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Nintendo DS = Before Thanksgiving in US?


Console Market Analyst
Another semi-confirmation to support IGN's November US claims:


Nintendo DS will launch in North America in late November, according to unconfirmed reports quoting publishing sources at the Ziff-Davis Electronic Gaming Summit.

Third-party publishers are reportedly "confident" that the portable will be on store shelves in North America in time for Thanksgiving and the traditional start of the US Christmas rush.

This seems to tally with what Japanese retail sources were saying in mid-July. At the time, this website [reported] comments indicating that the DS would launch in the US on November 11th at $179.95 (€145) following a November 4th launch at 19,000 yen (€140) in Japan.

However, reports this week also had publishers citing concerns over the as-yet unknown launch line-up, with some worried that most of the system's big titles were expected in Q1 2005. Japanese retail sources in July suggested that 11 titles would be released by the end of 2004.

But, in the absence of official confirmation from Nintendo, for the moment it's impossible to measure exactly how things will unfold. The last word from the platform holder was that the DS would be released in Japan and North America in "late 2004". When it was unveiled at E3, the charismatic Reggie Fils-Aime told the audience that the system would be available in Europe in Q1 2005.

Um... about time to show us those launch titles, Nintendo.
However, reports this week also had publishers citing concerns over the as-yet unknown launch line-up, with some worried that most of the system's big titles were expected in Q1 2005. Japanese retail sources in July suggested that 11 titles would be released by the end of 2004.

11 titles by the end of 2004? I was hoping there would be that much for the launch. Hopefully they'll release their launch line-up soon...


GAF's Bob Woodward
heavy liquid said:
11 titles by the end of 2004? I was hoping there would be that much for the launch. Hopefully they'll release their launch line-up soon...

That could be for the Japanese launch. Nintendo have launched systems previously with fewer titles in Japan than the West.

Still, though, coming in November I don't think there'll be a HUGE difference between the number of launch titles and the total number of titles at the end of the year.


Hang out with Steve.
Well, remember, it still plays GBA games, so having a reasonably large launch library isn't quite as important as it will be for the PSP.


That Japanese source continues to be correct, but at the same time I'd really like to see it fall to $150. Granted, the $30 American difference is actually still only $30 Canadian (When XBox dropped to $180 from $200, the Canadian Price went from $300 to $230, and at $150 the XBox sells for $200) and I can definitely not complain too much about it, I'd still like to see it fall in at the clean $150 price point...at least then it's not the most expensive system on the market, although with price drops it might well be at $150 as well.
SteveMeister said:
Well, remember, it still plays GBA games, so having a reasonably large launch library isn't quite as important as it will be for the PSP.
I'd really like them to announce that Minish Cap will be out at the same time as the DS and feature a DS-exclusive double screen dungeon.

That would, as you kids like to say, pwn.


Console Market Analyst
Kobun Heat said:
I'd really like them to announce that Minish Cap will be out at the same time as the DS and feature a DS-exclusive double screen dungeon.

That would, as you kids like to say, pwn.

Oooohh, that would be nice.

Deku Tree

Kobun Heat said:
I'd really like them to announce that Minish Cap will be out at the same time as the DS and feature a DS-exclusive double screen dungeon.

That would be sweet. Even if they just made the card DS aware and put a world map/item screen down there it would be cool


Kobun Heat said:
I'd really like them to announce that Minish Cap will be out at the same time as the DS and feature a DS-exclusive double screen dungeon.

That would, as you kids like to say, pwn.

That would qualify as a Christmas gift (unless the DS isn't doing so well, and it looks like it'll need a price drop soon).

Wouldn't be surprised if it happened seeing how something similar happened with the Oracles and GBA.


SteveMeister said:
Well, remember, it still plays GBA games, so having a reasonably large launch library isn't quite as important as it will be for the PSP.
This is an excellent point. If they have one "killer" or "almost-killer" app and some EA filler, DS will be fine.
Kobun Heat said:
I'd really like them to announce that Minish Cap will be out at the same time as the DS and feature a DS-exclusive double screen dungeon.

That would, as you kids like to say, pwn.

Yeah, that would be great. And I think as long as they have one or two really great titles for launch, they should have no problem selling the DS.

Like some others have stated, I'm hoping to see the price at $149 instead of $179. I think parents buying it for their kids would find that price point a bit easier to swallow.


My guess as to why it's being released so early is that they finalized the hardware specs a long time ago and made sure developers had an easy time programming for it. Besides, it Is basically a dual screen N64, or worse, as some say. Anyways, developers probably have all of their first gen software done already, probably somewhat rushed by N, just to jump the gun on PSP. Most of the games we saw on E3 will probably be lauch titles. Did I say probably? I probably did.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Deku Tree said:
That would be sweet. Even if they just made the card DS aware and put a world map/item screen down there it would be cool

A double screen dungeon that made significantly cool use of the the two screens would be cool, but they shouldn't just tack on a world map/item screen for the DS, as convenient as it might be. It would attract criticism that they aren't pushing their own system in unique ways, evne though most of the rest of us would realise that it was just a "nice" simple bonus for DS owners that doesn't exist in other GBA games.


A Minish Cap DS-Exclusive Dungeon would still have clout in February, especially if they delay the title until PSP Launch, and offer up DS Exclusive features. Combine with the launch of Emerald definitely possible for that period as well, they may use the strong Q1 DS Support that seems to be showing up, and combine with some strong GBA releases to try to crush the PSP's launch power.
Hey guys I'm going to make a wild prediction just like IGN:

I predict that everybody will sell more videogames in November and December. I know it's crazy but trust me on this I have inside information.

Seriously though, I would bet IGN has not even a shred of evidence to support a November launch rumor. Do you know why they posted it anyawy? BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING OBVIOUS! When else would you launch your big Christmas product!? No other time, that's when.

Also I predict that the sun will rise tomorrow.
gofreak said:
...they shouldn't just tack on a world map/item screen for the DS, as convenient as it might be. It would attract criticism that they aren't pushing their own system in unique ways
Well, that'll be from the set who criticizes Nintendo no matter WHAT they do. Just as long as there's some unique DS feature - another dungeon, world map/item screen, whatever! - it'd be a very good marketing soundbite for the DS.

And yes, it'd be helpful in February too, but it'd be REALLY helpful at Christmas.


Kobun Heat said:
I'd really like them to announce that Minish Cap will be out at the same time as the DS and feature a DS-exclusive double screen dungeon.

That would, as you kids like to say, pwn.
Is that even technically possible, though?


FoneBone said:
Is that even technically possible, though?

Sure, since the DS will know when a GBA game is in it, it can just look for DS specific extras.
RevenantKioku said:
Sure, since the DS will know when a GBA game is in it, it can just look for DS specific extras.

I don't know about that. Games like the later Zelda titles had some interesting code to check for a GBA (possibly doing a memory check), but electrically they could not activate any GBA features.

There is a fair chance that Nintendo has designed the DS in a similar fashion, where loading a GBA cart powers down everything except a half clock main CPU.


Crazymoogle said:
...I keep forgetting how late into the 4th quarter the american thanksgiving is.
Yeah... I was thinking how they would get all this stuff out in about 2 months!

Not that 3 months is that much better...


Queen of Denmark
Lisa Lashes said:
Didn't the N64 do it with 3 titles?
Two! The only launch titles in the U.S. were Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64. In Japan, it only had three -- those two and some game simulator (chess? pachinko? I can't remember which one, specifically).

Of course, one of those titles was Mario 64; even Super Mario 4x4 can't replicate that kind of killer-app.


human5892 said:
Two! The only launch titles in the U.S. were Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64. In Japan, it only had three -- those two and some game simulator (chess? pachinko? I can't remember which one, specifically).

Of course, one of those titles was Mario 64; even Super Mario 4x4 can't replicate that kind of killer-app.

Yes but someone made a great point about the GBA software too. I don't have a GBA so buying a DS at launch becomes that much more appealing to me regardless of the amount of launch titles.


And in EU 2 as well, Star Wars and Mario 64, I chose Star Wars, hence, I suck.

I also chose Smugglers Run (wich I actually liked it turns out) in front of SSX when I bought a PS2.


Hrm, solid ad-campaign a week or two before thanksgiving. throw in a few must have games (mario64 on a handheld is a pretty powerful thing) for launch, and just wait for that friday after Thanksgiving.


Tenguman said:
Hrm, solid ad-campaign a week or two before thanksgiving. throw in a few must have games (mario64 on a handheld is a pretty powerful thing) for launch, and just wait for that friday after Thanksgiving.

At the same time having said all that, I wouldn't be at all shocked if the DS is delayed. Maybe that's why Nintendo has been so mum up until now. They themselves might not be necessarily sure what might happen and are pushing it to the last second before they commit either way.
Tenguman said:
Hrm, solid ad-campaign a week or two before thanksgiving. throw in a few must have games (mario64 on a handheld is a pretty powerful thing) for launch, and just wait for that friday after Thanksgiving.
Yeah, I came in here to pose the thought: Can you imagine how crazy a day-after-Thanksgiving launch would be?


Queen of Denmark
Lisa Lashes said:
Yes but someone made a great point about the GBA software too. I don't have a GBA so buying a DS at launch becomes that much more appealing to me regardless of the amount of launch titles.
Very true.


Sucks at viral marketing
Crazymoogle said:
I don't know about that. Games like the later Zelda titles had some interesting code to check for a GBA (possibly doing a memory check), but electrically they could not activate any GBA features.

There is a fair chance that Nintendo has designed the DS in a similar fashion, where loading a GBA cart powers down everything except a half clock main CPU.
The upcoming Zelda game could have extra DS features. From Nintendo.com's overview on the DS:

Dual Slots: Nintendo DS makes a vast library of Game Boy® Advance games readily available. Developers could find ways to make new connections between GBA games and DS games. The GBA port could be used for new hardware, enormously expanding the functional expandability of the DS.
Lisa Lashes said:
At the same time having said all that, I wouldn't be at all shocked if the DS is delayed. Maybe that's why Nintendo has been so mum up until now. They themselves might not be necessarily sure what might happen and are pushing it to the last second before they commit either way.

Possibly, but 3rd parties seem pretty confident that the November release will be met. EA have at least one, possibly more scheduled for November. I think 3 launch titles would be fine but they'd have to follow that up with other games pretty quickly.
JJConrad said:
The upcoming Zelda game could have extra DS features. From Nintendo.com's overview on the DS:

Dual Slots: Nintendo DS makes a vast library of Game Boy® Advance games readily available. Developers could find ways to make new connections between GBA games and DS games. The GBA port could be used for new hardware, enormously expanding the functional expandability of the DS.

Interesting. The first way I would read this, however, is "If the DS mode is activated, the GBA port can be used." Activating in the other direction could have some odd compatibility problems. I suppose we will have to wait and see though.
You're right, CrazyMoogle. It's talking about things like using a GBA cart's tilt sensor/light sensor/rumble with a DS game, or maybe something like a Pokémon Stadium game using the data from a GBA cart.
Well, I specifically asked at the Nintendo NYC meeting, while we were playing Zelda, if it was possible that "a future GBA game" might have DS-specific features. And they said yes, and brought up the Oracles games.


12.08.04 - Nintendo DS soll in Australien möglicherweise 199,99 Australische Dollar (Euro 117 / USD 143 / Yen 15.830) kosten. Das meldet CubeEurope unter Berufung auf Angaben des Händlers 'Mr. Toys Toyworld'.

Games sollen voraussichtlich 10 Australische Dollar (Euro 6 / USD 7 / Yen 792) less cost, than GBA-Software: Die wird derzeit zum Preis von 69,95 Australische Dollar (Euro 41 / USD 50 / Yen 5.541) gehandelt.
Die Markteinführung von Nintendo DS soll in Australien Ende Februar 2005 stattinden.

That'd be some nice prices
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