In terms of game announcemens I'd expect
Zelda Breath of the Wild
- The big launch game
Splatoon Remix
- New maps, characters and customisation
Mario Kart Switch
- 4 new cups, retro and DLC cups included in this
- new characters
- the standard MK8 cups not included here but will come later as free DLC, this is to make the game feel new as there are 4 new cups
- Switch item mechanic
Smash Complete Edition
- all previous DLC included
- Snake and Raiden announced more characters to be announced
Mario Sports Superstars
- Also out on 3DS the same day but this is now a multiplatform release like Zelda. Switch version has better graphics.
Monster Hunter XX
- Same as above
Modern Warfare Remastered
- When Activision releases the standalone version the Switch version will release the same time as the other platforms for the standalone version.
Borderlands Hansom Collection
- This is already out in NVidia Shield and will be a easy port. Can play splitscreen multiplayer on one Switch device without TV like Mario Kart.
Metal Gear Rising
- Same as above a quick dirty port as it's already on NVidia Shield woukd make a decent launch title for Japanese audience
- full FIFA fame portable has huge potential to be huge in Europe. Also local multiplayer without TV
- same as above
Super Mario 128
- I'm expecting a high budget Mario that rivals 64
Tekken 7
- Multiplatform release alongside the other versions
Injustice 2
- Same as above
Pikmin 4
- The next big game after launch games
Retro Game
- I think it will be a Kid Icarus game which will be a big action adventure game like Darksiders, God of War and Zelda. Will have on rails sections too like the 3DS games and huge bosses.
Dragon Quest XI
- will be same version as PS4 DQ
- multiplatform Sonic game will be shown of as well a Sonic Mania being announced for Switch
Zelda Breath of the Wild
- The big launch game
Splatoon Remix
- New maps, characters and customisation
Mario Kart Switch
- 4 new cups, retro and DLC cups included in this
- new characters
- the standard MK8 cups not included here but will come later as free DLC, this is to make the game feel new as there are 4 new cups
- Switch item mechanic
Smash Complete Edition
- all previous DLC included
- Snake and Raiden announced more characters to be announced
Mario Sports Superstars
- Also out on 3DS the same day but this is now a multiplatform release like Zelda. Switch version has better graphics.
Monster Hunter XX
- Same as above
Modern Warfare Remastered
- When Activision releases the standalone version the Switch version will release the same time as the other platforms for the standalone version.
Borderlands Hansom Collection
- This is already out in NVidia Shield and will be a easy port. Can play splitscreen multiplayer on one Switch device without TV like Mario Kart.
Metal Gear Rising
- Same as above a quick dirty port as it's already on NVidia Shield woukd make a decent launch title for Japanese audience
- full FIFA fame portable has huge potential to be huge in Europe. Also local multiplayer without TV
- same as above
Super Mario 128
- I'm expecting a high budget Mario that rivals 64
Tekken 7
- Multiplatform release alongside the other versions
Injustice 2
- Same as above
Pikmin 4
- The next big game after launch games
Retro Game
- I think it will be a Kid Icarus game which will be a big action adventure game like Darksiders, God of War and Zelda. Will have on rails sections too like the 3DS games and huge bosses.
Dragon Quest XI
- will be same version as PS4 DQ
- multiplatform Sonic game will be shown of as well a Sonic Mania being announced for Switch