Welcome back to reality, Lotto-GAF. Better luck next time (for real).
My powerball was 13. Do I get anything?
I got 2 numbers on one ticket :/
Watch, the winner will be...
Martin Shkreli
Damn, I really thought this was going to be my time. Now let us all pray that no one won.
I hope someone won.
Gonna be pissed when the winning ticket was sold at the Harris-Teeter grocery store in Ghent, Norfolk, Virginia. I was in the right place, but it must've been the wrong time...
Welp, I won!
I only matched the powerball. Does that get me anything?
I'll be pissed if one was sold at the 7-11 off Colley Ave in Norfolk.
Given the amount of tickets that have been purchased, I imagine at least a few people have won
Just imagine that for a second - there is probably someone in this country right now that just won hundreds of millions of dollars...and is probably celebrating like crazy.
Dude same here! LolI got 16 and 57 on two separate tickets. Woo
I'll be pissed if one was sold at the 7-11 off Colley Ave in Norfolk.
I'll be pissed if one was sold anywhere.
Oh shit, you're right near me? Which one on Colley, near 21st Street?
I believe the stats I saw estimated that there was about a 77% chance that someone would win tonight. Pretty good odds, but still a 23% chance that nobody won.
Congrats, dude.
Thanks, I'm already imagining all the ways I can spend my four dollars!
Thanks, I'm already imagining all the ways I can spend my four dollars!
Even though I've gone through 21000 drawings in my 200 year simulation, and never made more than $100. I realllllly thought I had this in the bag.
Next time!
I hate how hitting the powerball and hitting a number with the powerball gives you the same prize.