I wonder how many of the blood thristy posters are american in here.
Do you post your outrage every time an american company CEO burns through the company's assets, leaves with millions and gets to do the same at another company if only as a Board director?
I can understand the frustration at not being addicted to a Nintendo product, that the craving to bow before our Japanese Gaming Lords is missing from our lives but Iwata is just doing his job of running a company without betting everything on black.
The "Too Japanese and Conservative" and "NOA Needs Independence" memes are getting really tiring. Either people don't really understand how businesses and especially NCL works on this board - or there is something deeper happening here. The situation is very complex and comes to the heart of the values Nintendo holds as an organization.
I know I'm going to get a lot of anger/drive-by-rage for this. But let me share this. Before some of you start screaming for no reason, just try to read the whole thing - and please don't engage in personal attacks. Consider what I'm saying before your heads explode and you start saying I'm shilling for Nintendo or something asinine.
I have a friend from law school who works at a marketing research firm. Anyways, he told me an interesting study about the perception of brands like Nintendo (foreign companies that are doing business in the US). The results were a bit surprising. People love Nintendo. They see it as American as apple pie for the most part. That much he knew. The twist came when they started looking at how people responded to products offered by "Asian-looking" people.
Caucasians in general were very negative about buying products from "Asian" people.
The explanation for that is that the economy is still pretty much garbage for a giant chunk of Americans (particularly low-income Americans who tend to buy Nintendo products) - and the implication was that seeing an "Asian" who speaks English with an accent just has a very negative impact on peoples' willingness to buy. This is especially true with the rise of China and Americans' general fear of losing their dominance in the world.
To extrapolate a bit further, for a lot of Americans - Iwata coming on Directs and having interviews that give people an idea of what is happening inside Nintendo - might be having the opposite effect Iwata intends - it has made people fully aware that Nintendo is a Japanese company - when Iwata's goal was probably to show people that NCL isn't a reclusive company that sticks to itself (which is the perception in Japan, not to mention the rest of the world). That it's a company that values partnerships and needs to work and collaborate with others to succeed.
This potentially has implications for Nintendo's corporate relations. When I was visiting Raleigh a few months ago - one executive working at a gaming company - explicitly said "Sony did a great job letting Mark Cerny make the Playstation 4" - and proceeded to explain how Mark Cerny was the "Steve Jobs" of gaming and how the Playstation is a product of "California/American Ingenuity" (he was a bit surprised when I explained to him that Steve Jobs' biological father was Syrian - the guy nearly shit his pants). The guy also ranted for a while about how Nintendo had destroyed the gaming market by releasing "junk" and "kid's games" with "fruity Japanese characters" - when people should be buying games with high production values with the latest technology. This isn't really an isolated instance, I'm just sharing one example.
So the aggression with which they talk about Nintendo is somewhat related to the fact that they are Japanese and people know that. The same kind of problem Microsoft had when they were trying to get into the Japanese market.
Unlike Nintendo and Microsoft, Sony has rarely had such problems. They are a chameleon. It's just part of the DNA of the company to not be any one thing to any one particular type of person. They fit in and change their message whenever needed to appeal to the broadest subset and audience possible. When they make mistakes - they quickly alter course and do whatever they can to change trajectory. They are a very tactical company. Sony in Japan was the one hired Cerny and set him loose to tell a story about how he transformed the Playstation brand in the face of traditional Japanese engineers.
The reason Sony lets all this happen is because they know the primary audience for a console is American and European. Like many Japanese companies doing business abroad - Sony hires people who look like the people they are trying to target. That's really important to them. This philosophy is evident in the way Honda and Toyota have hired executives. These execs are not particularly competent as far as I can tell, but, they make the company more "American" and thus more likely to resonate with customers. GAF has all these Cerny-love posts, but the reality is that the PS4 was being discussed and talked about in its current iteration well before Cerny was ever involved, and many of the decisions he gets credited for have nothing to do with him.
Anyways, this is all very hard for NCL to swallow. NCL's view of this "conservative Japanese" notion is very skeptical - since little children across the socio-economic spectrum and of a variety of skin tones and religious backgrounds - play Mario and Zelda and Pokemon - and Shigeru Miyamoto (by Nintendo's own marketing effort) is somewhat of a household name. Nintendo of America's COO is a Haitian-American whose parents were immigrants. The company has diverse demographics in its executive and management ranks including many women historically. This makes them very different from your typical MBA-run company in California like Electronic Arts which was founded by a frat boy from Stanford.
Ultimately, for Nintendo, they want to be embraced and accepted for who they are, and create experiences the way they have envisioned. Iwata in paritcular doesn't want to compromise who they are or hide who they are. Nintendo is Nintendo is Nintendo. They aren't Japanese, or American, or European, or anything else. They are Nintendo and a variety of people around the world have contributed to making the company what it is.
EAD has had tremendous British influence, from its interactions with Rare, down to the ex-Argonaut staff that worked in-house and transformed and left a lasting impression on EAD. Howard Lincoln has been critical to Nintendo's history and deeply respected by people like Iwata. I know this sounds surprising to a lot of the NCL-haters on this board - but NCL is filled with counter-cultural types and isn't much of a traditional Japanese company at all.
So long story short - to get back to your insight about the way people are talking and discussing things - there are a lot of reasons why Nintendo is in the situation it is in - most are of their own doing and a result of their own failures in re-capturing their market.
But one reason could be the fact that tribalism influences peoples' perceptions - whether they realize it or not, and it's a problem that permeates corporate relations in general - not just the aggression of certain people on this board. It's also something that Nintendo doesn't believe they should compromise on. They want to be who they are and accepted for who they are. That comes with certain costs.
Just my 2 cents
Please don't kill me GAF