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Nintendo Team Dallas: Week 3 - Karaoke!!


The results from week 2 are in, and the online vote went to..... New York!! Damn, I really thought with the power of GAF we could pull in the online vote! As always, I'd appreciate your votes again for DALLAS this week for our karaoke challenge, and you can vote at


The good news about week 2 is that the Nintendo judges gave us 1st place for our website, but we are still a fat 25 points behind 1st place, and the only way we're gonna catch up is by winning the online vote! If you have any brothers or sisters, use their names and vote multiple times :) In any case, it will benefit you by giving you an extra shot at the $5000, so long as your siblings can be trusted...

This is probably going to be our last BIG push for the online vote, if it goes to either Atlanta or New York again, we might be out for good. Thank you guys for putting up with this for so long, I'm beginning to become exhausted stressing over it, but be sure to check out our video, hopefully you'll have a laugh or two. I'm Diddy Kong.


Gah, they all sucked, but Dallas was the best one. If only for the very end. Plus the Donkey Kong guy was cool.


Yeah, that Donkey Kong guy IS crazy. He made the suit himself, spending about $50 in total, and put it together the night before the video... In my opinion he had the best costume out of anybody. My costume was so basic, a red shirt with a yellow star and a red cap... but my legs hurt like hell for 3 days straight after filming due to walking on all fours like a monkey... I was just tired of being a Pikmin.

Thanks for the votes guys! Keep it up if ya can!

btw, I haven't been able to view any of the other videos because I'm stuck on a 26.4k dialup connect, so I have no idea how ours stacks up to others'. What songs do the other ones use? Do you think the judges will pick our video at least upper tier (1st, 2nd, or 3rd?)?



Edit: Good luck and all, but I just hate when people do things like this self-promotion on the boards.


IJoel, I completely understand where you're coming from, which is why this is really the only place I post it, being the only place I frequent. I tried posting on the GameFaqs regional (Texas) board last week, but it just fell into the depths of the forum, so I just gave up without trying to bump it.

Normally I am completely against things like this, but since it incorporates Nintendo, I couldn't hold back. If nothing else, just check out the videos and stuff. Of course I would like to win the contest just because we put so much effort in, but if the forum gods wish that I not make these postings, I'll gladly oblige.

Honestly, I wish Nintendo didn't put so much emphasis on the online portion of voting, just judge the challenges themselves...


None of the videos worked for me, so I voted for you anyways.

Any chance of getting a direct link for the videos?


What is Seattle's video like? I tried going to the library for broadband yesterday to watch the videos, but they didn't have a quicktime plug-in... Damn this dialup!!
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