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Nintendo Switch Presentation - January 12th


In terms of game announcemens I'd expect

Zelda Breath of the Wild
- The big launch game

Splatoon Remix
- New maps, characters and customisation

Mario Kart Switch
- 4 new cups, retro and DLC cups included in this
- new characters
- the standard MK8 cups not included here but will come later as free DLC, this is to make the game feel new as there are 4 new cups
- Switch item mechanic

Smash Complete Edition
- all previous DLC included
- Snake and Raiden announced more characters to be announced

Mario Sports Superstars
- Also out on 3DS the same day but this is now a multiplatform release like Zelda. Switch version has better graphics.

Monster Hunter XX
- Same as above

Modern Warfare Remastered
- When Activision releases the standalone version the Switch version will release the same time as the other platforms for the standalone version.

Borderlands Hansom Collection
- This is already out in NVidia Shield and will be a easy port. Can play splitscreen multiplayer on one Switch device without TV like Mario Kart.

Metal Gear Rising
- Same as above a quick dirty port as it's already on NVidia Shield woukd make a decent launch title for Japanese audience

- full FIFA fame portable has huge potential to be huge in Europe. Also local multiplayer without TV

- same as above

Super Mario 128
- I'm expecting a high budget Mario that rivals 64

Tekken 7
- Multiplatform release alongside the other versions

Injustice 2
- Same as above

Pikmin 4
- The next big game after launch games

Retro Game
- I think it will be a Kid Icarus game which will be a big action adventure game like Darksiders, God of War and Zelda. Will have on rails sections too like the 3DS games and huge bosses.

Dragon Quest XI
- will be same version as PS4 DQ

- multiplatform Sonic game will be shown of as well a Sonic Mania being announced for Switch


I've been thinking about it and I've come to the conclusion that I don't want a Mario Maker port for Switch. I want nothing less than a full blown sequel. Something that blows the original out of the water. Doesn't have to come in the first year. If they can get it out in the first year, cool. If not no worries. 2018 is fine. But I want a full blown Super Mario Maker 2.

I want slopes. I want way more level themes to choose from. I want lots more enemy types. I want way more powerups. I want proper key exits mario world style and just secret exits/multiple goals in a level in general. I want lots more objects to play with. I want the ability to tweak things like the timing of moving platforms and patterns. I want more depth to the creation tools. I want the ability to put text boxes in your level. I want the ability to have pipes lead to another pipe in the same area. I want pipes that propel you. I want the ability to set objectives in your level other than get to the goal such as beat the timer, don't touch the floor get x amount of coins etc. I want the ability to put hidden special coins in your level. I want red coins too and the ability to assign a powerup to them. I want more verticality. I want the ability to create vertical scrolling levels. I want completely revamped level searching in game complete with tags and whatnot. I want the ability to put in a description when I upload my level. I want the ability to view replays of people who have played my level complete with all their failures so I can see where people are struggling. I want to be able to create a set of levels to upload for people to go though one after the other, like a mini world. I want to be able to place water in a non water stage.

I want I want I want. No port. Only full sequel. Thanks Nintendo. I know you can do it.
I can agree with all this but I feel like the major big addition will be 4 player support. Maybe even with different character types playable (Mario, Luigi, Toad, Peach, etc). Basically New Super Mario Maker.

If you want my opinion, I think there are a ton of games from Level-5 that are coming. They would be insane to bet on 3DS in mid/late 2017.

Inazuma Eleven Ares still hasn't a definite plateform. It's a more teen-focused reboot, it would be perfect for the Switch. Megaton Musashi won't be out until at the very least late 2017/early 2018, and Hino said that he wanted it to be also playable on a big screen.
The Snack World is supposed to be a huge crossmedia IP (even though I seriously doubt its appeal), it will release on mobile and 3DS, and since the Switch will likely have mobile-connection, it could also be a perfect fit (and the game uses NFC as fuck, we already know the Switch is NFC-compatible).
I think all of Level 5's 2017+ lineup has a good shot at seeing Switch releases. Lady Layton, Megaton Musashi, Snack World, IE Ares, even Ni No Kuni II.
Would it be worth it if it releases in March ? I think it would be better for EA to just wait for Fifa 18 on the holidays.

Well most of the Leagues are in the middle of their seasons and the new game doesn't come out until sept and there hasn't been a Hand held Fifa since 15 so just passing it over for a new game that is 6 months out is a lost chance.


"...but we’ll work with it as soon as we figure out how to take advantage of it.”
Read more at http://gematsu.com/2016/10/ni-no-kuni-ii-kingdom-creation-system#oBUhjSwASOFsBYYV.99Q

I'm not sure how you can read as anything but an implication that they're not working on Switch games at the moment. That's a statement that's more than not being at launch.

Some would say that not cutting off half of the sentence keeps things in context, or heck some would say that original transcript said something else.

But then, I guess, the movie Mordicai was "... the... best... movie... ever... and... great...". Who am I to argue with a person's ability to read words.


Some would say that not cutting off half of the sentence keeps things in context, or heck some would say that original transcript said something else.

But then, I guess, the movie Mordicai was "... the... best... movie... ever... and... great...". Who am I to argue with a person's ability to read words.

The rest of the sentence doesn't change the context at all. Also that's even close to the same thing.
So despite the fact Level-5 is listed as a Switch partner, and Level-5 said they're making games for the Switch, Level-5 isn't developing games for the Switch.


The rest of the sentence doesn't change the context at all. Also that's even close to the same thing.

I was using hyperbole to show how absurd you're being with what it is you're trying to read from a fragmented, multi-translated sentence.
Xeno gonna be my most wanted game on this thing again, just like with Wii U. Glad to hear they're already working on it!

As has already been said, X was both better and worse in some ways. Hopefully the story is more prominent again this time as that was the main let down for me, though I liked the story and characters that were there.

You think they'd go from releasing four games separately at full price to bundling them all together (plus cleaning up all of the textures of the 3DS versions)?

Agreed. I don't think there's a particularly good chance they give us several of the main Zeldas in one remaster collection, even with this being the second time they'll be releasing some of them.

Square-Enix of all companies putting them to shame with the KH collections. Multiple remasters in the old PS3 ones and now all 6 pieces in one collection and the whole franchise thing in two.

It's basically a wait and see approach, they're trying to find out what demographic if any the switch will appeal to and willthus create games to cater to that if it succeeds. They won't be trying to actively court such and such demographic onto the console however which is far more important for the consoles chance at success

Yeah, it's pretty much the opposite of usual Hino, and this is from one of the earliest releasers of DS and 3DS. I guess they are at least waiting to see what kind of game they should make for it. They also made it pretty clear at the last Level-5 Vision event that they are going more mobile phone game heavy when it comes to portable stuff right now so that could be a factor.

Meanwhile even though they haven't even released their PS4 game yet, Hino back in 2013 before the system even came out was already hinting at a PS4 title that was already in the planning stages being worked on and hoping he could announce it in the near future:

I'm sure they'll make games for it but it could be a while before they are ready if they aren't starting yet.

If you want my opinion, I think there are a ton of games from Level-5 that are coming. They would be insane to bet on 3DS in mid/late 2017.

I dunno, it's Japan. I think many games will still be targeting 3DS in 2017. Japanese devs are still making PS3 games and porting them to PS4 and have slowly transitioned to targeting PS4 more and they were still making PS3 only games even after the PS4 first launched.


So despite the fact Level-5 is listed as a Switch partner, and Level-5 said they're making games for the Switch, Level-5 isn't developing games for the Switch.

Being on one of those pre-release lists is not very meaningful and I'm literally quoting what Hino said in regards to making Switch games.
If this was something Pokemon Co./GameFreak/Nintendo wanted to do, they'd have already done it in previous generations.
Yeah, it's not exactly something I'm banking on either. Though I think the nature of the detailed polygonal graphics as people have demonstrated with 3DS emulators shows that a relatively straight port would be more able to impress than something like FireRed/LeafGreen showing up on DS with just an expanded view plus menus on the bottom screen.


paid requisite penance
i keep pretending everyone loves Schrödinger's Cat and "D.O.A." just means "dead or alive" and i find myself agreeing cause, u know, like, the system's not out yet and stuff
Being on one of those pre-release lists is not very meaningful and I'm literally quoting what Hino said in regards to making Switch games.
Ok SMD. You're just as bad as him now if you don't think Yokai Watch is coming to this.

Hino is probably salivating at the idea of making Yokai Watch joy-cons as we speak.


Ok SMD. You're just as bad as him now if you don't think Yokai Watch is coming to this.

Hino is probably salivating at the idea of making Yokai Watch joy-cons as we speak.

Ok, whatever.

Except you conveniently left out the part where he said they were making Switch games.

No he says they plan to make Switch games. I plan to buy a house but I haven't been to the bank and got a mortgage.


I'll give my expectations about what will be in the 13th January event.

First-party games :
- Zelda Breath of the Wild (launch)
- Super Mario 3D Switch (holiday 2017)
- Splatoon port (launch)
- Mario Kart 8 port (launch)
- Smash Bros port (summer)
- Pikmin 4 (summer)
- Retro Studios game(s) (I expect a new IP) (holiday 2017)
- Fire Emblem Warriors (from Koei Tecmo) (fall 2017)
- New Kirby game (late spring)
- A new "party" game from the Wario Ware/Rhythm Tengoku team (holiday 2017
Next Xenoblade's missing. I want refund !

Xeno gonna be my most wanted game on this thing again, just like with Wii U. Glad to hear they're already working on it!

As has already been said, X was both better and worse in some ways. Hopefully the story is more prominent again this time as that was the main let down for me, though I liked the story and characters that were there.
You can count on it. Takahashi said "if we were to work on a new Xenoblade it would be closer to a classic rpg like the first one"
I think if rumors are true Switch isn't getting as many third party ports for launch, I think we realistically see the following:

EA: (2) Fifa, PvZ:GW or Battlefront
Activision: (1) MW1R, Overwatch, or Destiny w/ Destiny 2 beta access.
Ubisoft: (2) For Honor or South Park (SP being delayed until March may not be a coincidence), and Just Dance.
Bethesda: (1) Skyrim
2k: (1) NBA
Warner: (1) Batman Return to Arkham or Lego
Atlus: (1) Persona
Square: (2) World of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Builders
Capcom: (1) RE 7
Spike Chunsoft: (1) Darganronpa 1+2 bundle.
Telltale: Batman or TWD.

Nintendo: (2) Zelda, Mario Kart 8

= 16 launch games

Sizzle reel of games coming in next 12 months will include: Metroid (not Retro), Masou Fire Emblem, Retro game, Sonic, Metal Gear Rising, Mario 3d, Splatoon, Smash, Mario sports, Wrestling, Borderlands, Madden, HD Remake, Paper Mario, Digimon, Dirt racing, Monster Hunter XX, DQ10, COD, and some surprise...maybe Destiny 2.

I also assume that Nintendo will try to stagger releases so "something" even if it is not a big game is coming out every two weeks.
Next Xenoblade's missing. I want refund !

You can count on it. Takahashi said "if we were to work on a new Xenoblade it would be closer to a classic rpg like the first one"

Yeah, I'm not too worried, I liked hearing that in all of the post-release interviews with him and hope that's indeed the plan to have the story more prominent again. :)


Yeah, it's not exactly something I'm banking on either. Though I think the nature of the detailed polygonal graphics as people have demonstrated with 3DS emulators shows that a relatively straight port would be more able to impress than something like FireRed/LeafGreen showing up on DS with just an expanded view plus menus on the bottom screen.
Again, you could just play FRLG on DS anyway. You can't play SuMo on Switch unless they do a port.

Game Freak has never done this before because they've never been in this situation before. GB -> GBC -> GBA -> DS -> 3DS was all one continual line with compatibility and the newest Pokémon games during transition cycles could be played on all current hardware of the day. This time is different so it wouldn't be so odd for GF todo something different as well.

Get ready for Pokémon Stars.


If there's going to be a new Xenoblade I wouldnt mind it being a lot like X gameplaywise as long as progression, plotwise, and character wise is closer to the first. That said the mechs have to either be reworked or be gone, the exploration on X was really good until the mechs came in.


I think Kart and Splatoon will.be launch year titles but not there at launch. It'd be overkill first party wise and Nintendo will have promised to give more focus to third parties.

Likely a copy of 3DS but you know with a launch title.

Zelda/Monster Hunter at launch
Mario Kart 8
Mario for Christmas

Mario and Zelda are the big hitters to drive the early adoption. Within that I'd expect some smaller titles but really the above is the main focus for next year and third parties to get focus the remsining year.

Chuck in a wild card as well - maybe a Kid Icarus?
I think Kart and Splatoon will.be launch year titles but not there at launch. It'd be overkill first party wise and Nintendo will have promised to give more focus to third parties.

Likely a copy of 3DS but you know with a launch title.

Zelda/Monster Hunter at launch
Mario Kart 8
Mario for Christmas

Mario and Zelda are the big hitters to drive the early adoption. Within that I'd expect some smaller titles but really the above is the main focus for next year and third parties to get focus the remsining year.

Chuck in a wild card as well - maybe a Kid Icarus?

Splatoon, I could understand, and Smash Bros. as well (which has been heavily rumored) but I'll eat my hat if MK8.5 isn't at launch for the reasons I stated here.

That and Zelda would just be two Nintendo games at launch. That can't be considered overkill, right?


As far as lineup for 2017 for Switch I expect the following

Launch - March
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Mario Kart Switch
NBA 2K17
Tekken 7
Monster Hunter XX
Modern Warfare Remastered
Metal Gear Rising
Borderlands The Hansom Collection
Just Dance

April - June
Pikmin 4
Injustice 2
Elder Scrolls Skyrim

July - September
Super Mario 128
Super Smash Bros
Dragon Quest X

October - December
Retro Game
Amiibo Slykanders Clone
Pokémon Eclipse
I think Kart and Splatoon will.be launch year titles but not there at launch. It'd be overkill first party wise and Nintendo will have promised to give more focus to third parties.

Likely a copy of 3DS but you know with a launch title.

Zelda/Monster Hunter at launch
Mario Kart 8
Mario for Christmas

Mario and Zelda are the big hitters to drive the early adoption. Within that I'd expect some smaller titles but really the above is the main focus for next year and third parties to get focus the remsining year.

Chuck in a wild card as well - maybe a Kid Icarus?

Which Left them in a hole.
How are folks feeling about the chances for Mario Superstar Sports on the Switch?
That looks like a ton of effort put into a random weird/late 3DS exclusive release. Having that between launch and the holidays would likely be smart. Namco Bandai is making it too, IIRC
I think Mario Kart will be mk9 regdardless if it's 'built from the ground up' or not. For the same reason that if the Wii U had been a souped up 3DS, mk8 would have just taken mk7 code and characters added the anti grav bit. Can imagine they might lift a lot of wii u content too, perhaps all the dlc tracks but one dlc track is all we've seen so there's not much to go on.
I'm not really anticipating any massive traversal feature like 7&8 introduced, as... I can't really think of any. maybe they will bring back halfpipes or something, or add jetskis.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
I think Mario Kart will be mk9 regdardless if it's 'built from the ground up' or not. For the same reason that if the Wii U had been a souped up 3DS, mk8 would have just taken mk7 code and characters added the anti grav bit. Can imagine they might lift a lot of wii u content too, perhaps all the dlc tracks but one dlc track is all we've seen so there's not much to go on.

Mario Kart 8 + DLC literally has the content of like 3 previous Mario Karts combined. It's a completely different scenario.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I think Mario Kart will be mk9 regdardless if it's 'built from the ground up' or not. For the same reason that if the Wii U had been a souped up 3DS, mk8 would have just taken mk7 code and characters added the anti grav bit. Can imagine they might lift a lot of wii u content too, perhaps all the dlc tracks but one dlc track is all we've seen so there's not much to go on.

The fact is that, if we take the footage from the trailer as a good indication, that was Mario Kart 8, even if expanded: not only a track already present in the game, but the track presentation graphic and the on-screen UI were identical to MK8 too.


No he says they plan to make Switch games. I plan to buy a house but I haven't been to the bank and got a mortgage.
Semantic worldplay would probably work better on a statement not run through translation telephone.

Also, I hear the sky's falling.
In terms of game announcemens I'd expect

Zelda Breath of the Wild
- The big launch game

Splatoon Remix
- New maps, characters and customisation

Mario Kart Switch
- 4 new cups, retro and DLC cups included in this
- new characters
- the standard MK8 cups not included here but will come later as free DLC, this is to make the game feel new as there are 4 new cups
- Switch item mechanic

Smash Complete Edition
- all previous DLC included
- Snake and Raiden announced more characters to be announced

Mario Sports Superstars
- Also out on 3DS the same day but this is now a multiplatform release like Zelda. Switch version has better graphics.

Monster Hunter XX
- Same as above

Modern Warfare Remastered
- When Activision releases the standalone version the Switch version will release the same time as the other platforms for the standalone version.

Borderlands Hansom Collection
- This is already out in NVidia Shield and will be a easy port. Can play splitscreen multiplayer on one Switch device without TV like Mario Kart.

Metal Gear Rising
- Same as above a quick dirty port as it's already on NVidia Shield woukd make a decent launch title for Japanese audience

- full FIFA fame portable has huge potential to be huge in Europe. Also local multiplayer without TV

- same as above

Super Mario 128
- I'm expecting a high budget Mario that rivals 64

Tekken 7
- Multiplatform release alongside the other versions

Injustice 2
- Same as above

Pikmin 4
- The next big game after launch games

Retro Game
- I think it will be a Kid Icarus game which will be a big action adventure game like Darksiders, God of War and Zelda. Will have on rails sections too like the 3DS games and huge bosses.

Dragon Quest XI
- will be same version as PS4 DQ

- multiplatform Sonic game will be shown of as well a Sonic Mania being announced for Switch

As you and I discussed pages back, I think you are right. I also assume based on previous rumors that one of Retro's three games in development is Kid Icarus.


Semantic worldplay would probably work better on a statement not run through translation telephone.

Also, I hear the sky's falling.


As far as lineup for 2017 for Switch I expect the following

Launch - March
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Mario Kart Switch
NBA 2K17
Tekken 7
Monster Hunter XX
Modern Warfare Remastered
Metal Gear Rising
Borderlands The Hansom Collection
Just Dance

April - June
Pikmin 4
Injustice 2
Elder Scrolls Skyrim

July - September
Super Mario 128
Super Smash Bros
Dragon Quest X

October - December
Retro Game
Amiibo Slykanders Clone
Pokémon Eclipse

Literally where are you getting Metal Gear Rising from?


You guys think that this presentation will feature games beyond the launch period? I have a feeling that we will get maybe 1 big holiday game revealed (3D Mario that was shown), but the rest will be at E3.
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