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Nintendo stock price rockets


Analysts speculate "disappointing" PSP showing--and no fixed price point--may be cause of investors flocking to Nintendo.

TOKYO--Even though the company was a TGS no-show, Nintendo's stock price shot up early this week, reports Bloomberg Japan. Nintendo's share price rose 2.1 percent, or 260 yen, to 12,760 yen on the Monday following Tokyo Game Show. Financial analysts in Japan are debating whether the rise in share price was directly influenced by the events of Tokyo Game Show or simply coincidental.

Nintendo shares are traded on Japan's Nikkei Stock Exchange.

KBC Securities' Hiroshi Kamide noted that investors might have simply been looking for something stable to buy. "Nintendo's shares are probably being purchased as defensive stock, a stock that tends to remain stable during difficult economic conditions, since the company's performance is stable and the market is hitting a low," Kamide told Bloomberg.

But UFJ Tsubasa Securities analyst Kei Oka painted a different picture. "People that were disappointed after seeing Sony's PSP and its games [at TGS] may now be anticipating the Nintendo DS," he said. While Sony Computer Entertainment had over twenty PSP games at the show, many of them were still in the early stages of development. And although analysts did not seem to have any issues with the hardware itself, they questioned whether Sony could indeed release the PSP by the end of the year with a solid third-party game lineup. Questions regarding the PSP's battery life and price went unanswered at TGS as well.

Whatever the reason, there may be additional movement in Nintendo's share price on October 7. On that day in both Japan and North America, the company will have a media-only event that will introduce the DS's final form factor and update the software line-up that will compliment the new handheld's launch.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ok but does the article mention if Sony's dropped at all? Wouldn't that be a better gauge of a disappointing reaction to TGS?


Sam Houser fucked my wife
DarienA said:
Ok but does the article mention if Sony's dropped at all? Wouldn't that be a better gauge of a disappointing reaction to TGS?
Not necessarily. If PSP did affect Game Boy sales, it'd have much more impact on Nintendo than Sony.


I thought 1-3 point moves were relatively common for stocks.

AtheroGenics Inc (AGIX) is up 67% today....that is what I would call rocketing.
DarienA said:
Ok but does the article mention if Sony's dropped at all? Wouldn't that be a better gauge of a disappointing reaction to TGS?

Not really. Sony's such a diverse corporation and I don't think analyst expect the PSP to be a contributor for years and even then, it's not expected to rival the Playstation business. Basically, with analysts, Nintendo's the one with the most on the line.


Gold Member
olubode said:
Over one day is pretty awesome in the stock world right?
Actually it's not. For big, widely exchanged companies around 10% a days is rocketing. That happens usually only a surprise profit warning (positive one), or surprise merger announcement.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Chittagong said:
Actually it's not. For big, widely exchanged companies around 10% a days is rocketing. That happens usually only a surprise profit warning (positive one), or surprise merger announcement.


open_mouth_ said:
Yes! Now I can retire early with those 100 shares of Nintendo that I bought :D

I actually bought virtual stocks of Nintendo when they were only 9.85 and now there at 14.40 so in my fantasy world I would be very happy if I actually had those stocks. BTW i had around US$100,000 so its a pretty nice jump :)
Well, after the beating Nintendo's shares have taken over the past year, they deserve a little increase (if only for being cool enough to put Mighty Mighty Bosstones and Queen in a music game (even if it's a bongo drum game :/).


MarkRyan-IGN said:
Are people just now realizing that GBA has absolutely nothing to worry about from PSP?

You are new, but I have been droning that for a number of months. I think every PSP fan boy has me on their ignore list. Don't blame 'em. ;)
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