The thing is, they haven’t dropped a non GaaS on day 1. I think Ghost of Tsushima is going to raise eyebrows internally of how good these games could sell. If they trial run GoT2 on day 1 I think it would sell great.
I have a theory: Death Stranding 2 might be that first test, not Ghosts 2. Sony own the Death Stranding IP, but Kojima Productions is a 3P developer. Most fan backlash to a PC Day 1 release of DS2 could be explained as it not being a 1P internal studio game. I mean some people are already going with that excuse to explain why LEGO Horizon on Switch and PC Day 1 doesn't go against what Herman said at the investors call.
Death Stranding 2 could even fall into that "experimental" category of SIE's. DS1 had a multiplayer component; DS2 likely will as well. I've seen some people here saying optional online co-op is enough to qualify as a GAAS; maybe SIE feel the same way

I maintain my stance that all public companies will eventually deteriorate in some way or form- outside shareholders are some of the biggest forces ruining the gaming industry.
You might have a point. Although I think some precautions can be taken. Nintendo's a great example of that.
They have certain shares owned by family members and the Japanese banks. In fact over half of Nintendo's shares are owned by a mix of Nintendo themselves (of course), Japanese banks, and Japanese investors & firms. Nintendo & The Master Trust Bank of Japan are the two biggest shareholders.
So I think companies like Nintendo are more immune (though not totally immune) from greedy or corrupt shareholders because most of those types of shareholders & firms tend to be Western (specifically, American), and they probably don't own a lot of ordinary shares (the type that have voting power). Saudi Arabia's PIF is the 2nd largest shareholder at Nintendo now, but I don't know specifically what type of shares they have; they started investing after Nintendo did a stock split in 2022 to attract new investors, so I'd guess the Saudi PIF mostly has growth shares in Nintendo.
Growth shares can have voting rights, but the vast majority of the time they don't. So I highly doubt the shares the PIF own in Nintendo, if the vast majority of them come with any voting rights attached to them.
Did we have an analysis like this for MLB and what were the conclusions? Are all Sony games now on Xbox?
MLB The Show is a GAAS title. It's also a sports game. No offense to sports fans, but most gamers aren't going to use multiplat sports games as a litmus in potentially significant strategy change of publishing by a platform holder. Enthusiasts gamers don't really "care" about sports games the way they do about non-sports games.
Xbox's problems started with Xbox One being complete shit. Microsoft had to completely undo everything Xbox One was at launch and even from a conceptual level prior to launch. So I don't get how we are somehow looking right past the fact that Xbox One was overpriced, underpowered and having its ass handed to it by PS4, look past the ridiculous "TV TV TV" reveal, look past the DRM controversies and the nonsense surrounding used games. We are saying the problems didn't really begin until Recore was ported to PC in September 2016, nearly three years after all that mess? Even then, If I'm going to point to Xbox's biggest problem in the second half of last gen then it would be the pisspoor output of games due to lack of studios more than anything else. Meanwhile, PS4 was knocking massive hit after massive hit out of the park. The contrast was incredible. So years later, saying the demise of Xbox was due to PC ports? Come on.
I get what you're saying, but we can't pretend like PS4 started with guns blazing right from launch. If we're looking at exclusives between the two from launch to I guess the release of Bloodborne, XBO had the stronger stable out of both systems. In fact I'd say the reason it didn't perform AS badly as it could've otherwise early on with all the mistakes you highlight, is because its exclusives were appealing enough to overcome some of those odds.
Yeah Ryse is a bit shallow, but it was and IMO still is a visually great-looking game. Other stuff like Dead Rising 3 and Forza Motorsport 5 were impressive. Titan Fall was a great game although it didn't have a massive effect in helping XBO push ahead of PS4. Quantum Break was pretty good, Killer Instinct was loved by the community when it launched, etc. Those were all also pretty heavy-hitting games for their time, while on PS4 you didn't have as many comparable games outside of Infamous: Second Son and that port of SFIV, but by then SFIV was fading out for SFV.
It wasn't until Bloodborne and then Uncharted 4 before PS4 started getting a consistent number of exclusive bangers. I think E3 2016 + Uncharted 4 were the one-two punch to really rocket PS4 forward from that point onward and that's when it was truly over for XBO in having any chance of effectively competing against PS4 (the Switch being a surprise mega-hit at launch just cemented Xbox's falling behind even further).
When I bring up the PC ports, I mainly am referring to when MS started doing Day 1 to Steam specifically, which was around 2020, and they made that a mandate for all their PC games. When MS was bringing their games to PC but exclusively to Microsoft Store, I don't think that was
TOO damaging to Xbox consoles. Partly because sales there were still 100% Microsoft's, and partly because MS Store wasn't a very big spot for PC gaming (or gaming in general).
I will always be of the belief that Day 1 to Steam for all games has had a notable impact not necessarily on XBO, but the Xbox Series consoles, since that went into effect right before the new consoles launched. But then the pandemic happened, and chip shortages for PS5 happened. PS4 supply dropped like a stone, the generation had just began, money was tight and if people wanted a next-gen console the only readily option was a Series S. I think the pandemic and those chip shortages artificially boosted Xbox sales and delayed the sales decline they would've seen a lot sooner due in part to their release strategy on Steam.
But also like I've been saying, Day 1 Steam isn't the biggest contributor to declining Xbox console sales either. On it's own that has probably been maybe 15% of a factor against Xbox consoles, however because of
previous mistakes made with XBO and then also not bothering to launch new 1P games with XBS, those compounded on the Day 1 Steam strategy and over time that's maybe had a stronger effect on console fans than it would've had otherwise.