I have no problem with Dean being off the cuff. One of the problems that the Democratic Party suffers from is that it has allowed the Repbulican Party to paint it's image into whatever bogeyman it has wanted. If the Dems want to start repairing their image woes, then they need to start playing the language war. The Republican Party has created it's own reality, and nothing is going to break through that unless the opposition starts calling a spade a "spade." Dean should be careful about broad generalizations and concentrate his criticisms on Republican leadership, but other than that this is a neccesary part of the road towards change IMO.
I'm actually very glad Dean is the head of the DNC now. He's going to the grassroots rather than coporations cash, and he's doing a better job of fundraising in total in the process. On top of that, he's working to build up the party in all states--no more of this playing the Electorial College game bullshit that's put the party's ass in a jam. Now if Dean can start really hammering on getting us out of Iraq and instituting real election reform, then I think the future of the party will be really bright. Quite frankly, if it wasn't for Dean being the head of the DNC or the commitment to key issues by a handful of Democratic statesmen such as John Conyers I would be going Green right now. I still might defect if the rest of the Democratic Party leadership continues to be comprised of coporate whores who would rather keep moving towards the right in response to the Republicans while continuing to shit on the common citizens whose work and involvement in the capitalist society makes this country function.