which is the Wii U and 3DS.

Still hoping for a big announcement or megaton though. My bold prediction: there's going to be an announcement connected to Sega and/or Sonic. Spring is usually the time Sega announce Sonic games and they've been suspiciously quiet so far this year. It makes zero business sense because the Sonic games on the Wii U bombed but hey this is Sega we're talking about. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if a Nintendo exclusive Sonic game shows up again. I'll guess we'll see in a few hours.

Hoping Nintendo has a strong direct. Bold and confident moves from them lately so I remain optimistic.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Which reminds me I have one fall to finish. See you all in 3 hours.


Today Nintendo will announce the shutdown of Smash Bros online servers because they need the resources for the superior mobile games
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