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Nintendo Direct: new presentation on April 1st

So who bets Mewtwo is the only DLC we'll ever get for SSB

sakurai does but i wanna believe that nintendo won't allow that. they don't even gotta be brand new characters, I'd settle with just bringing back the cut characters from brawl. even if you can't have snake just use a nintendo rep that can take snake's moveset like robot from custom robo or something


So who bets Mewtwo is the only DLC we'll ever get for SSB

And to think that Nintendo used to stream the Directs on Ustream... E3 2013 was totally ruined because they streamed there and it was freezing every 5 seconds and skipping important segments and UGH... I was so mad that day. It was impossible to get hyped with anything being announced at that moment. It ruined epic moments like when Smash Bros 4 was revealed.

Oh yeah I remember that. As far as I remember, that stream was fairly stable on the European site (well at least more stable than the America's one) so I saw most of it uninterrupted.
Wow this is actually on at a convenient time tonight so I can watch this. I'll be tuning in at 11pm (GMT) and then returning here for the reactions.

Any possibility of any DeNA/mobile announcements?


Wow this is actually on at a convenient time tonight so I can watch this. I'll be tuning in at 11pm (GMT) and then returning here for the reactions.

Any possibility of any DeNA/mobile announcements?

No. Nintendo clearly said there'd be no mobile/NX stuff (on the JP page).


theres no way Nintendo just forgot all about golden sun in Smash 4. come on mewtwo dlc along with tournaments, new challenge board, some trophies and stages, and most important Issac


The Chuck Norris of Peace
You missed Half Life 3 and the fact the new Zelda is out on Friday, free to Platinum club Nintendo members.

Ah, how could I forget. Bloodborne 2 and Final Fantasy VII Remake Betrayalton is also coming before the end of the year. BELIEVE.


So I don't have a Wii U anymore, and I'm waiting to buy another 3DS because I'm waiting for something exciting to get me jonesing.

Anything you guys think will be here for me to get hyped for?


Honestly, I really only want to see two things:

- New Pokemon 3DS games for this fall (another remake, X2/Y2, etc).

- DLC for Smash 4. Not just Mewtwo, but multiple major DLC packs, similar to what they did with Mario Kart 8. I would love to see old 64/Melee stages redone in HD.


Who else will be staying at work late today just to watch the Direct undisturbed? I could leave and try to watch it at home, but...

I'm still back and forth on it. Depends on traffic.

People are going crazy with April's Fool today. Who know it might ended up that Y'all actually are A.I.s that were developed by Nintendo in order to building up the false hypes.

I'm one too, running by Sakurai's program.

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