No mention of Majoras mask 3D OP?
I also didn't mention Metroid Dread.
wait what
So what about those 'coming soon' buttons on the main menu for AA Wii U? Am I going to have to buy a separate game when those come out, or is it still upcoming DLC? I assumed it was released prematurely, hence the cut features, but I didn't realize it was meant to be a fully separate product from the regular AA games.
I thought so too, until I checked the site. I'm not sure. Maybe they'll offer an 'upgrade' for Sketchpad owners.
But there was concept art that looked nothing like Animal Crossing. Really looked like it could have been a Baten Kaitos game.
"Concept" art that was used in an ad for hiring more artists to a studio already made up of primarily artists. It looked like Baten Kaitos because (correct me, if wrong) it was done by the same artist (Honne).