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No More "Wait Till Next E3"; 2021's Show Will Define Microsoft's Prospects One Way Or Another

What's the most important thing you feel Microsoft needs to show this E3 for the masses (choose 3)?

  • Stellar re-showing of Halo Infinite

    Votes: 212 55.9%
  • Reveal and gameplay for Starfield

    Votes: 128 33.8%
  • New exclusive Japanese IP reveal

    Votes: 37 9.8%
  • New exclusive Western IP reveal

    Votes: 63 16.6%
  • Visually "next-gen" gaming exclusives (BMI, Scorn, Exo Mecha, Gunk etc.)

    Votes: 144 38.0%
  • More GamePass announcements/partnerships

    Votes: 81 21.4%
  • Gameplay from a new secret first-party IP

    Votes: 122 32.2%
  • Another major acquisition (WB Games, Sega, etc.)

    Votes: 51 13.5%
  • Announcement for VR on Xbox

    Votes: 22 5.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


But...like...they're already doing this. Just like games day one on Game Pass.

Its time to move past all that and start looking towards the future. New games.

Someone said both MS and Sony havent given anyone a reason to buy either console. (yeah I know they are tripping by comparing it to the Switch but still)

To be honest...MS isnt giving anyone a reason. Because BC and Game Pass was a thing last gen. You can still get that on the One S and better BC on the One X.

Now its even better BC on Series consoles.
Like I said, I already know I'm in the minority, most new games suck dick imo
Lemme play fable 1 2 at 60 fps
Jet set radio future
or project gotham racing

And no, they haven't added any Xbox or 360 titles to the BC program since launching the series X.


I feel like this could have been said every year for the last decade and still be true, they need to show the receipts.

LOL NO, They didn't even have half as many this many studios until like, 2 - 3 years ago at most.


As for my predictions;

I will be optimistic but realistic with my predictions, after scouring the internet for reliable rumors (and asking to reliable people) i came up with a list. This list is mostly going to be about games/IPs that Microsoft owns so i will not be listing, for example, things such as Batllefield GamePass rumors.


1) Halo : Infinite

Obviously. I would be quite shocked if we did not see gameplay and release date from Halo. This is a safe one so %100 will be.

2) Forza Horizon 5

I have sources that say FH5 will be released this Fall, will be in Mexico etc. and i believe them to be quite honestly. Motorsport is far away (according to my sources FM is late 2022/ early 2023) so one final crossgen Forza seems likely to me indeed. I am giving this one %75 chance.

3) Starfield

This is the big one. Expectations and rumours were that this game was a 2021 release hovewer those weren't backed up by reliability. On the other hand, my sources were pointing towards 2022 and Jason indeed backed these claims up by almost confirming Fall 2022 date. Can we see Starfield this year? %90 YES. Will it release this year? %0 HELL NO IT WON'T.

4) Wolfenstein 3 (Final Wolfie for a while)

The time has come for one more Blazkowicz game. According to my rumours it is mostly finished and ready for Summer 2022 release. Could be a bit later though, this wasn't the most confident release date in my various sources. Do i predict that it will be in E3? Yes. But i am not %100 confident in release date.

5) Arkane Austin's "OMEN"

I have heard about this, Sanguine themed Immersive Sim but the rumours about it are muddy so unfortunately i can't put my bet on what it exactly is or whether it will be shown in e3 or not. This is one of those Fifty-Fifty situations.

6) Psychonauts 2

Yes, it will be on E3 and yes, it will release this year. I will eat a nice burger if i am wrong about this one but i am very confident. %100.

7) Project "Typhoon"

This is again, one of the muddy ones, i don't know much about this one so i will say that i have no idea. Maybe, maybe not. %50 again.

8) Avowed

Let me say that this game is not 3 - 4 years away as some think, maybe we will see something in E3? ;) (I have source for this rumor as well)

9) Flight Sim/ Gunk / Scorn /AoE4 etc.

Trust me, they are all coming alright. These aren't big stuff so people don't care about them as much (well i care) but they will be there no worries.

The Rest: Your Fables, State of Decays, Perfect Darks etc.

They are very unlikely honestly, not this years E3, maybe not even next years E3 for some of them probably. They are NOT very far into production. You might not even see STALKER in 2022 and i'm serious about that, it might be a 2023 release for STALKER according to my sources. One exception might be Hellblade 2 but i'm not confident about it. Probably Next E3 with 2023 as release date. Same goes for that IO partnership game, Project "Dragon". These are far aways games, such that we don't even need to think about them this year.
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I totally agree thicc_girls_are_teh_best thicc_girls_are_teh_best . It’s time for MS to put up or shut up. I’ve witnessed events in gaming since the mid 80s and have always been hyped for the biggest gaming event ever in e3. Every year, my anticipation of what developers will churn out next gets me excited as a gamer and although my gaming roots are entrenched with Nintendo, Sega, and Sony, I’ve been cheering for MS to join the other elites because they do have potential. These past few e3’s have been sparse from MS as far as showing content and then releasing said content. If ever there was a time to unleash the ultra instincts, super saiyan blue type shit, it would be next month. Just pretend us gamers are Jiren and just power the fuck up until Omni King steps in and rules that sort of power level illegal just like Game Pass 😏.


I'm basically the new Xbox owner who doesn't really have the past Xbox experience. I have to say that my expectations are a lot lower than what I'm seeing in this thread. I'm going in expecting to see a polished Halo Infinite that probably won't blow everyone away but the emphasis here should be on "fun." As long as it's fun, that's what really matters. Starfield? Get outta here with that -- it's still more than a year out, and I don't expect to see much of it unless it's less than 18 months away. I feel like what MS needs to do is showcase visually next-gen exclusives coming out in the next 18 months. Personally, I want to see Forza and Fable. I definitely don't expect anything ES6 related as that one is just years and years away, I'm sure, although it wouldn't hurt to give us a sneak peak -- it's just that the one thing I really don't want is an E3 that showcases games that are years away with nothing showcased for this year. That's a recipe for a big L.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Like I said, I already know I'm in the minority, most new games suck dick imo
Lemme play fable 1 2 at 60 fps
Jet set radio future
or project gotham racing

And no, they haven't added any Xbox or 360 titles to the BC program since launching the series X.
Oh this...damn I didnt even realize it.

This should be a no brainer for MS seeing what they're doing with XBO games.

Watch the video, but around 26 min he thinks there will be disappointment. And basically he says to 'wait.' Maybe E3 2022?

I like how he says "we'll talk after E3" when it comes to actually any real specifics on things that aren't just common sense guesses. The guy is a fraud, he may get some limited info but he's been wrong about a lot.


Writes a lot, says very little
Halo, Gamepass stuff, 3rd party stuff, Hellblade 2, Perfect Dark Reboot, Fable.

I don't see anything Starfield. It sounds waaaaay too early and covid likely fucked things up greatly for the project where it might be unlikely we see anything early. Bethesda likely doesn't want to show shit until its ready for release. A big, new IP for next gen.....covid, yea I don't see a release in 6 months or less, it sounds massively unlikely as to my understanding, MS is allowing Bethesda to continue to self publish, they might have some say in how its revealed, but MS themselves are making a public thing that they are allowing more freedom of their teams. So I don't see MS forcing them to show the game, I don't see them rushing to show early footage. So they might want to do it like Fallout 4.

Release 6 months after full reveal.

I don't see a 2021 release, or a 2022 release or anything remotely like that.

S SlimeGooGoo I semi agree. Gears needs a reboot or they need to just let the fucking studio do a new IP and move on. "Both Sony and Microsoft have yet to convince people to buy next gen consoles." Well....they don't really need to. 3rd parties are on their side by default as that is the meat of the market, so if you know 100% that EA, Ubisoft, Acivitsion, Take Two etc are gearing up their next gen only titles, you know the sale is all but inevitable from your fanbase.

Sony and MS do not need to "convince us" about next gen consoles, they simply need to convince us to buy THEIRS over the OTHERS, but not buy next gen consoles in general, so in this respect, I believe they are in no real trouble tbh.

Its not like zero Call Of Duty will be made or not Battlefield is coming or no AC will be out etc. They'll be just fine and I think its correct to wait till they are ready and sure. Covid fucked lots of things up and I think we are all open to giving them the time to restructure

"No games released so far justify the purchase of any of those consoles.
It's a gaming system. It needs games. Only Switch has them.

I rest my case."

huh? no...don't do this bud. This is so bad its not even funny, you are fucking trying to compare a existing system to some systems that came out a few months ago....UNDER A PANDEMIC THAT HAS KILLED MILLIONS, don't do that bud. Really now.... its a horrid argument.

Its like saying Switch 6 months in has no games to justify the purchase, oh look at PS4 and XONE, ONLY they has dem.... Switch RIGHT NOW is a series of old ports, the fucking system is living on PORTS! So in the next months and years, PS5 and Series X will get the majority of the new AAA NEXT GEN ONLY titles, Switch will not...... Might as well say Switch has no games to justify it cause look at PS4 /s What Sony and MS has is majority 3rd party support.

The next gen only Call Of Duty, Battlefield, AC, GTA and many more will be on Sony and MS systems, not Nintendo systems. Its a argument trying to fucking ignore reality and only comment on a temporary situation, from a company that seems to live off of ports atm.


We are years later still waiting for games Nintendo announced along side the platform....... Sony and MS need not worry about reasons to justify the purchase, they know they have the biggest fucking IP coming to them soon, thus its inevitable to them.
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Writes a lot, says very little
There's always next E3. Why spoil the fun of endless anticipation by...getting what you want? Nonsense. Let's look forward to E3 2022 already!

lol yesssssssssssss

I don't think the are ready, as most publishers are likely not. I'm ok if they skip it or only show what is ready etc. We can give most publishers a pass based on the pandemic.

I personally don't believe E3 matters as much to Microsoft or even Sony as much as many of you guys think understand it's simply there to announce when the games come out but it doesn't control the existence of the games so regardless of what they're showing is going to be like it's not really going to control how people purchase a game as much as we might think.

I want people to strongly consider that the majority of Call of Duties and even Grand Theft Auto and red dead don't really get announced at E3 in fact a lots of companies announced their projects outside of the trade show so they're able to get more attention to Market their projects.

So I think it will be interesting for Microsoft but I don't see it as a do-or-die or anything that's really going to harm them to be honest with you they could completely skip the fucking trade show and still remove massive units. YouTube doesn't exist? Facebook? So I would argue Microsoft doesn't actually need E3 neither the Sony on the contrary I would argue the fucking tradeshow needs those Publishers more than the other way around.

So I don't think it's ultimately going to matter if they don't show Starfield this year because what is going to matter is if the game is good and if the development is strong etc


I get where OP is coming from...but given covid I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt for one more year,lol......seriously though,they have so many studios now I've no idea how anyone could be concerned about their coming output.
I've gone from PlayStation only for the last two gens to definitely PS5 and XSX this gen because it's fucking obvious there are going to be lots of great games on both.....now,when will I actually be able to buy the consoles...who knows!


So far, this generation has been relatively quiet in terms of releases. What does Microsoft need this E3? They need to change that.

Halo Infinite was a disaster. Anything less than an utterly jaw dropping showing and 343i will be laughed out of the industry.
- Bonus points: a complete disaster of a showing spelling the end of Halo. Instead of the campaign, they bring their F2P multiplayer footage that looks positively last gen with a terrible on-stage live announcer. I'd laugh as hard as I'd cry.
Forza Motorsport needs to wow. Forza has always been a visual showcase. Now is the time for that showcase.
- Bonus points: Demo available at the end of the show.
Starfield reveal. In-game footage, basic gameplay descriptions, release date.
- Bonus points: Todd creates a new meme.
Quake reveal. Like the re-invention of DOOM, Id drop the rumoured Quake remake. In-game footage, no release date needed.
- Bonus points: Next-gen only.
Fable in-game footage.
- Bonus points: acorn reference.
EA Games on Gamepass Ultimate day one, starting with Battlefield 6.
- Bonus points: Battlefield 6 doesn't look like garbage.
Wild card. Drop something new and unexpected that also happens to look amazing.
- Bonus points: brand new IP.
Gamepass Wild Card. It seems every day, Gamepass gets better. So, add something fun - every BC title available on Gamepass maybe?


Writes a lot, says very little
I get where OP is coming from...but given covid I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt for one more year,lol......seriously though,they have so many studios now I've no idea how anyone could be concerned about their coming output.
I've gone from PlayStation only for the last two gens to definitely PS5 and XSX this gen because it's fucking obvious there are going to be lots of great games on both.....now,when will I actually be able to buy the consoles...who knows!


What MS did this time, is what they should have done several generations ago, they literally sat and watched Sony buy studios, build up, make new IP and got beat several times and still wondered why they were getting destroyed in sales...... It was a long time coming, but I have no worries about output, maybe a little worried about how they'll treat those studios, but I feel they really want to give them freedom to create if they are seeing how its working for Sony.

Though I have no plans to buy a XB (likely ever), I'm am happy MS is supporting PC as they should as I literally bought no games by them this gen, but will for sure buy many next gen by them. So they won me over in that respect. If I had no gaming PC, I'd do a PS and XB combo, but its PC and PS combo ftw currently. (and Nintendo handheld lol)
Honestly what I find really depressing is that Xbox fans seem to be excited but rather nervously awaiting E3. They're at a point right now, which seems to have happened right after Schreier said Starfield isn't coming this year, where they can barely muster up an argument on Microsoft's behalf for their output. I'm not even remotely being a troll on this. Like, I legit feel empathy for the Xbox crowd right now. They're pretty much crossing their fingers.
I wouldn’t be too concerned. They’ll be all right.


Gold Member

Watch the video, but around 26 min he thinks there will be disappointment. And basically he says to 'wait.' Maybe E3 2022?

So the overall message is prepare for disappointment and then after that... wait?

Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

I cannot believe this shit. I'm hoping he's been misinformed in order to lower expectations a bit going in to the show.
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Ehhh I expect Halo, starfield, hellblade 2 gameplay and possibly fable. I could see battlefield 6 on gamepass day 1, with possible cross play. I would be shocked to see a new banjo though.



Watch the video, but around 26 min he thinks there will be disappointment. And basically he says to 'wait.' Maybe E3 2022?

Ok he sounds like he’s trying his best to keep everyone on board as much as he can cuz this is gonna be an disaster!


Until a couple of years ago they had hardly any studios. It was wishful thinking before. Now there’s no doubt that they will have games coming every year.
They bought a bunch of studios in 2018. We're now in 2021. 3 years is plenty of time. Not only that but the studios they have owned for decades, Turn 10, they literally released nothing. It's time to stop making excuses for them.
Honestly what I find really depressing is that Xbox fans seem to be excited but rather nervously awaiting E3. They're at a point right now, which seems to have happened right after Schreier said Starfield isn't coming this year, where they can barely muster up an argument on Microsoft's behalf for their output. I'm not even remotely being a troll on this. Like, I legit feel empathy for the Xbox crowd right now. They're pretty much crossing their fingers.
Schreir, Grubb, Warren etc. basically coming out and all saying the same thing WRT Starfield is somewhat concerning for those thinking it would be a late 2021 release, or even early 2022 (which is something I was leaning with for a bit). Either they're all sharing a shitty source, or the game really is a late 2022 release.

I do think this E3 will be important for Microsoft to show off what ecosystem exclusives for the next 3 months-18 months will look like, so that covers 2022 including up to and/or past Starfield depending on when it releases.
I honestly dont get this type of thinking. The studios are there now, we know it, the games are coming. Whether they blow us away with 5 big games, or 20 big games, it doesnt matter as the studios are there making games. Its not like in prior years where we know of 5 or 6 first party studios making games, and have they signed up some 3rd party studios to make some games for them etc, the studios are there this time, and the games will eventually come.
Also why is the 'concern' coming from users that dont have, and probably never will have, an Xbox?.

Okay so the games will "eventually" come but momentum comes with pacing out reveals in stages and building up presence with those. Microsoft can take as long as they want before showing off gameplay for some of the already announced games, if they want. They can technically wait 'till 2025 if they really want to.

But while they wait, Sony and Nintendo are going to keep moving and making further inroads with the larger gaming market, growing their install base and strengthening their brands, etc. So on some fundamental level Microsoft has to keep pace if not start setting the pace for the others (particularly Sony) to follow by. Right now, IMHO, they've yet to have a a truly awe-inspiring presentation of gameplay that "sells" what the next generation of gaming could look like, running on their own hardware. OTOH, Sony have had several: Unreal 5 demo, Horizon Forbidden West, Demon's Souls Remake and Rachet & Clank: Rift Apart. Not to mention stuff like Astro's Playroom which show off their controller innovations very well.

That stuff builds inspiration in the hardcore and core early adopters to fuel what they want out of the new gen, and that in turn helps spread the enthusiasm out to the wider market. Microsoft needs to have that type of impact and it can only come with showing off gameplay that looks and feels "next-gen", on their marquee new consoles, Series X. They already have arguably superior services and QoL features, but ultimately they need to show some very impressive stuff in terms of content that can't be had on competitor platforms, and stuff that is representative of the experience (i.e gameplay). And the sooner, the better, because those not part of their ecosystem won't be waiting around for too long as Nintendo and Sony ramp up their roadmaps to march forward.

You can't just write off everyone with these "concerns" as folks who aren't interested in the brand; many of them are but need a compelling reason to invest with their money & time. It's these people Microsoft need to impress because they need more new blood in the ecosystem so they can grow their install base not just for Xbox, but also GamePass. So it's very dismissive to simply think everyone who has these thoughts is concern-trolling.

Myself personally, well there is already a rep on me with some select people here I am an Xbox fanboy xD, even though I tend to be very fair with all the brands and am looking forward to many things from Sony and Nintendo as well, like that Forbidden West SoP on Thursday (and VF: Ultimate Showdown on PS4, which I'll pick up even tho I prob won't be able to play it for a long while since I want a VF6). If you are truly interested in Microsoft expanding their brand and market, you would not hand-waive legitimate questions WRT where they are going with their content as shown at a major gaming show event as merely being concern-trolling. A lot actually want the best for the brand and that means holding it to some high standards and basic expectations, given their competitors are meeting those same expectations if not exceeding them.
I expect
Halo Infinite - SP & MP gameplay and new release date
Halo 5 - MCC Preview
Tunic - Release Date / Gameplay
Psyconauts 2 - Release Date / Gameplay
The Gunk - Release Date / Gameplay
Scorn - Release Date / Gameplay
The Ascent - Release Date / Gameplay
Crossfire X - Release Date / Gameplay
Bright Memory Infinite - Release Date / Gameplay
Shredders - Release Date / Gameplay

Exo One - Trailer
Fable 4 - Trailer
Forza - Impressive Gameplay for either Horizon or Next Sequel
Halo TV Show - Trailer
Starfield - Trailer
Xbox Dashboard 2022 - Preview updated with newest 21H2 fluent design / rounded corners and so on
Senua's Saga : Hellblade II - In-Engine Story Trailer

Third Party
Battlefield 6 - Trailer / Gamepass Announcement

Xbox Series C - Cloud Stick
Gamepass / xCloud - Samsung TV App
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Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I expect
Halo Infinite - SP & MP gameplay and new release date
Halo 5 - MCC Preview
Tunic - Release Date / Gameplay
Psyconauts 2 - Release Date / Gameplay
The Gunk - Release Date / Gameplay
Scorn - Release Date / Gameplay
The Ascent - Release Date / Gameplay
Crossfire X - Release Date / Gameplay
Bright Memory Infinite - Release Date / Gameplay
Shredders - Release Date / Gameplay

Exo One - Trailer
Fable 4 - Trailer
Forza - Impressive Gameplay for either Horizon or Next Sequel
Halo TV Show - Trailer
Starfield - Trailer
Xbox Dashboard 2022 - Preview updated with newest 21H2 fluent design / rounded corners and so on
Senua's Saga : Hellblade II - In-Engine Story Trailer

Third Party
Battlefield 6 - Trailer / Gamepass Announcement

Xbox Series C - Cloud Stick
Gamepass / xCloud - Samsung TV App
Hardware...huh. Interesting.

The previews if they are gonna be CGI they probably wont. I keep hearing too many ppl supposedly with info saying they are trying to get away from that.

This would be a good show tho IMO.
Hardware...huh. Interesting.

The previews if they are gonna be CGI they probably wont. I keep hearing too many ppl supposedly with info saying they are trying to get away from that.

This would be a good show tho IMO.
I was thinking along the lines of in-engine cinematics. But I agree, I would enjoy that list and I feel like it's a realistic expectation.
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My only fear about XBOX's E3 is that they'll showcase commissioned CG trailers, made by independent CG studios like Zoo, instead of actual gameplay.

If they showcase CG, I expect a lot of gamers that I know personally to be tired of the wait, to give up.

This is something Microsoft needs to be careful with, agreed. CG trailers are fine and good but only if you already have results under the belt to "get away" with them. I think that's honestly the reason people are more lenient with Sony when it comes to CG reveal trailers for games potentially far out, since they have strong consistency in their 1P both in terms of quality and schedule of releases.

Some may call it a double standard but Sony's earned the right to have it, fair or not. Microsoft has shown they can earn it as well; Forza has consistently been great and FS 2020 was one of the best "games" of last year especially from a visual POV. But I don't think those are the type of games that are going to capture the imaginations or hearts of masses not already invested in the Xbox ecosystem, they're not necessarily the type of games capable of doing it and that simply comes down to the fact they don't have recognizable characters, stories, aren't driven by any type of story, don't have human or human-esque characters players can identify with etc.

The July showcase from last year was light on gameplay outside of Halo Infinite and that wasn't even running on a Series X; I think this year they need that and several other games with gameplay footage running/captured on a Series X. Games like Bright Memory Infinite (which had a really good showcase at the May 2020 event IMO, again tho wasn't running on a Series X), Scorn etc. should be far along enough to do that with, since they are slated for a late 2021 release IIRC.


Gold Member
All I wanna see is “Starfield - Xbox exclusive” for the meltdowns. If they wanna tease ESVI again with “Xbox exclusive” then that will be even better.

seriously though I just want a Halo release date.
So the overall message is prepare for disappointment and then after that... wait?

Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

I cannot believe this shit. I'm hoping he's been misinformed in order to lower expectations a bit going in to the show.

Either misinformed or he is seriously trolling. COVID keeps getting thrown around as an excuse but that isn't stopping Sony from bringing R&C and even Horizon (very likely) this year, the latter I'm sure relying on a good amount of mo-cap.

Contingency plans should've been well in place beforehand such an event just in case things went south (and they did in 2020 with all the lockdowns, travel bans etc.). Hopefully behind the scenes Microsoft is helping their studios build such contingency plans and pipelines into effect as it could help create an even more flexible office/home work environment, even without a pandemic being a factor.

I just want them to go ho back to showing a bunch of games I'll be playing before next E3 with one or 2 that's a bit further out.

It's not a big ask.

I hated Sony for showing games that were 5 years away back in the ps3 days and I hate MS for doing it now.

Yeah I will never forgive Sony for the Dreams reveal because I don't think anyone could've guessed the SEVEN YEARS it took for the game to come out! Almost thought it was vaporware or at very least in development hell. Final game apparently turned out great and there's lots of strong dev tools built in but I think it needs a PS5 native port to blow the community activity back up.

Even moreso, it needs a PC port and a way of allowing independent game authoring treating it like a true game dev engine. Fairly confident it'd find a lot of support there with indie devs and that'd also give Sony access to some new projects they could potentially invest in as more ambitious games to push simultaneously on PlayStation & PC, even if they stagger between them.

Speaking of game creation software I think Microsoft should return back to Project Spark at some point because that had a lot of promise, too. And the more options the better.


How long has this 'wait till E3' garbage been going on for?

No matter what they show, (me myself has no expectations and not really that interested) that crowd will be saying wait till E3 again right after this one ends.
Its Been A Long Time Reaction GIF

in all seriousness though it's been a thing since almost the start of the XB1 gen I wanna say? if not further back even, but it very much picked up after Phil took over from Mattrick (even though the people that usually push that ignore that Phil was the head of first party studios proceeding becoming the top guy)

the future is the brightest it's been in a long time for Xbox first party but they really need to deliver on it finally after nearly a decade of "wait till next E3"
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they need to announce a next gen controller. not a rebadge of the previous gen controller. wake me up when this has been done hmmph


MS are fucking killing it. Phil has turned the ship around and its only going one way while he is steering it. The games will come, and their approach is more consumer friendly than any of the competition at the moment. I dont care what they have for E3, Covid has paused a lot of projects. For me as a company, they have come on leaps and bounds. And for all you console war cocks who will think this is fanboyism, as I write this I'm playing the excellent 60fps patch on TLOU2.
l think Microsoft are far from killing it. All they have really done so far this gen is either get games on Gamepass, or enhance existing games from last gen with better frame rates. Most of the games aren’t exclusive to Microsoft, or the Xbox console system. They haven’t really shown why people should purchase a series X over a One X, other then them stating they aren’t making one x anymore. They talk a lot, and show very little.

Kagey K

Yeah I will never forgive Sony for the Dreams reveal because I don't think anyone could've guessed the SEVEN YEARS it took for the game to come out! Almost thought it was vaporware or at very least in development hell. Final game apparently turned out great and there's lots of strong dev tools built in but I think it needs a PS5 native port to blow the community activity back up.

Even moreso, it needs a PC port and a way of allowing independent game authoring treating it like a true game dev engine. Fairly confident it'd find a lot of support there with indie devs and that'd also give Sony access to some new projects they could potentially invest in as more ambitious games to push simultaneously on PlayStation & PC, even if they stagger between them.

Speaking of game creation software I think Microsoft should return back to Project Spark at some point because that had a lot of promise, too. And the more options the better.
TBH I wasn't even thinking of Dreams when I wrote that.

It was more about FF Versus, Last Guardian, Agent and the E3 of dreams that took 100 years to mostly dissapoint.


What’s the difference between “New Exclusive Western IP” and “Secret First Party IP Reveal” in the options?

Edit: I kind of don’t care about new reveals now per se. They need to have release dates for stuff besides Halo or it’s all moot!
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Kagey K

What’s the difference between “New Exclusive Western IP” and “Secret First Party IP Reveal” in the options?

Edit: I kind of don’t care about new reveals now per se. They need to have release dates for stuff besides Halo or it’s all moot!
If Halo is good, it won't matter as players enjoy their time for hundreds of hours in the Arena.

The absurd amount of time ppl spent playing H2 and 3 online buys them a ton of time to make other games.


If Halo is good, it won't matter as players enjoy their time for hundreds of hours in the Arena.

The absurd amount of time ppl spent playing H2 and 3 online buys them a ton of time to make other games.
I won’t be. Xbox needs to expand, they haven’t been a Halo company for a while...I actually quite like them just because of GamePass...
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