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Nintendo DS - free voice-over-ip chat; DS on track for 2004 release


(more a nerd than a geek)
If this analyst knows anything, which remains to be seen, the best I can guess is that online gaming with voice chat will be possible on the DS.

I do wish we'd get some sort of solid information one way or the other as far as the DS and online capabilities go.


If you think about it, even on a NDS to NDS level, this is a pretty huge benefit. It's pretty much every person with an NDS being able to communicate with everyone else with an NDS (while in a hot spot)

Every NDS fan connected.

That's big.


Lost Weekend said:
If you think about it, even on a NDS to NDS level, this is a pretty huge benefit. It's pretty much every person with an NDS being able to communicate with everyone else with an NDS (while in a hot spot)

Every NDS fan connected.

That's big.

Indeed--this is something the current Gameboy can't provide. Regardless of what Nintendo will do with it themselves, the hardware is already built in and 3rd parties can go wild.


This would be very nice if true. My concern though, if it becomes too popular the Government will find a way to tax it.
GSG Flash said:

Just wondering

is this a pic of you?

That it is.


Will start substantiating his hate

> You guys keep hoping for Nintendo online gaming.

We do? And what exactly in my post inspired you to write this drivel?

> even though it has been said more than once that Nintendo doesn't have any intentions
> of online gaming.

Nintendo has said no such thing. Nintendo has said it has no intentions of providing online play for its titles for the moment. That doesn't preclude 3. parties from doing it although in effect it probably will.


hyperbolically metafictive
who are tni securities, and why are they in a position to report anything about the ds? is this speculation, or am i missing something here?

i wouldn't expect substantial non-gaming functions from the ds. that doesn't seem to be nintendo's intention.
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