Nintendo Switch |DT2| No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness

Which of these definitely """real""" leaks are you most hyped for?

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Liam rumors are depressing
Metroid exists but dont expect it on friday
Rabbids x Mario exists but dont expect it on friday

Soo. .. should we expect just few games trusting N is developing many games this time (for real) without seeing them?
The infamous wiiu launch window. ..

Doom ! Doom everywhere !!
You're really sad, man.


A limited quantity of pre-orders for the #NintendoSwitch will begin on 1/13 at 9AM while supplies last at #NintendoNYC.

Hmmmmmm..... It has began.


At least that's a level of specificity that can be held to account if it turns out to be wrong.

If true (and that's a big if) then it's probably going to be some mid level under the radar studio that mostly does grunt work for bigger companies.

like Next Level Games?!


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
So guys help me out, there's a picture of a guy who looks to have a switch tattoo and the background looked like the nividia press conference, no no we sorta read some of the thread for anything on ns but nobody was really talking about anything in it kept the new shield being roughly the same spec

But yesterday was the first time I sawbthst picture, so some context would be lovely


Liam rumors are depressing
Metroid exists but dont expect it on friday
Rabbids x Mario exists but dont expect it on friday

Soo. .. should we expect just few games trusting N is developing many games this time (for real) without seeing them?
The infamous wiiu launch window. ..

Lol sounds like yet another terrible hardware reveal.
So Metroid made by someone unexpected but that dev won't be mentioned. So likely a 1st party an not 3rd party.



Maybe? Seriously Liam you are trolling by not saying who. I'd guess not Good Feel since they are usually mentioned when they're games are announced. I'd trust HAL or GF with Metroid more than Nintendo nowadays.
The developer isn't a big deal. Don't focus on it all that much.
Oh I don't really care who winds up developing it as long as it's good. I just see a lot of people talking about him and his credibility and thought it was kind of funny that the way he was wording it seemed like the easiest way to claim he was right all along weather he was lying or not.

Maybe, or maybe there's the possibility that he was telling the truth the whole time.

Oh totally, just thought the wording was so vague it was kinda amusing because even if there is a Metroid being made right now the way he worded his rumor gives him the out of being right even if he was full of it.


Marvel Vs capcom confirmed? !
That would be an interesting rumor!

Sorry, I think what is sad is being pumped by Shovel Knight coming to Switch (Yay! Another old wiiu port. ..)

What is sad is yourself trying your very hard to tone down every rumors, even though everyone is making a fool of you.
I'm sure no matter what they'll shown, you'll be on the front line to try to shit on everything. Nothing unexpected from you.


El Capitan Todd
Lol sounds like yet another terrible hardware reveal.

What people dont understand is that I totally hope to be wrong but it is not my fault if many rumors arent describing a GREAT picture for the event

Is it possible that only so/so news leaked?
I hope so
But would be weird


I just dont think it bodes well for the rest of places. If its short there its gotta be short elsewhere too

We heard gamestop is 20-30, which is a decent amount, somebody said earlier in the thread gamestop has over preorded in the past with Xbox and people didnt get there's.

I dont think Switch is gonna be flooded in stores, for one retailers are not gonna over order them, and Nintendo already gave the number of units they will ship by the end of March.

I just dont want people come with that Nintendo is just artificially shortage thing again


El Capitan Todd
What is sad is yourself trying your very hard to tone down every rumors, even though everyone is making a fool of you.
I'm sure no matter what they'll shown, you'll be on the front line to try to shit on everything. Nothing unexpected from you.

Totally wrong
Try again


Marvel Vs capcom confirmed? !
That would be an interesting rumor!

Sorry, I think what is sad is being pumped by Shovel Knight coming to Switch (Yay! Another old wiiu port. ..)

You know, I don't get your pessimism. All consoles launch with a select one or two high end exclusives. The rest are either ports or multiplatform titles. The point is seeing what these new titles are for Switch at launch and what it will hold in the near future.

Also, why are you upset about people being hyped about shovel knight?


Junior Member
Marvel Vs capcom confirmed? !
That would be an interesting rumor!

Sorry, I think what is sad is being pumped by Shovel Knight coming to Switch (Yay! Another old wiiu port. ..)
Doom's probably not gonna be in MvCI (at least at launch).


Re: 3D Mario

I think the aspect I'm most interested in is seeing a Galaxy-style 3D Mario with true co-op. That shit excites me.
I thought the Galaxy co-op was fine. Player 1 still had intricate and narrow platforming challenges while Player 2 didn't get in the way of that and played a significant role.

I just dislike the 3D World mutilplayer is what I'm saying.
Oh there are exciting rumors I havent noticed?
Apart from Liam's one saying to not expect games in development to be showcased Friday?


You are always acting as if the only 'bad' leaks are the ones that count, and therefore, there will be nothing to see in the Presentation

I can predict your shitposting from the very moment something leaks.

”As a Nintendo developer and fan few things get me as excited as the launch of new platforms – yep, hardware. In an age of virtual goods Nintendo develops products and platforms that people love to hold. The reveal coming later this week is sure to surprise old fans and new alike.

It should come as no surprise though, about 20 years ago Nintendo released the first home Virtual Reality (VR) console for consumers. Yes, you read correctly, in 1995 to be precise, first in Japan. Despite the 20 million dollar Ad campaign in North America, Virtual Boy was a flop. One that Nintendo junkies like myself cherish to this day. It only seems natural with the launch of Nintendo's new platform The Switch, a modular HD game console, that VR would be on the product roadmap. Given the right specs, ones yet disclosed, there's no reason VR peripherals wouldn't show for the system and just maybe something more. As a Nintendo and VR/AR developer I can't say much, but I can say the fit is one made in heaven.

... In fact, Nintendo was the first into the 3D market, dare I say VR/AR, with their Nintendo 3DS – still the best selling video game console of all time.

Nintendo has arguably always been ahead of the curve starting with the global game boom of the late 1800's. With R&D periods that span decades and the launch of a new powerful console, the Nintendo Switch, it's only natural that one of the first players in the home VR market would once again stake its claim.

Now as part of the Nintendo team few moments in my life as an emerging tech developer have filled me with so much anticipation – this is one step in evolution you won't want to miss.


No one can do a proper Metroid outside of Nintendo IMO.
Metroid Prime was a fluke and heavily supervised by Nintendo.
Metroid should be handled by a Japanese studio.


Liam rumors are depressing
Metroid exists but dont expect it on friday
Rabbids x Mario exists but dont expect it on friday

Soo. .. should we expect just few games trusting N is developing many games this time (for real) without seeing them?
The infamous wiiu launch window. ..

These people dont know what Nintendo is gonna show on Friday, some of these games prob wont be at the hands on event, but Nintendo can show anything on Friday, nobody has seen or read the live presentation script

Something like Rabbits x Mario might not be something Nintendo shows in Japan but Ubisoft could release a trailer and PR right after the event.


My co-worker was talking about the Switch and wondered when we would hear more. I told him about the presentation tomorrow and it hit me:

Tomorrow is the presentation.


Shortage and hell to get a Nintendo Switch confirmed. SCREW THIS.

What did you expect? "We have an infinite amount of Switches available for pre-order, so come in whenever!"

"While supplies last" doesn't mean "we have six." It means that there is a finite number of orders that they can fulfill.


“As a Nintendo developer and fan few things get me as excited as the launch of new platforms – yep, hardware. In an age of virtual goods Nintendo develops products and platforms that people love to hold. The reveal coming later this week is sure to surprise old fans and new alike.

It should come as no surprise though, about 20 years ago Nintendo released the first home Virtual Reality (VR) console for consumers. Yes, you read correctly, in 1995 to be precise, first in Japan. Despite the 20 million dollar Ad campaign in North America, Virtual Boy was a flop. One that Nintendo junkies like myself cherish to this day. It only seems natural with the launch of Nintendo’s new platform The Switch, a modular HD game console, that VR would be on the product roadmap. Given the right specs, ones yet disclosed, there’s no reason VR peripherals wouldn’t show for the system and just maybe something more. As a Nintendo and VR/AR developer I can’t say much, but I can say the fit is one made in heaven.

… In fact, Nintendo was the first into the 3D market, dare I say VR/AR, with their Nintendo 3DS – still the best selling video game console of all time.

Nintendo has arguably always been ahead of the curve starting with the global game boom of the late 1800’s. With R&D periods that span decades and the launch of a new powerful console, the Nintendo Switch, it’s only natural that one of the first players in the home VR market would once again stake its claim.

Now as part of the Nintendo team few moments in my life as an emerging tech developer have filled me with so much anticipation – this is one step in evolution you won’t want to miss.

What. Is it supposed to be funny?
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