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no windows 98 for d00m 3


DOOM 3: Windows 2000 and Xp 45 Comments
14:00 PST | Cyric
Well there have been rumours flying around lately that DOOM 3 would not be able to run on computers that have Windows 98 or Windows 98SE as their operating systems. Since we here at planetDOOM dislike rumours in all shapes and sizes, we went straight to the horses mouth so to speak and asked Activision themselves. The reply we got was that it is confirmed and indeed true that DOOM 3 will only run on Windows machines that have windows 2000 or XP and not lower. So there you have it, looks like some peoples upgrading woes just aren't quite over yet.

you heard guys, no windows 98 for d00m 3, though I don't know why anyone should still be using windows 98.


Zaptruder said:
If you have a machine capable of running doom 3... it really shouldn't have Win 98 on it...

I know a lot of people who have a rig that is 10x better than mine and they use windows 98.

Though I guess it's just a matter of preference


Unconfirmed Member
Would this mean that Windows 98 is D00mED!!!1 or that it isn't d00med. I am so confused.


I bet a million bucks they did, it's no biggie though, there's going to be all kinds of work arounds and unofficial patches made by fans.

.......I hope :(


Didn't MS withdraw support for Windows 98 recently? Why do people expect all the latest programs to be available for a six year old OS that isn't supported anymore?


It’s not all to surprising that publishers and developers are starting to drop support for Win98 since Microsoft themselves are about to do the same.

Microsoft was initially set to drop their support for the platform in the beginning in 04… but extended it to 2006 due to some pressure.

It’s time for everyone to move on… Win2k and XP are superior platforms compared the Win98 crap…
What ever happened to Carmack being all gung ho about Linux? If more games had Linux support I would just drop Windows alogether.
At this rate, by the time their next big game comes out I'll have to pay $100 for a new OS again. What a hassle.


Sho Nuff said:
Who in hell runs Windows 98?

If you do, come here so I can smack you.

I get customers who come in at work and they say they're still running Windows ME. I just want to smack the shit out of them.
hey dudes, i'm still using windows 98! '98... the year we beat the packers in the playoffs on T.O.'s most memorable catch. no, i could never get rid of this OS. sorry ladies, but you can take windows 2000+ etc and shove them up your sweet poopers

p.s. there is no way in shit i would ever be able to run doom 3... even if they came out with a 2D version of it


seismologist said:
What ever happened to Carmack being all gung ho about Linux?

They released a few boxed retail games on Linux, and they all flopped miserably?

If more games had Linux support I would just drop Windows alogether.
At this rate, by the time their next big game comes out I'll have to pay $100 for a new OS again. What a hassle.


Mac and Linux:

Unfortunately I don't have dates for either of these. However, Linux binaries will be available very soon after the PC game hits store shelves. There are no plans for boxed Linux games.

More remains to be done for the OSX version of DOOM 3 and that will take some time. We won't release the OSX version until it's just as polished as the PC version. The date for OSX DOOM 3 remains "when it's done", but I can confirm that it's definitely coming.


hobbitx said:
I bet a million bucks they did, it's no biggie though, there's going to be all kinds of work arounds and unofficial patches made by fans.

.......I hope :(

If you can afford to lose a million bucks on this bet, you can afford $100 on Win XP Home edition ;)


I have some XP discs lying around but I'm too attached to 98 to upgrade for one game. Most of the games I play are from the old win98 days anyway and the newer titles I play more than support 98 so meh.
I can understand why some people would be upset, but I am sure that the majority of people who can run Doom3 will have Windows 2000 or higher anyways...
mj1108 said:
I get customers who come in at work and they say they're still running Windows ME. I just want to smack the shit out of them.

Why is it that PC shops condemn the Hell out of Millennium Edition? IT'S BETTER THAN 98 SE FOR CRAP'S SAKE! Jesus, if people learned how to set it up properly they would see it is more stable, and has Win 2000's TCP/IP stack.

Kon Tiki

Error Macro said:
Why is it that PC shops condemn the Hell out of Millennium Edition? IT'S BETTER THAN 98 SE FOR CRAP'S SAKE! Jesus, if people learned how to set it up properly they would see it is more stable, and has Win 2000's TCP/IP stack.
Did you try playing games with it?


Error Macro said:
Why is it that PC shops condemn the Hell out of Millennium Edition? IT'S BETTER THAN 98 SE FOR CRAP'S SAKE! Jesus, if people learned how to set it up properly they would see it is more stable, and has Win 2000's TCP/IP stack.

because WinME sucks HARD?

shuri said:
If you are still running Win98, i doubt you have the hardware required for doom3

now this is what I call bullshit


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I just can't imagine why anyone that meets the Doom 3 requirements would be running Win 98. It can barely handle most of the new technologies your PC might have...

It's just a pain in the ass to deal with.

Thief III was the same way, actually. No Win 98 support out of the box. Apparently someone did manage to get it running under Win 98, but it wasn't too terribly stable...

I would not be shocked it MS was behind this, though. Really...it's time to let go (if you are using 98).


Wow, I am shocked! Doom 3 was made to only increase sales of Windows XP! Bill Gates must have demanded this! Scandal detected!


heh, I wouldn't and start claiming scandal or moneyhats...win98 IS terribly dated

personally, I like XP more than 98 in a multitude of ways...though I still like using 98...and will always keep several 98 boot discs as long as I have a fucking PC >_<
Society said:
Did you try playing games with it?

Uhh, yeah, that's just about all I used to do with my computer until I got hooked on these damn message boards. DO YOU QUESTION MY GAME PLAYING TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS??

because WinME sucks HARD?

Clearly, a man with much greater knowledge than I will ever be able to attain. I bow now in thine light which shrouds your brain, oh, exalted one.
If it means Doom 3 is rock solid stable and hurried the development time, good for ID. It's not like the worthless DVD players, Windows XP should be in any serious gaming machine.


WinMEs recovery feature and it's built in driver support are it's only positives if you ask me....both are in 2000/3 and XP in better form

In my experience with ME, the thing worked great for a month...then slowly started to deteriorate into a error giving mess of an OS...a quick internet search revealed that the trouble I was having was NOT uncommon amongst those who used ME...ME simply wasn't bug tested enough, was quickly abaondoned by MS, and was a very error prone and bug filled OS that should have never left the Beta stage (that's basically what ME was, anyway) The OS also has a healthy ammount of security flaws

results of a quick google search:

If you can run ME without flaws, good for you. Just don't act like an ass when people say it sucks, because you're in the minority in regards to ME's stability


seismologist said:
What ever happened to Carmack being all gung ho about Linux? If more games had Linux support I would just drop Windows alogether.
At this rate, by the time their next big game comes out I'll have to pay $100 for a new OS again. What a hassle.

Uh, no one in the game industry is more Linux friendly than id/Carmack. Linux and Mac versions of Doom 3 are coming shortly after the PC release.
I'm not acting like an ass because it ran great for me, I responded that way to people who go "IT SUCKS HARD" without giving an explanation. The vast majority of peoples problems with ME were user error. The first thing I did was turn off System Restore, and I hardly used any built-in drivers. It was simply more stable - when used right.
I had no idea 98 was considered so dated. I have XP but the only reason I even upgraded is because certain programs "no longer support it".

Other than that 98 was just fine.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
seismologist said:
I had no idea 98 was considered so dated. I have XP but the only reason I even upgraded is because certain programs "no longer support it".

Other than that 98 was just fine.

A lot of newer hardware simply doesn't work properly with Windows 98. It is dated for this very reason...


Dude, seriously. If you're running any pre Win2000 operating system, odds are that your system can't handle Doom 3 anyway. Nevermind the fact that trying to run 98 on a P4 is a rather fruitless endeavor, it freaks out and usually hangs the system or won't boot at all.


Update your operating system, people! If you have a brand new system and still have Win 98, get XP!

XP PRO kicks the crud out of 98. It's the most stable OS MS has ever released.


There's no reason to keep on running Win 98 on a decent machine (barring you're too cheap to spend 70 dollars on XP). None. If you can afford Doom 3, you can afford to upgrade XP.


I know some people who are still running MS-DOS, why isn't there a version for them!?!?! This is an outrage!!!



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Link316 said:
yup just a PII 450MHz, came with 98 but removed it cause I don't want IE

How about not using IE? Were you trying to make a statement against Microsoft or something? I run WinXP and use Firefox as my web browser. The entire OS is built around an IE-like interface...and it works beautifully. I don't understand the complaint...

You can use Win98 with any browser you choose and can even configure the windows themselves to act like 95.


problem is IE and all its security holes and backdoors are still integrated with Win98 even if you choose not to use it, I've haven't had to deal with a single one of any of these stupid viruses

I must admit though that its getting harder and harder to find apps that still support 95, and for the record I use Opera :)
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