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Nintendo DS - free voice-over-ip chat; DS on track for 2004 release


works for Gamestop (lol)

In its Electronic Entertainment Industry Update released today, TNI Securities reports that the recently revealed headset port on the Nintendo DS will be used in conjunction with the built-in wireless 802.11b networking capabilities to offer voice-over-IP chat--in effect, allowing gamers to use the DS to make free phone calls at wireless network hotspots.

The report, which is intended for investors in the electronic games industry, goes on to express TNI's opinion that this will "help drive adoption among the increasingly connected younger gaming audience."

Analyst Boris Markovich in his weekly memo said "the headset will allow gamers to use the DS as a phone handset enabling free phone calls over wireless network hotspots. We think that this will be a very compelling application of the handset..."

Markovich adds that based on his research, the DS remain "on track" for a 2004 release in both the US and Japan.


I thought the GC already had a microphone and then normal headphones can be used to hear them. Ah well, maybe a few years down the line Nintendo will remove the port to save on manufacturing costs. :D

aoi tsuki

The secret to the hole is out!

If the DS is truly going to be used as a phone, it needs a removable remote on the headset to dial numbers, or at least recall them from a phone book. The DS doesn't have the advantage of a built-in keypad like the N-Gage, and opening the unit to make a call would be a hassle.

Can't wait to hang outside people's houses late at night to make free calls! i kid, i kid! :D
aoi tsuki said:
The secret to the hole is out!

If the DS is truly going to be used as a phone, it needs a removable remote on the headset to dial numbers, or at least recall them from a phone book. The DS doesn't have the advantage of a built-in keypad like the N-Gage, and opening the unit to make a call would be a hassle.

There´s always the touch screen, I guess.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
aoi tsuki said:
If the DS is truly going to be used as a phone, it needs a removable remote on the headset to dial numbers, or at least recall them from a phone book. The DS doesn't have the advantage of a built-in keypad like the N-Gage, and opening the unit to make a call would be a hassle.

Touch screen.

aoi tsuki

BatiGOOOOOOL said:
There´s always the touch screen, I guess.
That's what i meant by "opening it up". If they (or some third party though unlikely) released an LCD remote like Minidiscs use, you could at least scroll through your address book and dial numbers from there. It also would've been nice if Nintendo used a rotatable flipscreen, like in the UX-50 Clie. You could keep the touchscreen visible at all times that way; much easier when used as a phone.

i guess it's too much to hope for the headset to be released with the DS this November. My Sprint contract ends in November, and i'm not renewing. i'd like to get some idea of how much i'd use my DS as a cell before i bought another.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Can you only call other DS users through the VoIP service ?

This is cool though, I am glad that both PSP and DS will take the online challenge seriously: I do want them both.

aoi tsuki

allowing gamers to use the DS to make free phone calls at wireless network hotspots
i'm taking this at face value.

There's still a lot of variables up in the air such as call quality and duration, number availability, ability to receive calls, etc. so i'm not counting this as a cell phone replacement just yet, but considering Nintendo's standards on hardware quality, i expect it to do what it does quite well.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Even if it's just between DSs, that's pretty cool. I have friends who like videogames, but generally not enough to actually buy a system, but this sort of things could be a big incentive.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Yeah but that's an actual phone, you're meant to hold it to your ear. The DS on the other hand is meant to be held away from yourself, whether using the headset or not.

aoi tsuki

Mama Smurf said:
Yeah but that's an actual phone, you're meant to hold it to your ear. The DS on the other hand is meant to be held away from yourself, whether using the headset or not.
True, but the term "sidetalking" originated from the fact that you held it with the keypad facing outward, which just looks odd whether it's a phone or not.


aoi tsuki said:
opening the unit to make a call would be a hassle.
It really is a testament to modern society and technology that we got to the point where someone can make the claim that opening a plastic device on a hinge would be a "hassle." How is opening the DS any more difficult then opening all of the cell phones on the market that have flip tops or sliding covers on them? Wouldn't a seperate remote for a handheld device be just a bit ridiculous?

Anyway, yay for VoIP.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
aoi tsuki said:
True, but the term "sidetalking" originated from the fact that you held it with the keypad facing outward, which just looks odd whether it's a phone or not.

I know, I don't see what that has to do with the DS though. The primary way of talking over a phone is to hold it to your head, which is what made the N-Gage look so ridiculous. The primary way of talking over a game system however is through a headset.
Cathcart said:
It really is a testament to modern society and technology that we got to the point where someone can make the claim that opening a plastic device on a hinge would be a "hassle." How is opening the DS any more difficult then opening all of the cell phones on the market that have flip tops or sliding covers on them? Wouldn't a seperate remote for a handheld device be just a bit ridiculous?

Anyway, yay for VoIP.

Heh, that's what I was thinking. I mean an add-on to get over the hurdle of opening the unit? Maybe I'm the only one in the world left with a clam shell design cell phone, but it's not a hassle for me (certainly not enough for me to want an add on, or to look into a different design).


I'm curious as to whether or not this will work just between DS systems or would this idea be able to work with any phone?

I would guess calls between DS users would be free, while other calls would incur a charge.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
What i'm wondering is how will the user of the DS you're trying to call will know that he/she is recieving a call?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
The DS has some sort of alert thing when other DS users are close I believe (correct me if iIm wrong), maybe that'll be used for this too.


works for Gamestop (lol)
GSG Flash said:
What i'm wondering is how will the user of the DS you're trying to call will know that he/she is recieving a call?

Probably the same way the DS alerts you when you're in proximity of another DS (stay in sleep mode, turns on when alerted)

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I just tried to find informtation on that, and are we sure that's the case? I found this:

"If the user receives a message from a friend or user nearby, DS activates itself from Standby mode."

quite a few times, which isn't quite the same thing (though it explains how the phone thing will work).


GAF's Bob Woodward
A couple of points:

If you have free access to a wireless hotspot, presumably your calls will be free, right? So I could use my own wireless router at home to make VOIP calls with DS? Cool.

Also, doesn't VOIP suggest you'll be able to call anyone connected to the net, as long as they're set up to receive calls using VOIP? All DSes will be, so you'll be able to easily call anyone elses DS (that's also within range of a hotspot), but shouldn't you also be able to call computers connected to the net that are set up take advantage of VOIP?

edit - I must say, I'm really surprised Nintendo would do this. It's a very cool feature to include.


The catch must be that it can only be for DS to DS communication...because if it's not, I'll be heading down to one of the University hotspots and making phone calls. Screw actually paying for anything. The novelty might wear off for awhile, but if I'm studying, it basically replaces a cell phone, which is kind of cool...if there's no catch.
Even with DS to DS communication. Is TNI Securities reporting this because they're collaborating with Nintendo, or is this their own initiative?

I remember talk about Nintendo locking away the wireless net access in the hardware... what happened to that?


Dragona Akehi said:
I remember talk about Nintendo locking away the wireless net access in the hardware... what happened to that?
Perhaps someone convinced Nintendo that the inclusion of this feature would help sell systems. (I want to use the term "thick skulls" here somewhere)

It should be fine for Nintendo as long as they keep the focus on the games, and this phone feature is just a bonus - a pretty hefty one, at that.


I think what's going to happen is that you'll be able to call other DS users for free and you'll be able to play games online for free (granted you have access to a wireless connection), but I think if you'd want to call regular phone lines, you'll probably have to sign up for a monthly unlimited service for some cheap amount of $$, like 10 or 20 bucks. There's gotta be a backend that's doing all the routing and such of the calls over the internet and I'd imagine Nintendo would partner with some company to provide that service.


Memles said:
The catch must be that it can only be for DS to DS communication...because if it's not, I'll be heading down to one of the University hotspots and making phone calls. Screw actually paying for anything. The novelty might wear off for awhile, but if I'm studying, it basically replaces a cell phone, which is kind of cool...if there's no catch.

Jeez. Doesnt mean its replacing phones! Amazing what people think here around here. It'll be like a pda/mini computer being used for voice chat. There will be plenty of restrictions and limits and cost i presume.


Yeah, before I set myself up for disappointment, I'm going to wait and see exactly what this feature can do, its limitations and such.

Everyone's waiting for "the catch". :lol
Well I would think the catch is that there's a charge if you're not calling other DS users. I use Vonage, and I think they're like most VoIP services in that they offer free calling to other users of the service, and then depending on your tier of service, you may incur charges to other numbers.

I'm guessing Nintendo isn't really trying to get into the telecommunications business, they just want to use it to help push the DS, so it would make sense they would allow DS to DS communication for free, while charging for anything else, making it cost prohibitive to really use it for making calls regularly (because they don't really want your phone business). So I'd expect at least a relatively high per minute charge (it only takes a few pennies to make it less economical than other choices out there) , and maybe a monthly charge on top of that for people that want to call more than just other DS users.


If you guys think it will offer free phone calls you're insane because it would have been done already.
On one hand, I can't see Nintendo doing this, because it's well Nintendo. Every time people on this forum get excited about something regarding Nintendo (being very Un-Nintendo,) it ends up being false.

However, if this IS due to the Immortal Pimphand, I know why they're doing it. They want to take over business from mobile phones: primarily in Japan. Since Japan's population is so packed together geographically, it could be said to be One Giant Hot Spot... and if that's the case, Nintendo could make a killing by diverting money from mobiles to the DS.

So either it's untrue (or has a giant catch) or Yamauchi is going to pimpslap the Japanese mobile companies.
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