The Wii U is such a cluster-cuss. First, the novelty of the controller is nowhere near as compelling as the motion controls of its predecessor because well, everything has had a touch screen in the last few years, so it is not novel at all and therefore would have never gained anyone's interest anyway.
It was far too expensive. People see Nintendo devices as cheap toys.
No goddamn games.
Nintendo cannot create any kind of traditional console. Wii U is too close to a traditional console experience. They should have learned with the Gamecube that no one wants a console from them. Though people value novelty, which allowed Wii to skyrocket. After Kinect refined motion controls (eliminating the barrier of having to use a controller, for good or ill), motion controls are no longer a novelty. Touch controls are already old.
I don't see anything under the sun which will kindle interest in a Nintendo console ever again, apart from an incredibly cheap device. All the major novelties have already been developed. VR is too awkward to experience.
Wii U is dead, we can put a fork in it. Anything else they come out with will see similar sales. Wii sold to casuals, they are in the mobile space now. Anything targeting casuals will be competing with tablets and phones without actually being a tablet or phone. Its like going into a gun fight with a knife.
I don't understand how they didn't get the novelty part. The Wii worked because they could do these kinda crappy motion controls for really cheap, and it was something nobody had done before. Case in point, PS Move was far, far superior at tracking 3D movement than even WR+, and failed to garner any real attention.
The U-pad is just a crappy tablet, well after they have become ubiquitous. Calling it a "tablet controller" even is overselling it... it's just half of a DS with abysmal battery life and range. I don't understand why they thought this would succeed were GBA-GC connectivity failed.