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No one started a topic on the "...it's pretty much a white, christian party."

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Sokar said:
I'm talking about the concept of racism in America. The perception is that racism is exclusive to whites. It certainly isn't as you have pointed out.

Well, how about we go back in time and prevent shit like this right here:

That'll cure the perception problem I'd say, oh, 100%.
DarienA said:
Actually no it's not... nice try though... Blacks screamed racism when the President of Mexico made a comment a bit back...

An I personally thought that was a stuipd call just like the Reps on this one. Let's face facts here what Fox said was true. Again just becasue you don't like the way something sounds doesn't make it less true.


Sokar said:
Does that change the perception of racism being exclusive to whites in North America? Nope. Every ethnicity can be racist, but the PERCEPTION is that whites and ONLY whites can be racist.

The perception comes from the undeniable fact that it was the white majority that establish, ran, benefitted from, and fought to protect a government backed system of racist policies for several hundred years. That historical fact can't be swept aside - it happened. And for that reason moreso than anything else, there will ALWAYS be that perception. Every so often news leaks out about a company with a glass ceiling that restricts blacks exclusively - this being perpetrated by whites. This adds fuel to the perception and strengthens the resolve of those who want to point out that racism still exists, its directed at black people by white people, and nothing is going to make it go away.


Phoenix said:
The perception comes from the undeniable fact that it was the white majority that establish, ran, benefitted from, and fought to protect a government backed system of racist policies for several hundred years. That historical fact can't be swept aside - it happened. And for that reason moreso than anything else, there will ALWAYS be that perception. Every so often news leaks out about a company with a glass ceiling that restricts blacks exclusively - this being perpetrated by whites. This adds fuel to the perception and strengthens the resolve of those who want to point out that racism still exists, its directed at black people by white people, and nothing is going to make it go away.

In other words, see my goddamn post. :)
Racism will always happen. You'll always have the Hitlers, Goldwaters, and Mugabes running the world (although Goldwater did not win the election) that will keep racism alive and well.

As for the GOP, who gives a shit. This election, more minorities voted for Bush than probably since Reagan.

Dean is a joke though. I still remember getting 3-4 calls daily in my dorm about voting for Dean for the Democrat party in 2003 for several weeks.
The Experiment said:
Dean is a joke though. I still remember getting 3-4 calls daily in my dorm about voting for Dean for the Democrat party in 2003 for several weeks.

I'd take a fucking smoking, and typing monkey over Bush anyday. Dean is a joke? That is a mighty upgrade over Bush.
Cerebral Palsy said:
I'd take a fucking smoking, and typing monkey over Bush anyday. Dean is a joke? That is a mighty upgrade over Bush.

Agreed. I thought Dean would have been great but ever since he lost out to Kerry, he turned from a great guy who was just a tad too charismatic to a fucking nutball. Same goes for Gore, sans Charisma.
I still dig Dean. Hey, while the rest of the Democrats enjoy being repeatedly kicked in the balls by Republicans, Dean is actually fighting back. Someone has to.
The Experiment said:
Agreed. I thought Dean would have been great but ever since he lost out to Kerry, he turned from a great guy who was just a tad too charismatic to a fucking nutball.

How is he a "fucking nutball"?
Hammy said:
How is he a "fucking nutball"?
When rightwingers see a contender on the other side, their best strategy is to paint them as "crazy." The Republican attack machine savaged Dean because of his populist message and unprecented grassroots support. They took one snippet of him showing some emotion out of context and expanded it into the "fucking nutball" paintjob still being propped up now.
Mercury Fred said:
When rightwingers see a contender on the other side, their best strategy is to paint them as "crazy." The Republican attack machine savaged Dean because of his populist message and unprecented grassroots support. They took one snippet of him showing some emotion out of context and expanded it into the "fucking nutball" paintjob still being propped up now.

Ding Ding Ding.


I have no problem with Dean being off the cuff. One of the problems that the Democratic Party suffers from is that it has allowed the Repbulican Party to paint it's image into whatever bogeyman it has wanted. If the Dems want to start repairing their image woes, then they need to start playing the language war. The Republican Party has created it's own reality, and nothing is going to break through that unless the opposition starts calling a spade a "spade." Dean should be careful about broad generalizations and concentrate his criticisms on Republican leadership, but other than that this is a neccesary part of the road towards change IMO.

I'm actually very glad Dean is the head of the DNC now. He's going to the grassroots rather than coporations cash, and he's doing a better job of fundraising in total in the process. On top of that, he's working to build up the party in all states--no more of this playing the Electorial College game bullshit that's put the party's ass in a jam. Now if Dean can start really hammering on getting us out of Iraq and instituting real election reform, then I think the future of the party will be really bright. Quite frankly, if it wasn't for Dean being the head of the DNC or the commitment to key issues by a handful of Democratic statesmen such as John Conyers I would be going Green right now. I still might defect if the rest of the Democratic Party leadership continues to be comprised of coporate whores who would rather keep moving towards the right in response to the Republicans while continuing to shit on the common citizens whose work and involvement in the capitalist society makes this country function.
Hammy said:
Really? Then why did you say that, "racism only applies when it's muttered by whites against insert ethnitic minority here"? Is your view so US-centric that the incredibly broad word "only" applies only to the US?

It's called sarcasm.

Again, are we talking about just the US or the world?

Anyways, that question is moot. I'll give you an example of things I've seen in my life called out as racist:
1. Korean shopkeepers against blacks and vice-versa (remember the LA riots?)
2. Philipino doctors not trusting blacks because of their skin
3. Asian parents who have problems with their kids dating black or Latino kids (but not white)

And no, this isn't some secret. The first was definately in the news. The second two are common knowledge in my circle of acquaintainces.

Where does he say that? Kind of ironic considering he's a white Christian himself.

Did you miss this part where I said "I'm talking about the concept of racism in America"?

He doesn't have to say it directly, he implied it.

Tommie Hu$tle said:
An I personally thought that was a stuipd call just like the Reps on this one. Let's face facts here what Fox said was true. Again just becasue you don't like the way something sounds doesn't make it less true.

That was my point. It's a double standard and it's bullshit.

bob_arctor said:
Well, how about we go back in time and prevent shit like this right here:

That'll cure the perception problem I'd say, oh, 100%.

So to fix the situation by making exceptions for double standards and reverse-racism. Gotcha.


Sokar said:
So to fix the situation by making exceptions for double standards and reverse-racism. Gotcha.

I dunno what you even mean here. I was referencing the reason the perception exists and is prevalent, or what Phoenix said:

The perception comes from the undeniable fact that it was the white majority that establish, ran, benefitted from, and fought to protect a government backed system of racist policies for several hundred years. That historical fact can't be swept aside - it happened. And for that reason moreso than anything else, there will ALWAYS be that perception.


ge-man said:
I still might defect if the rest of the Democratic Party leadership continues to be comprised of coporate whores who would rather keep moving towards the right in response to the Republicans while continuing to shit on the common citizens whose work and involvement in the capitalist society makes this country function.

Restated for truth (though I'm not in danger of defecting, since I don't associate myself with any party)


Sokar said:
So to fix the situation by making exceptions for double standards and reverse-racism. Gotcha.

There is no such thing as 'reverse-racism' or 'reverse-descrimination'. That's about as ignorant as saying that taxing people to feed the poor is 'reverse-poverty'. When a scale is in imbalance - the only way to bring it into balance is to remove some things from one side of the scale and place them on the other side. You cannot bring about balance without someone losing.

Unfortunately, Jedi are too stupid to realize this.

Stupid Jedi: "We're living high on the hog and this child is supposed to bring balance to the force.... although there are no known Sith in the Universe"

Smart Jedi: "Uh, wouldn't that mean countless numbers of us would have to die and we'd have to have an incredible fall from power in order to bring balance? Perhaps this is not a good idea?"

Stupid Jedi: "Nonsense... welcome young Skywalker. Balance the force for us"
Sokar said:
It's called sarcasm.
I know it's sarcasm. The points is that you talk as though the US is the place worth mentioning.

Did you miss this part where I said "I'm talking about the concept of racism in America"?
Yeah, in another post. From the original post, you talk in overarching terms: "only". Then in a later post, when you decide to focus only on America, I give examples of things that happened in the US.

These things were observed in the US:
1. Korean shopkeepers against blacks and vice-versa (remember the LA riots?)
2. Philipino doctors not trusting blacks because of their skin
3. Asian parents who have problems with their kids dating black or Latino kids (but not white)

Don't tell me that you are so into your narrow view of racism being recognized only when done by whites that you don't believe my examples. Or should I stick a hyphenated "American" behind each of those groups?

He doesn't have to say it directly, he implied it.
How so?
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