Nintendo doesn't have the balls to do this, but this would be the biggest megaton drop ever.
*Video starts playing.
Nintendo Switch release march 17th. Fade out.
Priced at $350....
*shocked horror from crowd...potential booing....
Mario music starts playing. Mario runs out under the price. Jumps and hit the 3 it becomes a 2. Price is now $250.
*Crowd goes wild
Mario runs off.
Legend of Zelda music starts playing. Link walks out and just slashes the price completely revealing $199.
*Crowd is frothing at this point. .
Link then cuts the entire screen down.
New screen revealed. BoTW trailer playing going into available at launch date.
*It's over at this point. Nintendo has all the news outlets, everyone watching, presentation is gonna go viral.
Mario music returns. Mario fireball comes from right side of the screen and just lights the screen on fire. Mario Odyssey trailer shown. At the end release date also available at launch.
*Pre-order numbers are best ever. GG Nintendo. GG