Journalist review are a joke, rushing through games just to meet dead line is just one of the many offenses, the fact that they are afraid of upsetting zealot fan is the main reason, remember that outlet gave Botw a 7/10 and received death threat?
On the other hand, just look at metacritic user score, it struggle to break 87, of course zealot will complain about mindless zeroes, how about mindless 10s? Idiots cancel each other out you know, what we are left with is a median. Consider how empty the game is, 87 is already too high, number based score is a total joke, there is no way you are telling me a masterpiece such as Elden Ring is inferior to BotW (according to score its 96 vs 97), I'm still amused at how when the game fall from 98 to 97, all the zealots lose their shit over a video game review score, it just shows their insecurity, where they knew their only bargaining chip is the inflated score.
That being said, I prefer GTA4 over BotW any day though, it has nothing to do with the score, its just that GTA4 is rich with content.