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Nolan comments on Batman Begins sequel

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Hollywood Square
Sapienshomo said:
Yeah, introduce Talia in part 2.

Have Ra's make a cameo at the end after Batman puts Joker in Arkham.

Then make Part 3 exclusively about Ra's, Talia and Batman.

With a sword fight between Batman and Ra's at the end.

All the whiles developing characters liked harvet dent, and such.

Part 4 will have Deny becoming Two-Face.


Trilogy outline is already done, and there's no need to bring back Ra's so early. I swear, this is why Hollywood kills villains, so fans don't go, "So the sequel should have the Joker and the Riddler!"


Kills Photobucket
Im kind of hoping Talia isn't brought in. SHe wasn't brought in in Begins, it'd seem kind of forced to bring her in now.

Not to mention, they have set up a relationship between Ra's and Wayne that doesn't really need Talia to be brought in in order to continue it.


Hollywood Square
muncheese said:
So what your secretly saying is that Ras is the main charater for the whole trilogy?


Nope. He's not in the trilogy.

DrForester said:
Im kind of hoping Talia isn't brought in. SHe wasn't brought in in Begins, it'd seem kind of forced to bring her in now.

Not to mention, they have set up a relationship between Ra's and Wayne that doesn't really need Talia to be brought in in order to continue it.

Don't rule out Talia and Ra's returning once Nolan's tour of duty is done.
How about this?

Introduce Talia as a possible ongoing love interest in the 2nd or 3rd film, but DON'T name her Talia. Give her an alias (one she's gone by before in the comics, though that may be too obvious for hardcore fans), and a new background. Then at the end of the third film in the trilogy, let the mask drop; have her report on Wayne's dealings as Batman to a shadowy figure who calls her Talia. Shadowy figure reveals himself as Ra's Al Ghul, still played by Liam Neeson; Ra's says, "Well done, my daughter. Now come; the time to act is fast approaching, and we have much to do." Audience says "holy sh*t, he' still alive and she's a spy!"

There. Sanctity of the first trilogy is retained, and the next trilogy has a possible angle already.


Willco said:
Goyer wrote the script, but Nolan went through and heavily re-wrote stuff. Especially in Act III.

I think the initial Goyer concept was fantastic, and I was extremely enthusiastic about them filming Batman Begins based off his script. The edits and changes Nolan made however, made it a much better film.

That's pretty interesting. Could you point out some of Nolan's changes?


Robin rules. If you think Burt Ward or Chris O Donnel when you think of Robin, you may as well think of George Clooney when you think of Batman. Batmans family is a part of what makes him so interesting.He can't walk around as a loner badass forever. I'd actually be surprised if the focus is on him in the next film like it was in the first. There isn't much more there to learn.


not an idiot
Willco said:
You don't know if he loses his mother and he has absolutely nothing to do with Robin.
Well, correct. But he said that he couldn't find his mom, this after they let all the criminals out in the narrows and had all the crazy gas stuff released. An easy opening to have his mom murdered if they wanted.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Willco said:
Goyer wrote the script, but Nolan went through and heavily re-wrote stuff. Especially in Act III.

I think the initial Goyer concept was fantastic, and I was extremely enthusiastic about them filming Batman Begins based off his script. The edits and changes Nolan made however, made it a much better film.

what were some of the major changes?
Well for one, in the script Bruce actually tells Rachel that he'll give up being Batman for her, the one problem I had with the script. I was so happy to see that fixed.
shpankey said:
Well, correct. But he said that he couldn't find his mom, this after they let all the criminals out in the narrows and had all the crazy gas stuff released. An easy opening to have his mom murdered if they wanted.

True, but not of that actually jives with the Dick Grayson backstory, so don't look for that kid to become Robin, if they ever do bring him in.
Yeah, if they ever do Robin, and I pray they don't for at least 2 more pictures, they should keep his basic origin intact.(Circus boy, murdered parents by extortionist, accidental discovery of bat-cave, ect.)

J2 Cool

Awesome news! I agree with more Oldman too :) He really seemed to become a full fledged partner towards the end, and I'd like to see him continue to be a strong/busy character as well. I love you Nolan.


Is the Freeze character ruined forever?



dabbled in the jelly
God I hate Villian Team-ups ESPECIALLY in Batman movies. It totally distracts from the complex characters within each of their psyche that Batman loves to unfold. Introductions to main villians should be solo dammit just like the comic book then MAYBE after we've gotten to know the characters team his ass up with someone who will inherntly be their downfalls.


I know, it SORTA worked in Returns and then suddenly every Batman movie needed two villians. B&R had 3.

Begins also had two villains but they didn't step on each other's toes like in the other movies.


levious said:
what were some of the major changes?

Well when Rachel first meets Batman, it's in her apartment bedroom not on the monorail platform. The dialogue for that scene is slightly different too as well as the scene with Bruce and Alfred in the plane talking about the "symbol". The final battle was also on top of the train not inside, obviously changed because of Spider-Man 2. The warehouse changed alot too as originally it was Judge Phelan in the limo with 2 prostitutes, one of them Selina Kyle, and the scene happened like this:
The Driver picks his ear. The partition is closed. The Driver examines his finger...

WHAM!!! A BLACK SHAPE LANDS ON THE HOOD-the Driver's eyes go wide as-SMASH!!!-
IN THE BACK: Phelan sits BOLT UPRIGHT. The girls look around, ALARMED.
Crouched like a dark animal on the hood-the Girls SCREAM.
The Homeless Man looks up from his brazier, curious. He sees a dark shape on the hood of a limo, a LONG BLACK CLOAK
BILLOWING out behind it... screams echo through the alley...

Phelan scrambles back in his seat, whimpering...

BATMAN You have eaten well... As Gotham has starved.

Batman's eyes stare out of the black cowl at Phelan.

BATMAN (CONT'D): This changes tonight.

Batman SHOOTS UP OFF the hood, banging onto the roof.

The Homeless Man STARES OPEN-MOUTHED at Batman standing, ICONIC, on the roof of the limo, cloak billowing... Batman turns his head towards the Homeless Man-

BATMAN: Nice coat.

-and FLIES UP from the limo, DISAPPEARING into the shadows high above...

The Homeless Man looks down at his coat, then back up to the shadows...

HOMELESS MAN:.....Thanks.

There's also other little bits here and there changed but nothing too drastic. The script was written by both Nolan and Goyer as Nolan was onboard the project before Goyer was even mentioned and it was Nolan's idea to approach Goyer in the first place who turned the job down several times due to Blade Trinity but in the end agreed.


dabbled in the jelly
That scene sounds awsome that way except for the "Nice Coat". I cringed when he said that in hopes that they would keep those to a minimal. Batman DOES NOT joke like that in costume EVER! Unless enduced by Jokers laughing gas ofcourse.


Online Ho Champ
They should have one batman movie with the original robin and then one with him moving on as nightwing...just keep the robin that joker killed out of the movies totally...he's dead cause everyone hated em anyway.
keep Robin out. I can't imagine this Batman that has been established in Begins taking on some little kid to help him fight crime, and certainly if he's trying to pass the Bruce Wayne persona as a cocky, billionaire ladies man, why would he adopt a kid? It just wouldnt fit with the series imo. I agree with Nolan that it wouldn't be right until way further down the line, when Bruce/Batman is in his late 40s/50s.


DonasaurusRex said:
They should have one batman movie with the original robin and then one with him moving on as nightwing...just keep the robin that joker killed out of the movies totally...he's dead cause everyone hated em anyway.

Well if Sony wants to do 3 Spidey trilogies, Warner could do the same and have each trilogy separated by a number of years.

Have the 2nd trilogy set farther in the future and bring in both Grayson and Barbara Gordon and end the trilogy with The Killing Joke with Joker shooting Barbara and creating Oracle.

Then they could do a 3rd trilogy based on Knightfall (WITHOUT AZ-BAT) with Nightwing, Oracle, and the Tim Drake Robin.


Chili Con Carnage!
Anyone have any theories on how the Joker is going to work in Nolans 'realistic' gotham setting?

Sure the laughter will fit right in but how are his crimes gonna work without filling rooms with laughing gas and all that cheesy crap he normally does.

Escape Goat

Maybe Joker is insane serial killer who takes perverse pleasure in duping his victims. Perhaps in a Saw like manner in which the victim can escape or die by their own decisions - if they're smart enough.
question: Has anybody asked Liam Neeson if he liked playing mentors cause he's three for three now: Episode 1, Kingdom of Heaven and now Batman begins...

Sure all of em are different in some ways, but I couldn't help thinking of Qui-Gon Jinn when Liam said: "Always mind your surroundings"
Ghost said:
Anyone have any theories on how the Joker is going to work in Nolans 'realistic' gotham setting?

Sure the laughter will fit right in but how are his crimes gonna work without filling rooms with laughing gas and all that cheesy crap he normally does.
A good place to start:


I should've picked this up when I had the chance... but that $6.95 cover price scared me off. :(


Ghost said:
Anyone have any theories on how the Joker is going to work in Nolans 'realistic' gotham setting?

Sure the laughter will fit right in but how are his crimes gonna work without filling rooms with laughing gas and all that cheesy crap he normally does.

Hopefully he's the same as he always is.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
The warehouse changed alot too as originally it was Judge Phelan in the limo with 2 prostitutes, one of them Selina Kyle, and the scene happened like this:

HEH same name as the judge from The Wire,
Jeez, whats stopping them from using the voice of the guy who played the Joker in the animated series?

Shaheed79 said:
That scene sounds awsome that way except for the "Nice Coat". I cringed when he said that in hopes that they would keep those to a minimal. Batman DOES NOT joke like that in costume EVER! Unless enduced by Jokers laughing gas ofcourse.

WTF he laughed in the animated series, remember the Joker's favor?


norinrad21 said:
Jeez, whats stopping them from using the voice of the guy who played the Joker in the animated series?

WTF he laughed in the animated series, remember the Joker's favor?

a voice actor is not the same as a live actor my friend


kIdMuScLe said:
thank god Nolan changed parts of the script cuz what i've been told goyer luvs to put stupid crap on screen.

Yea, Goyer sure likes to assfuck people with his shitty scripts.

The changes were minor to the overall story. The main narrative of the movie was the same, he just changed how certain scenes played from the first draft.


Hollywood Square
Nolan added dialogue too, and they stuff he did, I thought worked out well. There were also some lines Goyer wrote that Nolan took out, and that worked great.

But in ACT III, the final fight is on top of the train, Gordon wasn't helping in the Batmobile or anything and the way the whole gas explosion bit played out was a lot different. Nolan did a great job editing the script.


not an idiot
Not just Nolan I would imagine. Remember, actors are known for ad libing and adding their own spins and dialog to a character. Here and there they like to ad themselves to the part. I doubt Nolan made all the changes.


Hollywood Square
shpankey said:
Not just Nolan I would imagine. Remember, actors are known for ad libing and adding their own spins and dialog to a character. Here and there they like to ad themselves to the part. I doubt Nolan made all the changes.

Nolan definitely made all of the scene changes, and the fact that he is credited with writing the screenplay with Goyer insinuates that he made most, if not all, the dialogue changes. I'm not talking about one or two lines. There are quite a bunch of lines that are obviously written beforehand.

J2 Cool

I don't think we have to worry about the villains teaming up. They handled it perfectly in Batman Begins. There was Falcone, Scarecrow, Ra's. They each existed with their own purposes and methods. It worked great, and I don't think anyone should be parading against more than one villain in the next one. Gotham is crime ridden, it would be stupid to think each villain's gonna line up and be created at a time that's fitting for Batman's schedule. So whatever they do, I'm sure it'll be great. I feel like it's safe in Nolan's hands. I am interested in some things though. Like the Joker's casting and performance, there's a lot of ways you could go with that and I think there's room to create someone unseen before, that can be incredible to watch on screen and definitive. That's the potential. He's raised the stakes so high with Begins, the real challenge is not making something great, because I think he will, but something that will blow us away as much as Batman Begins.

About Robin, I haven't seen him done well and I don't really care to see him. Let it rest now, I don't see him appearing at least until the 4th one. There is a story set out for the next 2. We're not going to jump ahead years and years. Not when you have so much story to tell. I personally hope they just get the next tale done right and take it from there. You don't know how long you can string it until it goes bad after all. Why get to Robin now? I don't have that itch anyway. Also, I really don't expect Ra's to return in either of the next two. Again, not with so much story to tell. It was nice what they did with him. Just fantastic. But he really is a relatively smaller character on Batman as a whole. And as Nolan said, Batman Begins had to and did stand on it's own. It was never meant as the meat and lining of the whole new trilogy. It was just an interpretation of Batman's beginnings. And really, they did so much right with Ra's, there is no reason to go back. All threads were tied in that story. There's a lot more pressing stories and adventures for Batman in saving Gotham now.


CrunchyB said:
For what it's worth, U2's musical contribution to the movie kicked ass.

:lol Indeed...I loved the Seal song as well, though some people give me a hard time for that.

Shaheed79 said:
God I hate Villian Team-ups ESPECIALLY in Batman movies. It totally distracts from the complex characters within each of their psyche that Batman loves to unfold. Introductions to main villians should be solo dammit just like the comic book then MAYBE after we've gotten to know the characters team his ass up with someone who will inherntly be their downfalls.

Agreed. Having said that, there was no real teamup with Ra's and Scarecrow. I mean you never saw them in the same scene, chatting over a beer. I liked that distance was kept between them, enabling Scarecrow and Falcone to keep their own space.

Two villians in a movie doesn't mean a teamup. Like J2 said, Gotham's riddled with crime...it's pretty conceivable that the Bat would be battling several pretty mean thugs at once, or one after the other.

Ra doesn't need to return...he's a great character, but I don't see the point in bringing him back when there are so many other villians to explore.

As for Robin, the animated series (again) handled that character about as well as possible. No one can tell me that Grayson in that series was a dud. But that doesn't mean he needs to appear either...all things being equal, I'd rather not see a Robin. But it doesn't mean he couldn't be done well.
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