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North Carolina to begin enforcing posted Speed Limits

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I would be all for removing the vagueness of the "buffer zone" if they raised the speed limit to something reasonable.


Most speedometer aren't exactly accurate. Still I just make sure there is someone going faster than me. Two speeders one cop they'll pull over the faster one.

While they radio in your plate # to the cop waiting on the side of the road a few miles down.


Damn, that sucks.

Highway speed limits are largely ignored, if it's packed you'll get no where near that, and when it's moving along fine you're holding people back going 60mph.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I was under the impression that the buffer zone was because speed measurements are inherently inaccurate so you wouldn't be able to prove in court if someone was going e.g. 2 mph over the speed limit anyway

so what's stopping people from receiving the ticket, contesting it and it just gets thrown out because the measuring instrument is 10% variable?
I would be all for removing the vagueness of the "buffer zone" if they raised the speed limit to something reasonable.
?? Highway speeds are already ridiculous and above decent percentage chances of survival.

I see this is a thread where no one knows people who've died on the roads for no good reason.
I think paying attention to a speed limit and making you are at all times maintaining the exact speed limit is extremely distracting.

We curve, go up hills, down hills, switch lanes, etc. Traffic is often stop and go.
Constantly checking my odometer is awful.


Same. I've got no problem driving the speed limit. No clue what everyone else is in such a rush for all the time.

It's a psychological thing for sure. I don't feel like I'm moving going the speed limit. And I find drivers doing the limit to be frustrating to be behind. Never understood what made my granny so mad about people doing the limit till I started driving. It feels like my momentum is being sapped, despite me knowing full well an extra 5-10mph makes little difference in the grand scheme of things.
Feel bad for the NC residents that aren't going to hear this news until its too late. They're gonna make BANK the week they roll this out.


Neo Member
In Indiana I go 70-80 in 60 or 55 MPH zones on the highway and the cops go faster than me most of the time. But I'm weirdly okay with the law, it bugs me that people almost never do the speed limit with no consequence at all. Not that I'd be thrilled to be pulled over but it's the principle of it
I think I remember the police here in AZ saying there were going to do that on the 101 freeway. They did it for like a weekend, and that was it, and people still go 10+ over.
I remember when I lived in Atlanta, some dudes tested what would happen by driving 55 across all lanes on 75 in the city.

If they start enforcing these stupid ass low speed limits then they need to pull people over for cruising in the left lane as well.

Texas seemingly the most progressive state on speed limits.
?? Highway speeds are already ridiculous and above decent percentage chances of survival.

I see this is a thread where no one knows people who've died on the roads for no good reason.

Highway average speeds (it's 65 here) are dangerous and unsafe because they aren't high enough to compensate for traffic density.

Speed limits are long proven to be ineffective at best.
I drive the speed limit, but think nothing of going over it if I'm coasting downhill and momentum speeds me up above it.

At least my car has regenerative breaks, so I'm not wearing down the break pads to prevent that from happening if they started camping out at the bottom of any hills I roll down.

Highway average speeds (it's 65 here) are dangerous and unsafe because they aren't high enough to compensate for traffic density.

Speed limits are long proven to be ineffective at best.

Uhm, the faster you're going the *more* space you need to leave between you and the car in front. IE, the less cars on that road before it reaches capacity. I don't see how increasing the speed limit would compensate for traffic density at all.


I am pro i-77 toll lanes, but i moved here from jersey so i'm used paying to go fast.

$10 each way

Not to mention that adjacent roads can't expand or renovate for 50 years, which is against the NC State Constitution since it takes their control away to maintain said roads. Oh, and the company building said toll lanes just went bankrupt in Texas and has committed fraud in several states and countries doing this shit.


Is North Carolina hurting for money?

they have a habit of rejecting Federal funding if it comes with any strings attached that they don't like. I believe they were one of the states that rejected funding because it would go to Obamacare, so they (don't)pay for their own (lack) of a healthcare system.
So, how do you explain Germany having fewer car crash fatalities than America?

More stringent driving tests.

The test here in MA at least is an utter joke compared to the one I had to pass in the UK. It was less than ten minutes long and involved 4 rights turns, 2 left turns and a turn in the road. That was the whole test.


All I know is up here just north of the NC border in Hampton Roads you either have people driving 65-75(or faster) in the 55mph zone on the freeway(including people driving vehicles such as semi trucks and school buses!), or you have people driving 45-50, usually those in Priuses or minivans or SUVs like 4Runners.


they have a habit of rejecting Federal funding if it comes with any strings attached that they don't like. I believe they were one of the states that rejected funding because it would go to Obamacare, so they (don't)pay for their own (lack) of a healthcare system.
Well guess if I can help it I won't drive through North Carolina because of that. Thanks Obama!


Enforce it on everyone who breaks the law, just have a string of police cars constantly pulling people over. It helps show how bullshit speed limits currently are. Most people ignore this, I'm glad it'll be brought to the public's eye.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face

I find a big ass number on a sign in black and white posted every 3 blocks or so and labeled as a "Speed Limit" to be one of the most simple and easy to understand concepts on the planet.

I mean that with every fiber of my being. I have zero issues driving the speed limit, and for the life of me cannot figure out why looking at said signs that read 60 would make a person immediately think that 'what they really meant was 69!'.

1) On the highway it is not a safety issue
2) People like getting where they're going faster
3) When going 5-10 over the limit is the norm, going the posted speed limit can actually be more dangerous.

Again, on the highway at least, the speed limits are typically based on several decades old ideas of what a safe speed limit is which does not apply to today's vehicles. Justifying a law with "it's the law" doesn't work.

People acting like hitting the speed limit and then turning on cruise control is a challenge.
LOL. Not everyone's commute is a nice stretch of open road. You can't just rely on cruise control. Plus not all cars have it.

?? Highway speeds are already ridiculous and above decent percentage chances of survival.

I see this is a thread where no one knows people who've died on the roads for no good reason.
How many people have you known who have died at the hands of someone driving with the flow of traffic 5-10mph over the limit? Don't be ridiculous. This is not dangerous driving. Weaving in and out of traffic at 30 over the limit, texting while driving, driving drunk, etc, is what kills people. Unless you have data to show that 65mph is safe while 75mph is dangerous....
A link to this thread should be posted in the threads where everyone flips out about law-breaking bike riders who should "follow the rules of the road like the rest of us."
$10 each way

Not to mention that adjacent roads can't expand or renovate for 50 years, which is against the NC State Constitution since it takes their control away to maintain said roads. Oh, and the company building said toll lanes just went bankrupt in Texas and has committed fraud in several states and countries doing this shit.

Thats this backwards state's fault. I sit in traffic on rt 150 everyday and if i take i77 during rush hour i sit in traffic because people like to slow down to gwak at lake norman.
LOL. Not everyone's commute is a nice stretch of open road. You can't just rely on cruise control. Plus not all cars have it.

My piece of garbage 1991 Cherokee that struggled to even hit highway speed limits (70-75 here) had it so I'm going to say it's safe to assume the vast majority have cruise control. And in busy highway traffic I manage to use cruise control without a hitch, even if that means on occasion setting it 5 under the limit to tail the person ahead.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I'm down for you explaining how having comparatively bad crash fatality statistics means we should be going faster.

Kinda reminds me of an old Bloom County comic:

How many people have you known who have died at the hands of someone driving with the flow of traffic 5-10mph over the limit? Don't be ridiculous. This is not dangerous driving. Weaving in and out of traffic at 30 over the limit, texting while driving, driving drunk, etc, is what kills people. Unless you have data to show that 65mph is safe while 75mph is dangerous....

There's plenty of data. The second link is interesting though, because it points out going from 65 to 75 didn't move the total number of crashes up in the same proportion as 55 to 65, likely because people are more hyper-aware of their driving.


Thats this backwards state's fault. I sit in traffic on rt 150 everyday and if i take i77 during rush hour i sit in traffic because people like to slow down to gwak at lake norman.

It would've gotten better if they just widened the road like people in the area wanted them to. But they opted for the toll roads instead, which not many are going to spring $10 each way for. Why? Because it's an absurd amount of money. And when it doesn't make the revenue they project it to, the people in the area are going to be fitting the bill for their corrupt bullshit.
It would've gotten better if they just widened the road like people in the area wanted them to. But they opted for the toll roads instead, which not many are going to spring $10 each way for. Why? Because it's an absurd amount of money. And when it doesn't make the revenue they project it to, the people in the area are going to be fitting the bill for their corrupt bullshit.
Widening the roads doesn't do jack shit. It also makes the roads along the popular exits even worse, and then what, are you going to widen those too?

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