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Nintendo DS - secret plug and colored NDS


Gold Member
Oh snap.

What worries me, however, is the fact that they are undecided at this point about launch colors. We are soon into September, and they stilll need to shoot product photos and create packaging out of them. Christmas catalogs are closing already now, as are November issues of magazines.


Unconfirmed Member
I would guess an ethernet bybass (incase you don't have wireless) if that was not soooooo un-Nintendo.

GBA link cables are already accounted for, there is no reason not to use the wireless for multiplayer, peripherals could be used in the GBA cart slot or the existing GBA port. What is left? (assuming next gen connectivity would be wireless)


Nintendo do like secrets....

but this: "we’re thinking of releasing colors that are popular throughout the world since it will be launched worldwide [at about the same time]."

Ok, Europe is perhaps not to be included in the world wide, or does this mean that the launch there will come sooner or that it is delayed for everyone?


Does anyone have a picture of the port, or perhaps this is why those redesigned NDS images only came in one angle.


Gold Member
Before anyone starts going crazy over this port, remember that Nintendo consoles have a long history of having mysterious or unused expansion ports. SNES (originally to be used to connect to the SNES CD), N64 (used for the 64DD in Japan only), and GCN (who the fuck knows?) all have one. They could just be extending the "mysteriously never to be used outside Japan" port to the handhelds.
ManaByte said:
Before anyone starts going crazy over this port, remember that Nintendo consoles have a long history of having mysterious or unused expansion ports. SNES (originally to be used to connect to the SNES CD), N64 (used for the 64DD in Japan only), and GCN (who the fuck knows?) all have one. They could just be extending the "mysteriously never to be used outside Japan" port to the handhelds.

Gameboy Player + Broadband Adaptor = 2/3 used on GCN. Ya never know! :D


Lost Weekend said:
Does anyone have a picture of the port, or perhaps this is why those redesigned NDS images only came in one angle.


Isnt't it the one left to the earphone plug?

Edit: New image.


I agree with that Mana, but I'm also going to say who the heck is so sure that the Revolution is going to be a WiFi box?

Edit: I honestly can't tell daMandus. I need new eyes :)


ManaByte said:
SNES (originally to be used to connect to the SNES CD),
The Bandai SatellaView used it in Japan actually.

ManaByte said:
N64 (used for the 64DD in Japan only),
There was also the RAM cart upgrade on the top of the console.

ManaByte said:
and GCN (who the fuck knows?)
Only the GC modem/BBA and GB Player so far... there's the potential for a RAM upgrade too.


Unconfirmed Member
The revolution wouldn't need to be a WiFi box to communicate wirelessly with the DS it could use the bluetooth-esque module that the DS uses for multiplayer.

Which makes a lot of sense, especially if they could also use it for next gen wireless controllers.


Gold Member
jarrod said:
The Bandai SatellaView used it in Japan actually.

There was also the RAM cart upgrade on the top of the console.

Only the GC modem/BBA and GB Player so far... there's the potential for a RAM upgrade too.

The Modem/BBA plug into their own specific port.


I think it's fairly reasonable to conclude that by speaking about the port in Nintendo Dream magazine (always loved that name) that they have an important and immediate use for it.

Now, we need to consider what potential uses this port could be based on what we already know about the NDS hardware. The NDS is a wireless dream, so why place importance on a wire-to-wire port unless it directly fit in with the capabilities of the machine?


Unconfirmed Member
Lost Weekend said:
Now, we need to consider what potential uses this port could be based on what we already know about the NDS hardware. The NDS is a wireless dream, so why place importance on a wire-to-wire port unless it directly fit in with the capabilities of the machine?
That is why a port to engage ethernet makes the most sense (not everyone who would use possible net applications will have wireless) given the circumstances.

That is simultaneously the use that just doesn't seem to fit Nintendo's modus operandi.


Queen of Denmark
It's for an expansion that will add texture filtering capabilities to the DS hardware, so that Drinky Crow will want to buy one.
First...the picture IGN posted

First, notice that the headphone jack is way too close to the 'mystery' port to let a seperate accessory to be plugged in... so this tells me it is for a headset with 2 seperate prongs.

Second, notice how it is a single peice of plastic covering the 2 ports, which in my experiance, means that they are related.
In this case, audio signal.

Now take a look at this next picture, taken from cube-europe.com

now lets take a closer look at where the ports are on the case.

the slot next to the black dot, is for the headphones, the one with the red dot is the 'mystery' port.

example plug


or you know, like on the controllers sony makes for the walkman. anyways, i totally think this guy has the right idea about it being for something that's has a dual prong output.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying Johhny. Do you mean that it's simply for some dual prong headphone jack, or that we're looking at the wrong thing?

Actually, reading it again seems to suggest you mean (or the IGN guy) it's jsut a dual prong headphone thing. If that was the case, why on earth would Nintendo comment on it, let alone say there's a secret to it?


Anyone think that it could be for a head set? XBox Live Style. Why not, it's wireless, they might be able to rig up voice in that:) Or for future "Hey You! Pikachu" games....we can only hope...


Queen of Denmark
JScott said:
Anyone think that it could be for a head set? XBox Live Style. Why not, it's wireless, they might be able to rig up voice in that:) Or for future "Hey You! Pikachu" games....we can only hope...
That actually seems like a very reasonable theory, especially with the plug being so close to the headphone jack... a dual-pronged headset could serve as both stereo headphones and a microphone.

In fact, I'm betting that's what it is. Good call. :)


Queen of Denmark
Mama Smurf said:
There already is a microphone. And couldn't the voice just come through the speakers?
Well, the headset could be so that you aren't holding the unit up to your face and talking into it, and integrating speakers into it, rather than simply piping the sound through the DS speakers, could provide a more immersive experience.

EDIT: Also, is the microphone even present on the redesigned unit? I don't see it.
EDIT 2: Ah, nevermind, I found it.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.

Well, I don't think so anyway. If the secret was a microphone...that's not very secret, Nintendo talk about it all the time, it says MIC. right there.
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