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NJPW G1 Climax 27 [OT] It's a Real-Life Tournament Arc!!!!!

Guessing I need to catch up on today's matches. I was planning to skip out until the finals, but sounds like Juice and Evil each had outstanding matches tonight.

Looking at current standings, can't help but feel it's going to be Naito/Okada or Tana/Okada.
It's really great to see how NJPW has slowly built up some of these guys. Between Juice, Sanada and Evil there is going to be another solid group of wrestlers to mix in for the IC and possibly the heavyweight.
It's really great to see how NJPW has slowly built up some of these guys. Between Juice, Sanada and Evil there is going to be another solid group of wrestlers to mix in for the IC and possibly the heavyweight.

Yep able to elevate the talent so fans think they can grab the title rather than make the title holders look like every other wrestler.
And people STILL shit on Gedo as a booker, because he's pushed Okada too much, or because Naito's got a raw deal - of course there are negatives, no booker is perfect, but you look at what he's achieved and it's hard to deny his success. Of course you then get the criticisms that what he's doing is basic, it's wrestling booking 101 - well if it's so damn easy, why do WWE struggle in many of the areas Gedo excels?
Yeah, that's a frustrating aspect of Gedo's booking that doesn't look set to change - it's surprising, as being a tag guy you'd think he'd book the tag divisions better. I personally think it's for a lack of a native team to really get behind - although Oka & Kitamura want to enter the tag league this year, just pull the trigger and have those boys run all over the division.
Yeah, that's a frustrating aspect of Gedo's booking that doesn't look set to change - it's surprising, as being a tag guy you'd think he'd book the tag divisions better. I personally think it's for a lack of a native team to really get behind - although Oka & Kitamura want to enter the tag league this year, just pull the trigger and have those boys run all over the division.

I agree NJPW don't really have a decent tag roster. Their best teams are freelance and internal teams tend to get pulled into Jnr/Heavyweight contention, then the trios stuff draws even more focus away from the tag division.
Yeah, that's a frustrating aspect of Gedo's booking that doesn't look set to change - it's surprising, as being a tag guy you'd think he'd book the tag divisions better. I personally think it's for a lack of a native team to really get behind - although Oka & Kitamura want to enter the tag league this year, just pull the trigger and have those boys run all over the division.


The problem is they have no regular tag teams outside of what literally G.O.D, (well I guess and TenCozy), just singles wrestlers in stables that they put together

Jr side is worse they have zero now that RPG Vice is no more.
And people STILL shit on Gedo as a booker, because he's pushed Okada too much, or because Naito's got a raw deal - of course there are negatives, no booker is perfect, but you look at what he's achieved and it's hard to deny his success. Of course you then get the criticisms that what he's doing is basic, it's wrestling booking 101 - well if it's so damn easy, why do WWE struggle in many of the areas Gedo excels?

At least for me, Naito getting the raw deal only adds to his persona in the organization. It further elevates LIJ and Naito's disdain for everything. So it's kind of a win/win there.

In terms of tags, hopefully with War Machine being there it will help things a bit

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I agree NJPW don't really have a decent tag roster. Their best teams are freelance and internal teams tend to get pulled into Jnr/Heavyweight contention, then the trios stuff draws even more focus away from the tag division.

The Jr. tag division in particular is extremely bereft of talent. I mean, what does it really have?

The Bucks, who are freelance and barely there
Any combination of Taka, Kanemaru, Desperado, and Taichi
Jado and Gedo
Liger and Tiger Mask
I guess you could throw BUSHI and Hiromu together, but Hiromu's always in singles title contention
Taguchi and Ricochet I guess, but Ricochet is clearly WWE-bound sooner than later
The Tempura Boys whenever they get back, and IF they decide to keep them together as a team

That's honestly all I can think of. The Jr. tag division is dire right now. Only four of those teams are reliably available on a regular basis, and two of those four have a combined age of nearly 100.
The Jr. tag division in particular is extremely bereft of talent. I mean, what does it really have?

The Bucks, who are freelance and barely there
Any combination of Taka, Kanemaru, Desperado, and Taichi
Jado and Gedo
Liger and Tiger Mask
I guess you could throw BUSHI and Hiromu together, but Hiromu's always in singles title contention
Taguchi and Ricochet I guess, but Ricochet is clearly WWE-bound sooner than later
The Tempura Boys whenever they get back, and IF they decide to keep them together as a team

That's honestly all I can think of. The Jr. tag division is dire right now. Only four of those teams are reliably available on a regular basis, and two of those four have a combined age of nearly 100.

Yeah it's very much an afterthought at best. Hard to build a division though I admit since New Japan are focusing on their strengths to make $$$ rather than just have an insanely stacked roster that they can fill out divisions with like WWE.

Like, I'd love to see stuff like Revival, Motor City Machine Guns, etc in NJPW but growing that would take money and time away from ensuring the singles stuff remains high quality. Same with womens wrestling, having a joshi division in NJPW could be great for the long term viability of joshi wrestling in Japan but again, requires the same time, money and attention they give the the men singles to ensure top quality :(


Just had a chance to watch yesterdays and todays show.

Naito/ZSJ was exceptional, loved Naito's selling of the holds after the match.

agreed that Naito/Makabe afters was great. Just two belligerent dudes going at it.

JUICE win was amazing, and he did a brilliant babyface sell of his win.

Half expected Evil to win after Omega lost, and he actually pretty much won twice with the powerbomb outside. Great elevation of future stars here tonight.

Which commentator is it who always says EVERYTHING? That always cracks me up.


Yuuuuuup that was an awesome night

This G1 has made more of a believer in EVIL than it has SANADA and I couldn't be happier. I think the smart money is still on Naito/Omega in the finals with Naito getting the win and the money match against Okada at the Dome. I just have a hard time seeing Omega go winless against Okada this year, but I could see them maybe setting up an 0-1-2 record or something like that. Have Naito go over Okada in the finals and have some real heat going into WK. But with all the players laid out and all the combinations of winners there, I'd be happy with any number of combinations.

Yeah it's very much an afterthought at best. Hard to build a division though I admit since New Japan are focusing on their strengths to make $$$ rather than just have an insanely stacked roster that they can fill out divisions with like WWE.

Like, I'd love to see stuff like Revival, Motor City Machine Guns, etc in NJPW but growing that would take money and time away from ensuring the singles stuff remains high quality. Same with womens wrestling, having a joshi division in NJPW could be great for the long term viability of joshi wrestling in Japan but again, requires the same time, money and attention they give the the men singles to ensure top quality :(

I agree with all the talk about the overall weakness of tags in NJPW. It's a damn shame and it's the major blemish against them as a promotion.

For whatever reason, wrestling promotions in Japan never really dabbled in having female wrestling occupy the same space as men's. It's always been an either/or kind of proposition. The only time you see it is in special attractions or indies on the fringes.


And people STILL shit on Gedo as a booker, because he's pushed Okada too much, or because Naito's got a raw deal - of course there are negatives, no booker is perfect, but you look at what he's achieved and it's hard to deny his success. Of course you then get the criticisms that what he's doing is basic, it's wrestling booking 101 - well if it's so damn easy, why do WWE struggle in many of the areas Gedo excels?
Fundamental wrestling booking 101 IS damn easy.

The reason the WWE struggles is because Vince is senile, indecisive, champions 50/50 booking, champions pulling the rug out from faces unless they're supermen and two dozen writers write to appease his whims instead of booking with any sort of long-term creative vision.

Gedo ain't perfect (no booker is) but he's far beyond that mess.
Gedo is the best singles booker since bill watts.

From the bottom of the card to the top there's progression and barely anyone who feels like they're just sitting around. He books far in advance and doesn't overthink things, which is where many bookers mess up.

I just wish he'd stop making the refs look like jokes.


That was pretty funny, but I'm still not feeling Tama Tonga personally :/

He has this whole ego and mouth but he has not earned any of it,
He is riding Kenny and the Buck's coat tails. Even Yujiro is more over.
He has the tools and potential but I think he expects it handed to him because of Bullet Club
(Telling him so got me blocked by him on twitter lol)


He has this whole ego and mouth but he has not earned any of it,
He is riding Kenny and the Buck's coat tails. Even Yujiro is more over.
He has the tools and potential but I think he expects it handed to him because of Bullet Club
(Telling him so got me blocked by him on twitter lol)

you're talking about him like he's some new member and not one of the founders lol


you're talking about him like he's some new member and not one of the founders lol

That is kind of my point.
You had Balor Club, AJ Club, now Omega Club

He really has done nothing to stand out as a singles performer.
GoD is a great tag team but they should travel more.
Bucks and RPG Vice I think are better tag teams because they are all over the place.
I think it would also help him as a singles wrestler.


Just caught up on todays show, one of the best nights for me, with lots of feel good moments like Kojima finally getting a win, Juice upset and "Welcome to the Darkness World" EVIL! EVIL is a fucking boss, I'd be okay if he wins the B block and faces Naito for the finals.


Night of shocks. Shit yes EVIL.
Cant believe Koji went over Sanada. Or Elgin over Suzuki either.
Juice/Omega wasnt great but completely redeemed by the finish. Im up and down on Omega at the best of times but jesus some stuff he does pisses me off. Like that suplex to the outside, an unnecessary risk for a move that looked like shit in the end anyway and some of his selling tonight was a bit too goofy.


Night of shocks. Shit yes EVIL.
Cant believe Koji went over Sanada. Or Elgin over Suzuki either.
Juice/Omega wasnt great but completely redeemed by the finish. Im up and down on Omega at the best of times but jesus some stuff he does pisses me off. Like that suplex to the outside, an unnecessary risk for a move that looked like shit in the end anyway and some of his selling tonight was a bit too goofy.

I don't see much risk in that one at all, they're both going over the top rope and landing on their feet for the most part. He did it to damage Juice's knee but Juice held on and he went over. Don't know what to say about his selling, it is what is at this point.


Night of shocks. Shit yes EVIL.
Cant believe Koji went over Sanada. Or Elgin over Suzuki either.
Juice/Omega wasnt great but completely redeemed by the finish. Im up and down on Omega at the best of times but jesus some stuff he does pisses me off. Like that suplex to the outside, an unnecessary risk for a move that looked like shit in the end anyway and some of his selling tonight was a bit too goofy.

They actually did the safer version of the spot.
Kenny holds on until Juice's feet hit the floor and then part two is Kenny falling over too which with the ropes is not that bad.
The normal spot just has the person start the suplex until over the top and then let go and let the person fall

The only real risk would have been if Omega expected Juice to land on the apron and then pull him over


Omega has gotten a lot better at it but the goofy overselling and comedy shit, even in big time matches, is probably his biggest weakness. He was in DDT for so long that he's hardwired to do that shit and you can tell it's been a struggle for him to tone it down.

Evil has had an awesome G1. Since NJPW focuses so much on the in-ring product, he can get away with having such a dumb gimmick and still come off as a bad ass.

Also looked like Okada did one too many bumps of cocaine before going out there.


There is just something about sanada that hasn't clicked with me. He has a great look and can do well in the ring, he just carries himself in a way that doesn't say "star" yet. I think he's too reserved in a group with characters like lij.

He almost looks like he's bored all the time


There is just something about sanada that hasn't clicked with me. He has a great look and can do well in the ring, he just carries himself in a way that doesn't say "star" yet. I think he's too reserved in a group with characters like lij.

He almost looks like he's bored all the time

That is kind of dead on.
He has everything, the only thing that he is missing is fire and intent.
He almost never looks angry, or mad just at the most annoyed.
I think it will come, he has made huge steps in the past six months


Thanks to having to go back to work for 2 weeks I'm seriously behind on the G1.
How many days are there this year? 18?

I'm catching up to day 7 today and just watched the Ishii vs Yoshi-Hashi.
Reminded me of a fight between a pitbull and a golden retriever, one that has rabies. :p
Really ended up liking the match a lot.
The people comparing Yoshi-Hashi with Fale are nuts.
He's far from anywhere near my favourites, but he definitely has a lot of potential.
I just figure he needs a complete overhaul. Bit like Okada.
Thanks to having to go back to work for 2 weeks I'm seriously behind on the G1.
How many days are there this year? 18?

I'm catching up to day 7 today and just watched the Ishii vs Yoshi-Hashi.
Reminded me of a fight between a pitbull and a golden retriever, one that has rabies. :p
Really ended up liking the match a lot.
The people comparing Yoshi-Hashi with Fale are nuts.
He's far from anywhere near my favourites, but he definitely has a lot of potential.
I just figure he needs a complete overhaul. Bit like Okada.

He needs it fast too, YOSHI HASHI is 35.

Not saying that older wrestlers can't turn it around (Mark Henry didn't click with fans till he was 40), but it does get progressively harder.

He has a monumentally awful Monkey King gimmick too, which definitely needs changing. At least he doesn't wear the "Loose Explosion" trunks anymore it seems.


Didn't know he was that old already. If you told me he was 26-27, I would have believed you!

Can't wait for my next 2 week holiday to begin at the end of next week so I catch up a lot more easily. When are the finals?


Depressing thought: I think most people have this pegged as Naitos year.
And i think the guy for next year was gonna be Shibata. Hed have been the perfect guy to take the belt of Naito. Id love to know what the original plans were before he was injured.
Catching up so far and a lot of good matches from the people in the G1 so far.
Depressing thought: I think most people have this pegged as Naitos year.
And i think the guy for next year was gonna be Shibata. Hed have been the perfect guy to take the belt of Naito. Id love to know what the original plans were before he was injured.
I was thinking this too. With Shibata gone, I was wondering who would fill in the spot. I could think maybe SANADA might be the one but that is me guessing.
Depressing thought: I think most people have this pegged as Naitos year.
And i think the guy for next year was gonna be Shibata. Hed have been the perfect guy to take the belt of Naito. Id love to know what the original plans were before he was injured.

It certainly felt like he was moving into the top tier of guys. The story behind the Okada/Shibata match was great.

At least he's out of the hospital now, and seems to be recovering above expectations.
Finally got around to watching the show...oh man, what a night! Juice's and EVIL's upsets were super nice. Also don't sleep on Elgin beating MiSu, I can see that leading to a NEVER title match down the line.

Okada's probably losing to MiSu - he needs title defences for KoPW and Destruction, maybe Power Struggle as well. Then it'll all come down to Omega vs Okada.

Usually the title is only only defended at KoPW before WK, so while I do think MiSu is beating Okada I don't think he'll get a title shot as typically New Japan doesn't want their title holders fighting for other titles to keep all of them prestigious. My pick is EVIL now getting the shot at KoPW, leading into Okada vs. G1 winner Naito at WK12. Juice and Elgin will both get US title shots, Sabre will get an IC title shot (and maybe Ishii also if he wins tonight) and Elgin should get a NEVER title shot down the road.
I really thought that Nagata and Kojima would both go winless, which would have been a sad showing for the New Japan Dads. Instead, Kojima and SANADA could start something here, and SANADA could learn from Kojima in a little feud.

Juice's sell of his win was great. He's over as a face.

Nagata could get his win over Fale to knock Fale out of contention on the final night.



Evil so far is my most improved wrestler in the G1, they gave him a chance and he is really showing what he is made of. His matches against Suzuki and Okada were great. Also with Evil getting a chance against Okada, Naito wining the G1 is a bit more secure. Okada beats Evil before facing Naito and WK, and Naito takes the the belt to LIJ.
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